Saturday, April 21, 2012

2 Claw Versus 1 Claw/Shield Setups

I've recently decided to start my first ever martial arts assassin. I started out by reading many of the guides posted here. I particualrly like the Immobilizer guide, which features as a primary attack Blades of Ice, with Dragon Tail as the finisher. (I'm ignoring for the moment that I don't have the +16 to the martial arts tree as the guide's author had.)

I realize that I need some general education on some of the nuances with playing an assassin.

One thing I noticed with most Martial Artist guides (including the Immobilizer)is that they recommend going C/C as opposed to C/S. My simple question is why? IIRC, only the main weapon is used for the charge up attack, and since the finisher is a kick, the offhand weapon wouldn't come into play there either. Since you wouldn't be using the second weapon at all, is the second weapon there simply to add additional +skills to your main attack?

I suppose a more general quesiton would be, if you're using a 1-claw type attack, and using a kick as a finisher, what are the pros of going C/C as opposed to C/S?|||When you're doing the elemental chargeups, if you have 2 claws, it will do 2 attacks, one with each claw, so you end up with 2 charges after one attack. IIRC, the 2 attacks max out at 10 frames (for both) and for one claw it maxes out at 7 frames, so with c/c you can get 4 hits (fully charged even if you miss once) in 20 frames vs. 3 hits in 21 frames (fully charged if you don't miss).

Also, +16 skills isn't that incredible for an MA sin. You can get 2x

+3 MA claws, +3 MA gloves, a +3 MA circlet, and a +2 sin ammy by shopping and/or gambling, which gives +14.|||Also, some things from the second claw DO get calculated in, like +stats, +skills, +resists,... If you look at a Bartucs or the other unique claws, you'll notice they have more mods that do get factored than any shield in the game can offer you, for less str/dex (no need to pump dex for max block).

The author of the immobilizer guide depended on the +skills for extra tiger strike charges, that up your physical damage (and thus your kick and fire splash). It's not really necessary, but faster if you want to run bosses. So don't worry about it too much. There are also other things that add to kick damage, that don't need charges. Off-weapon %ED gets factored in, strenght gets factored in TWICE (once for boot damage, once for the %ED str gives any char), dex is also in the boot dmg equasion...|||Quote:

When you're doing the elemental chargeups, if you have 2 claws, it will do 2 attacks, one with each claw, so you end up with 2 charges after one attack. IIRC, the 2 attacks max out at 10 frames (for both) and for one claw it maxes out at 7 frames, so with c/c you can get 4 hits (fully charged even if you miss once) in 20 frames vs. 3 hits in 21 frames (fully charged if you don't miss).



Also, some things from the second claw DO get calculated in, like +stats, +skills, +resists,... If you look at a Bartucs or the other unique claws, you'll notice they have more mods that do get factored than any shield in the game can offer you, for less str/dex (no need to pump dex for max block).

Ahhh... Well that settles it then - two claws it is. I especially like the part about being able to miss once and still get fully charged after two attacks.


Also, +16 skills isn't that incredible for an MA sin. You can get 2x +3 MA claws, +3 MA gloves, a +3 MA circlet, and a +2 sin ammy by shopping and/or gambling, which gives +14.



The author of the immobilizer guide depended on the +skills for extra tiger strike charges, that up your physical damage (and thus your kick and fire splash). It's not really necessary, but faster if you want to run bosses. So don't worry about it too much.

I had assumed that the author's intent of mentioning +16 to his martial arts tree was because he considered ideal, but not mandatory - especially if you have no intention of doing hell in /players8 solo.

Most of the gear I have accumulated up to this point gives +all assassin skills. For example, I have two rare claws (one battle cestus and one runic talon), each with +2 to all assassin skills, (including one with a decent amount of elemental damage). I also have a rare coronet with +2 all skills, +20 res all, and +16 life (hey, better than no life), a +1 all skills amulet, and a choice of several unique armors that can give me another +1 to all skills (or I can make Treachery - which would probably even be better). I do have Gore Riders, which seems pretty much mandatory for any assassin who plans on kicking, but sadly I don't have any suitable gloves (at least not yet).

My thinking was if I was loaded up with a bunch of +all skills, I'd have a decent level in the Shadow Discipline tree, even if I only devote a single hard point to each one. (Actually, if I use Treachery, I can save a couple of points and not invet in Venom or Fade at all. (Well, a point in Fade may not be a bad idea - a 5% chance when struck is not exactly fantastic odds, but a 25% chance to cast Venom on striking seems more than sufficient to get it to activate again before the timer expires.)|||Treachery isn't that good, because you'll need BoS to get that fast charge-up speed. The ctc fade will overwrite your BoS. Spirit shroud can be nice for the CBF on top of the +skill, but ideally you'll want some resists here, some ED or both.

- CoH rw (+2 skills, 200/100 %ED vs demons/undead, +str for damage, resists): The nr1 armour for the job

- Fortitude: (300% ED, high defence % and frozen armour, resists): close second due to no +skills

- gloom/lionheart (resists, +str for damage): cheaper options|||Thanks for the help - I'm new to this class.

I figured Spirit Shroud would be my early level armor, although I figured I'd graduate into Skins of the Vampermagi later on. I could socket that with a +15% resist all jewel if I want to boost the resists further.

Chains and Fortitude are both out of my price range. I'm pretty sure I can make Stone, Lionheart, Gloom, and Duress (barely on the last two), if it's resists I'm after. I don't have Duriel's Shell, but I could probably get one rather easily.

I actually DO have an Arkaine's Valor, but with a level requirement of 85, I need something before that.|||don't forget smoke. Cheap, and the best resists aside from the higher level runewords. def is low, but the +def for missiles helps out a ton. and the weaken charges really come in handy. I use smoke on my melee toons allot.|||Most melee sin builds actually forgo the majority of the MA tree, namely kickers, wwsins, and ghosts.

If you're going melee, don't rely on plus skill gear - you'll need the protection from gear that doesn't provide many all skill or +skill points.

If you plan on kicking though, skip the charge ups entirely, as you already have enough hotkeys to manage and dtalon should cover everything you need with the proper gear.|||Quote:

Most melee sin builds actually forgo the majority of the MA tree, namely kickers, wwsins, and ghosts.

True - but then I wouldn't be a Martial Arts assassin, would I?|||Well WWsins and ghosts aren't MA, but a kicker is technically an MA as its main attack is in the MA tree. And for the comment about soloing player 8 hell, I wouldn't bother unless you really really enjoy the combat.

The biggest problem with the MA tree is that even if you synergize, neither phoenix strike, nor any individual elemental charge will be significantly high. But if the gameplay is rewarding than by all means enjoy it =)

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