Friday, March 30, 2012

Assassin Stickies Input Thread

[:1]Hi guys.

Elly's asked me to tidy the Assassin Stickies a bit.

I was thinking of just unstickying the really old stuff (anything out of date), trying to fix any broken links (especially to the strategy compendium) and also maybe making one sticky which links to builds rather than stickying the builds themselves.

Any comments/input would be appreciated before I go a-pruning.

PM or post here, either works. Thank you. |||*Squeee*

I'll think about this since I gotta run, but can I get back to you on this? I've wanted a re-vamp for a while (Aman didn't respond, and I don't see his name in the mod slot any more o.O).|||it's not a sticky, but i think the Blade Fury Analysis should be in the guides sticky. other than that, can the stuck threads just be included in the guides sticky?|||From all of the class forum guide stickies the layout I like the most is the druid one:

I'll write some trivial and some obvious points:

  • PvM and PvP guides should be easy to tell apart, sin guide sticky is fairly good at this already but sorting the guides is one of the first steps I'd take to make it better.

  • Consistent line layout really helps readability, the paladin guide sticky is my worst nightmare when it comes to this one ...

  • Seeing which patch the guides where written for is a good way of showing which guides are outdated/updated. Possible second sorting criteria after pvp/pvm.

  • Fancy builds names are fun, but for a guide sticky it helps to directly see what the main skills of each build are.

  • Having spaces between the links does in my opinion not help the readability (example: barbarian)

  • Too much introduction info can be a bad thing, the guide should after all act as an index foremost. Thus if there's a lot of extra notes that need to be mentioned, then please put it beneath the guide list so we don't have to scroll down past it to find the guides.

I hope this will be of some use, but I'm sure most of it, if not all, was already bloody obvious ... sorry about that. |||The druid's one is very nice. indeed.

Here's what I say should be stickied. It follows the Druid's, which I like due to how concise it is. Anyway, no particular order:

1) IAS Tables

2) 1.10 F.A.Q. (updated to 1.13 when new info is edited in)

3) Builds/Guides

2 and 3 could probably be grouped in the "general and guide" section like the Druids do. A one-stop-shop deal would probably work best.

#1 is straight forward and requires next to no editing. For convenience, I use Xepolite's calculator, which is interactive with gear. Link contains bad words, but given target crowd, not sure how much that matters. >>

#2 needs a lot of work. For reference: the Strategy Compendium's Facts and Formulae.

Before I lose them, the following should be linked or mentioned:

What to look for in Fools claw - by HappyAssassin

Shuko-jutsu: The Art of the Claw

C/C Attack Speed Basics

Kicking Basics

onderduiker Re: Question on facets and assassin charge-up skills

Assassin Forum Item Fund

Some just needs to be updated:


The real challenge in reaching maximum WW speed is with your off-hand claw, assuming you aren�t making another �Chaos� for your off-hand claw. The most popular option for an off-hand claw for WW Assassins is a �Fury� Scissors Suwayyah or Suwayyah(for the same reason stated in the first paragraph, it�s better to use Suwayyahs instead of Feral Claws/Runic Talons when making �Fury�, as �Fury� has an innate 40% IAS, which would set you well above the WW speed cap). Bartucs and War Fists(with at least 30% IAS), Scissors Suwayyahs/Suwayyahs(with at least 20% IAS) are just some of the other claws that are able to reach the maximum WW speed.

Never ever time infinity ever dual wield Suwayyah. WW speed is not a valid reason to use another Suwayyah. You sacrifice ~2 frames from traps for no change in WW.

If Suwayyah are to be used, they are WSM bugged with Runics or Ferals. This entire paragraph isn't really needed since there's no trouble in keeping WW speed with the off-hand. The only swap that's abnormal and might miss it is a Jade Talon, but you have a Chaos Runic anyway to keep strap speed and ability to WW. I'd snip this part completely.


Q: What mods work on the Blade skills and Kicks?

A: For Kicks (main claw only: i.e. the claw you equip first or the one that's left behind if you unequip one. Shields transfer their effects normally)

What Works

- Life/Mana after kill

- Weapon Range

- +AR (except on your weapon)

- +% AR (from any piece of equipment)

- MF and Gold find

Not very detailed.

From JRichard's list:

Effects and the kick skills

The following effects are carried by the kicking skills:

* Life Leech

* Mana Leech

* Elemental Damage

* Magical Damage

* Chance to cast X on striking

* Crushing Blow

* Open Wounds

* Prevent Monster Heal

* Ignore Target Defense

* Hit Blinds Target

* Hit Causes Monster to Flee

* Hit Freezes target

* Hit Slows Target


- Deadly Strike

- ED% to Demons (presumably Undead as well)

Those are commonly asked, and should be reflected.

For blades from Blade Fury Analysis:

What works

* Physical/Weapon Damage (3/4 or 3/8)

* Elemental Damage (3/4 or 3/8)

* Deadly Strike

* Crushing Blow

* Open Wounds

* Knockback

* Prevent Monster Heal

* Ignore Target Defense

* Life and Mana Leech

* Chance to cast on Striking

* Hit Freezes Target

* Hit Blinds Target

* Hit Slows Target

* Hit Causes Monster to Flee

What doesn't work

* Faster Cast Rate

* Increased Attack Speed

* Chance to cast on Attacking

* Pierce Target

The 1.10 FAQ doesn't even mention blades there.

Naturally, updated to say 1.13 to show it's still recent, and to-date. Some of the questions aren't bolded, which may have just been accidentally skipped. It helps to keep track and make them stand out, so it's probably best if they all are bolded.

#3 Personal list:


WW/Trapper Hybrid Guide v1.2 (For sticky)

WW Ghost Assassin Guide V2.0

LS Trapper Assassin Guide v1.0

WizAdept's Kicker outline

The PvP Fastcast WW/Kick/Stun Assassin - by Speederl�nder (Part 1 of 8)

Those are, IMO, the top guides in the main Assassin archetypes.


Blade Fury Analysis

Ilkori's Kick / Trap Guide

The Aggressin:

Dragon Claw / Death Sentry Assassin Build Guide

The PvM Untwinked Lightning Trapper - by jrichard <---His site since the compendium link is broken. It's still untwinked though.

Sara's Rift-a-Sin PVM

The Warrior-Monk, and Uber-Tristram Assassin Build - Guide v. 1.1 <----contemplating a re-write. The OP is out-dated, but that's up to you guys if you'd like that or not. Further in the guide, it gets good info, but it isn't reflected in the first one, and gets skipped (FAQs).

Matriach Xenja - Natalya's Set Phoenix Strike Assassin

Thoughts?|||I would drop the IAS table sticky. It's a mess and for example the "elemental charge up"/DC table is wrong and only corrected on the second page.

Just provide a link to Titanseal's calc with an honorary link to for indepth info.|||Hi Thy,

Very unusual to see you around these parts Nice to see that someone has thought about a clean up, thanks for helping out.

My Assassin links:


PvP WW Ghost Guide by TienJe

PvP Trapper Guide by TienJe

PvP WW Trap Hybrid by Happy_Assassin

PvP Kicksin Guide by wizAdept

PvP Fastcast WW/Kick/Stun Assassin by Speederl�nder

The Warrior Monk by JanusJones

Another 1.11 Kicker and K/T Guide by ilkori

The Aggressin - DC/DS Assassin Build Guide by maxicek

Shuko-Jutsu - The Art Of The Claw by maxicek

Dragon Flight by JRichard

Bow / Kick / Fire Trapper discussion

Blade Fury Analysis by Ceramic Weasel

The IAS tables thread is a mess, with several errors in the charts on the first page. I PMed Aman a few years back on it but, as with Sass, no response. I will volunteer to re-write and re-post the information, although it may take a couple of weeks. I still find tables more useful that TitanSeal's calc in some instances.

Personally I like the build guide section Hrus did in the SPF. I can probably help out with this too.

What really needs a major re-write is the General Assassin FAQ.


I would drop the IAS table sticky. It's a mess and for example the "elemental charge up"/DC table is wrong and only corrected on the second page.

Just provide a link to Titanseal's calc with an honorary link to for indepth info.

The intro can be trimmed, the tables edited with the later pages' info.

What are your opinions on having one guide topic that lists the FAQ and references? If IAS is unstickied, there would be good.|||Thanks to all who have responded so far. Some really nice, indepth feedback too; fantastic, thank you. Keep it coming!


I hope this will be of some use, but I'm sure most of it, if not all, was already bloody obvious ... sorry about that.

I'd rather have bloody obvious input than nothing. I don't want to just do what I think is right then have PMs/posts along the lines of "HIGHLIGHT you used HIGHLIGHT in the Assassin stickies /emfacepalm" or something similar.

stephan and sass you both posted calc links; are they both accurate? There seems to be some debate over the usefulness of the IAS tables too. If there is a correct post, how about just reposting that post and linking that in?

maxicek - My first char was an assassin; it's what got me hooked into D2. With the Strategy Compendium moving to the wiki there is a fair bit of reworking going on with build guides (I'm aware that Hrus Build Guide in the SPF needs updating too). I'm wondering how much crossover there is; if some of those guides would be useful in the Assassin Build Sticky and with the increased rune drops of 1.13 how many Assassin Build guides could be added to Hrus'.


What are your opinions on having one guide topic that lists the FAQ and references? If IAS is unstickied, there would be good.

Personally I prefer no more than four Stickies. (I admit that I once told Aman I was going to Sticky his entire front page of the Assassin forum. )

Before you started giving feedback I was thinking

Sticky 1: FAQ

- links to kicking basics, ias tables, calculators a bit like this

Sticky 2: Build Guides a bit like this

I have no clue whether the members want to keep the Assassin Item fund Stickied. Any thoughts apart from "gieb"?

This is going to be a fairly major tidy up so please keep the ideas coming and we'll get something which is useful and easily readable by assassins everywhere. |||The one I linked to is accurate, but I haven't tested stranger combos like throwing stuff, spears, wands, etc.

Stephan mentions The Titanseal Calc, which is accurate as far as I know. That one has DTalon, but no DClaw. This one has DClaw, but no DTalon. =/ Grr

The second uses the 125 IAS requirement @ -30 WSM for DClaw, which is consistent with JRichard's correction (which isn't reflected in the OP or his site, both using the 377).

If I knew Java, I'd love to try to combine those two.

@1: I like it. Item fund can be lumped in there. It isn't usually active anyway.

@2: That can be used for the various out dated or obsolete guides. It's too jumbled for a major place to look for a guide, IMO. I do like the idea of keeping them all listed, but have the big ones (k/t, trapper, warrior monk, etc etc) at the very top and very distinctly presented. The rest can be for reference.

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