Saturday, April 21, 2012

PvP dragon claw sin?

Like most melee sin builds the emphasis would be on open wounds and venom damage, not pure physical because the sin MA skills don't run high on that. Skill layout would be as such:

Max Dragon Claw (attack rating and some physical damage)

Max claw mastery (dragon claw damage synergy and more attack rating)

Max Venom (duh)

Probably about 15 points into Weapon Block (picture frenzy barb, but with block)

10 points in Fade (this is your main source of damage reduction and also gives handy resists and reduced curse duration)

1 point in every other shadow skill

1 point in dragon flight and prereqs for utility

1 point in wake of fire for stunlock

Gear depends a lot on whether you want to hit the 5.5 frame breakpoint or the 5 frame (fastest) breakpoint for dragon claw. With two runic talons 5.5 frames is 75% total ias and 5 frames is 125 ias, a big difference, so I'll list the options for both breakpoints:

5.5 frame set-up:

Weapons: Fury runic/greater talons on main hand

Malice, a second fury or a 3 poison facet claw (all runic/greater talons) on your offhand

Helm: Andy's faceted with an ias jewel or you can go with nos for your belt and bloodfists for your gloves and socket your andy's with something else

Armor: Bramble or Enigma if you want the teleport.

Belt: Dungos or Nos, maybe Trang's if you want to use two angelics

Boots: Shadow dancers, preferably +2, or gores for the open wounds

Gloves: Trang's or Bloodfists

Rings/Ammy: I like angelic ammy/angelic ring/ravenfrost, but you might also go metalgrid/raven/raven.

5 frame breakpoint:

Same claws

Andy's must have an ias jewel

Nos belt is a must

20 ias gloves of some kind

Shadow dancers or gores



Or you can go with Treachery and make all of that other gear a lot more flexible because of the 45% ias it provides. But I'd rather not. You also want torch/anni and an inventory full of shadow grand charms and attack rating small charms.

Anywho, like I said it's a bit like a frenzy barb in its use of dual weapons, but unlike frenzy (and the reason frenzy doesn't work pvp) it has a nice (hopefully) 60% block from weapon block while attacking. Input would be nice. Let me know if anyone tries this out.|||Unfortunately, we've yet to determine which is correct, the 125 from the German Calc, or the 377 from the IAS Tables. The numbers I'm using are from the IAS Tables.

In either case, it's BoS you want, not Fade. Faded will make you use too much IAS gear, and it weakens the build.

You'll definitely want Enigma, or you won't be catching much.

The gear focuses too much on IAS. A Fury main claw (or fools quickness, same IAS) + Highlords + IAS Jewel would be enough for a level 10 BoS. At level 16, you don't even need the IAS Jewel.

Gear wise, it really wouldn't be much different than a Ghost, except no Chaos ( depends).

The skill works (ghosts use it all the time), but maxing would basically be like that play style, but with dclaw focus.|||Well, assuming the german calc is correct, I was hoping to use fade because, without stormshield I don't have a whole lot of damage reduction. Though I suppose if I were to use dungo's, a ber'd shako and enigma I'd have a solid 41%. And I'd like to avoid using highlord's so I can use angelics or metalgrid if possible. I don't like to miss.|||Unfortunately, no DR will save you if you fight melee. You'll have to use completely different tactics, because DClaw can't stand up to them.

It will work vs casters, but you don't need DR vs them.

And you really don't want to use angelics. Your FCR (especially if considering dungos), will be low.|||I make most of my builds to fight melee. I'm not a huge caster person, especially using a melee attack to fight casters. It involves so much worming of fast cast into otherwise melee gear, and I'm lazy. So yeah, I was mostly planning on using this to fight melee characters, or to just run after casters and smack them with my claws. Not so much teleing.|||Then that changes the focus entirely.

I've tried a purely melee DClaw sin before, and nothing could stand up to Fury Druids, Conc Barbs and especially a Zealer.

Still, she was physical based, not venom based, though there's not likely to be much of a difference. I was in a pvp realm that wouldn't permit venom on a melee build, but phys definitely doesn't hit hard enough, yet you get hit too hard.

With venom, it'd work if they have almost no res, but I'd be surprised if they didn't comment on venom. They already dislike Grief because of the venom and -res.

But with melee focus, you definitely won't be able to run up to casters to hit them unless this is a public game and they're all near the entrance. Tele just out paces you, and you wouldn't have block.|||Well wielded claw sins have less block than a 75% block character. So im not sure if it would work vs melee too well but caster should not be a problem if you use bos to speed up against sorc's.|||bad skill/item setup.

dclaw works better on a ghost setup. if you want pure dclaw you can max dclaw with less fade/weaponblock. 20 mindblast is still mandatory as on *any* shadow discipline type melee attack character.

fools/chaos or fools/rare would be the claws of choice. not fury/malice lol.

a regular physical damage ghost setup (read tienje's guide for an example) with 1 point dclaw will greatly outperform the gear/skill choices you have listed here.|||I don't see it working so great, maybe agaisnt a caster that's gotten into a stun-lock. WW only works well because it's a mobile attack that makes it harder to run away from once they're in your face and harder for you to attack them in return.

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