Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hardcore Lightning Trapasin

I have enjoyed a Lightning Trapasin on single player all the way up to level 82 now. Sooooo, I decided to make one on hardcore on I am saving myself from some of the mistakes that I made in single player that led to me using up all my respecs(save the one you can theoretically get from the essences that drop from the act bosses). The guide I read off of originally was great, but now having gone through the process one time, I am better prepared as to what to sink my skill pts into. The question is, is there any difference in the build for hardcore than there is for non hardcore. For instance, should I have more pts in Shadow Master and Weapon Block, do I really need to spend pts in Martial Arts for stuff like dragon flight, etc, or is it roughly the same as non hardcore? My char is only level 21 now in hardcore. I am assuming maxing out Lightning Sentry, then Charged Bolt Sentry and then Death Sentry are still the ways to go. I guess what I am looking for is any advice that may be different about this type of sin in hardcore versus non hardcore.|||Well there's definitely a difference. You'll be focusing on mainly using the utility skills like CoS, fade, and MB.

You don't need to invest in a shadow, nor weapon block, but it's good to have a shadow up and at least some + skill gear to help the block. The hard points saved are needed for the trap tree as it is, so save them with the gear.

From the sound of it, this is an untwinked thing, so melee will definitely be a bad choice. Dflight brings you into a mob / right on a monster, so not good in HC unless you can definitely tank. Without good gear, that'd be a no

Basically, you'll want to hang back, keep shadow and merc fighting the monsters and using CoS to blind / MB to stun and convert for safety with DS clearing mobs.

If you use the norm respec, you can stay with the LS, DS and CBS in NM. Once you hit hell, you'll need an immune killer, and FB is an easy, effective choice.|||Yah, not having many choices early on, I sunk a few pts into fire blast until the lightning traps were usable. I put one point in claw mastery and one in cloak of shadows and weapon block, but certainly no more. I have been working on the lightning synergies for the off levels. In one level I will have the 2 skill pts I need to get both Mind Blast and Lightning Sentry. Oh, obviously I already have Fade . The real difference will be less pts in claw mastery and shadow master then, basically. This provides for more points to sink into the lightning synergies. In single player, I only had one in shock web trap, but here I placed a few more than that, when it didnt' interfere with other necessary spells. It is amazing how much simpler the character is to make when making it the 2nd time, even if you are working off a guide the first time lol.

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