Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Best Assassin build for soloing Hell untwinked?

Like the topic states, what is the best Assassin build for soloing Hell with a minimum of awesome gear?

I have never played an Assassin before, but I want to try. I imagine there are already some great guides out there, so if someone could please direct me to one, that would be great. Thank you.|||Kick / trap. With decent gear (low level to mid level), she can clear the game. With some elites, she can clear UT.

Untwinked, you have traps early and melee later to get through anything. Things to look for are death's hand/belt, Blood crescent, angelics, etc. Most low stuff will suffice.|||Exactly the answer I was looking for. Thank you so much.|||Trap sin with duel tucs work effective since you can use mb to stun enemies. I might build a trap sin some day down the road.|||Trap/kick hybrid is the only character I built this ladder season. I was able to solo all of hell very early on. Look for Goblin Toe and up it as needed and Smoke is very useful as is Guilliame's and none of these are difficult to come by. Black is an excellent, cheap runeword for this build. I put it in a 3 socket scourge.

You will do excellent physical damage through kicks and crushing blow, good lightning damage with traps, and additional physical and fire damage with Death Sentry. Kick will net you corpses fast and DS follows that.

I'm finishing up my build as the ladder ends. She's got a Lastwish Phaseblade, Enigma, Shako, Rhyme Heater, upped Trav (mirrored boots are decent damage and I've got 68% CB from Lastwish), and Chanceguard.

I used this character for Magic Find and, although I haven't done ubertrist this ladder; I have built a kicker for ubertrist before and I'm sure she could, given the right alt gear.

Also, I managed to make Infinity for my merc, and, not only does it make light traps that much more effective, the minus monster defense means kicks never miss.

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