Thursday, April 19, 2012

Help my kicksin

I have a kicksin that I use for pvm and I have a few questions.

How much more IAS do recommend for my kicksin using lw?

Using the calculator it says 15ias gives me 9/3 and 20 gives me 8/3. Should I go with the 8/3 or is 9/3 enough?

Gear wise if my lw is 70 cb is that enough?

If so what other helm options should I look at other than Guil

Should I swap Gores for Shadow Dancers?

Should I drop dracs for another pair of gloves and what do you recommend?

For my armor I am using Enigma should I swap or keep it for the mobility?

What charms should I am for MA, Shadow?

Thanks for the help guys and any extra suggestions are welcomed |||I assume PB, and either 9 or 8 work. If you can only use a jewel, it's fine. If you use a highlord's or some 20% source, fine as well. It won't make a big difference since it's the first kick.

Gores > Dancers for a pvm kicker.

Since gloves can potentially get IAS, that can be where you get it. Otherwise, even having drac's is great due to the added STR and OW%.

If you have great res and can be under a monster's conviction without worry, Enigma is great for mobility.

Depends on the build focus, but generally you shouldn't need any GCs. The big help comes from + life and + res SC (or a mix of GCs).

A suggestion, though, is a Stormlash if this is just regular PvM. It gives an AoE focus which clears more mobs than LW builds. Those are more a 1v1 (bosses).|||I use a stormlash atm but I figured that lw would be a upgrade if its not that big of a upgrade I might just gear my warrior than.|||Depending on your goals it depends. Ubers will generally be a lot more specific and it's not the best for general pvm (bnet wise) because of the lack of room between charms and gearswaps.

If you don't plan on ubers, you have a lot more freedom since you're not having to deal with conviction from Meph.

Don't spend on the LW - for something with that many hrs, it's honestly not impressive. With the current rune values on bnet (at least last month) it's not even close to worth it. Stormlash with a ber socketed is a lot more effective, or you can throw in a pskull for a cheaper alternative (and mana leech).

Honestly I would be willing to go as low as the 33 on stormlash cb wise, but when you can fit more go for it.

My newest kicker has fully synergized light traps, so that's what gcs she uses. But uber wise, it basically be stacking resists life and ar instead.

Dancers are pretty but usually not worth the hefty investment unless you have them readily available and have at least dracs on. Really it's a matter of what you need more, cb/ow or fhr.

I usually ran in either CoH for stacked resists or Enigma depending on if I needed stacked resists or general mobility.

Dracs really are ideal in my opinion just because it opens up your weapon options.

Also, helm wise if your cb is decent consider kira's for fhr and stacked resists as well. I know some folks even run a shako, so it all depends on what you need for the occasion.|||My personal 2cents but LW is one of the biggest waste of hrs, even worse because of how many it takes for mods which are all available from other gear/skills, which you most likely will already be using anyway. To me stormlash is equally superior for both regular PvM and ubers, while beast is another overlooked option if you absolutely must throw hr in a weapon...

Either of those + gores is more than enough CB which lets you wear kira's instead of guillaume's. Dracs are mandatory for ubering unless you do have LW, in any case a 15ias jool or highlord's is all you need (you probably won't notice a difference in bp).|||I forgot to mention the thing about BP altho I think Sass answered - your weapon alone will give you all the speed you really need - worrying about 1 or 2 frames isn't going to make a difference in the long run.|||stormlash > last wish.

gores > dancers

dracs > all

enigma is ok'ish, but i've never needed it on a PvM kicker. Treachery, Smoke, Duress, Viper, Gladiators Bane are all quality kick'sin options.

charms: 20 life scs or res/lifers of whatever size/quality you can get your hands on. you don't need trap gcs unless you're a kick/trap'sin, and not even then. MA Gcs are for PvM phoenix strikers only. shadow gcs are for PvP kickers, whirly'sins and hybrids thereof.

edit: for a helm, a Guilly Face is an awesome choice. about the only thing "better" is some kind of PvM Helm Of Immortality (eg: something with 25iDR, 2sox and some nice prefix).|||Last is pretty much a ubur weapon and is great for general PVM but for the most bang for your buck im afraid its too expensive to be considered although it does free up alot of gear but to be honest its especially bad for a assassin since you can get a much higher natural fade.|||The problem with it is that its niche doesn't fit the sin. It's great for 1v1 play without swapping too much gear (it can turn a hdin into an uber smiter with just 1 gear swap!). But, you don't get any AoE help at all from it, and that's where a sin shines brightest.|||+1 Sass.

the only reasonable use for a LW is to turn a hammerdin into an ubers smiter.

a kicker will get far more use out of a Stormlash.

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