Saturday, April 21, 2012

Need some expertise

Hi all..

I've browsed this site for a super long time, but first time poster, hope to get to know everyone and hope this is in the right section.. anyway..

So my favorite characters are, ofc, assassins and since the new ladder began, I decided to re-start an account. So the gear set-up I currently have is..

Armor - Enigma

Weapon - Stormlash

Helmet - Dream

Shield - Dream

Boots - Gore Riders

Hands - Frostburn

Belt - Arachnid Mesh

Ring 1 - SoJ

Ring 2 - Raven Frost

Amulet - +2 Sin skills +20 strength +18 energy

.. and all the charms, torch, anni, a few gravy ones, etc..

So as you can see, I'm going for something of a hybrid, but I think somewhere in the mix I messed up because my resists are terrible since I'm using Burst of Speed, damage is okay, but not quite what I expected.

For skills, I have..

18 in Dragon Talon (30 with +skills for the 6 kicks)

1 Blade Fury/Shield

20 Lightning Sentry

20 Death Sentry

1 into most of the Shadow tree whilst mostly using BOS

Forgot to mention merc with Infinity, Fort, and GSkull atm waiting to lvl for Andy's.

Anyway.. as I said, I've been a long time reader and I've seen quite a knowledge base throughout the users, so with that said, what would you change with my sin?|||From the equipment you listed:

Helm - so many better options, and most cheaper, Griffon's if you have no other means of hitting 65 FCR

Shield - SS if you are a kicker, wouldn't go anything else.

Gloves - Would go for FCR or Draculs here, typically drac's

Rings - depending on fcr, you may or may not want to keep raven and cham helm

amulet - +2 sin 15-20 FCR or maras

Would use andy's on merc

If you have only 2 of the 4 traps synergized, you'll want to focus on kicking since your LS damage will suffer a bit, using DS to blow up what you kill.

Shouldn't need to dump points into BoS much if at all.

Drop the BF/Shield, you do phy damage in your kicks, and your traps are supposed to cover ranged/elemental damage (need synergies)|||Well as I said with the merc, I'm just waiting for him to level up so he can use the Andy's.

So dual Dream set-up isn't really a good option for a kicker then? I've been doing a little testing, and the damage is sufficient imo, but it's the fact I can't survive anything is the problem. Is it worth maybe using a Kira's on the helm with SS or would that not solve anything at all?|||Oh, I thought you were planning on using it - kickers do use Andy's too

The lack of survival is your key there. I don't know if they fixed the aura stacking, but even then, if I planned on going dual dreamer, I'd reserve that for a dreamadin.

Kira's is more for stacking res for Uberland, but the fhr/res are always useful if you're really lacking. Really, there's no better main shield than a SS, and keep a cta/spirit switch.

Are your gores upgraded? If you're hurting for damage, that be one thing to check.

I would rarely ever spend more than a point in BoS, as plus skills should get it to a decent level, and depending on weapon choices, its not always the most reliable IAS source.

I would strongly recommend a respec, and insure you have at least 3 lite traps synergized so you can use them effectively, along with my previously recommended gear swaps.|||I've taken a lot of what you said into consideration, and my gear is now..



Kira's Guardian


+2 Sin +20 Strength amulet

Frostburns (still haven't tested the gloves out yet)

Arachnid Mesh

One SoJ

One Ravenfrost (Need the dex+AR)

and Gores (upped, ofc)

I didn't really mention too much about my skills in the previous posts, but yeah.. I still actually have 20 points sitting in the bank unused. Only one point in BoS, I just meant I use that more than Fade or anything else. Death Sentry is maxed, Light Sentry is maxed, my DTalon is at 30 with +skills for the 6 kicks, but before I blew all those points away (I know I can re-spec but I have alreayd three times and would need to find a token lol), just waiting to see what to put those 20 (haven't done Sewers in hell yet so 21) spare points should go into whether it be Shadow Master, a synergy for traps, or Venom I guess.. hoping I can take this into ubers, and bring it anywhere I desire.|||In order to do decent LS trap damage, you still need one other synergy.

SM shoulld be kept base since your don't have points to spare.

You won't be surviving ubers without at least adding the draculs.

If your resists were low before you use the kira's, that would be the big problem when facing meph and the -125% res. I usually would swap to kiras just for him, or because I was sick of lookin at that helm.

Your ammy definitely needs replacement - if it doesn't have 15-20 fcr, you're much better off in a maras. Expect to swaw to tgods or verdungos in uberland, though you might make it without.|||I don't really use LS though, mostly just place a few DS it's only at 2.1k but with Infinity seems to be working fine, once I drop one body with a few kicks they all start popping anyway, which is why I was wondering if I should go SM (which I haven't touched yet) would it be worth investing in a CoH to run Ubers instead I'm guessing? The ammy is that bad? I was pretty pleased with it, lol.. I'll pick up a Mara's when I can then I suppose. The glove situation is settled I guess, I'll just use the Dracs instead of the Frostburns, need some ML from somewhere though, maybe try to get a rare amulet with dual + some res I guess.

I guess now it all boils down to a lightning synergy, an extra tank (Shadow Master), or some poison damage.

Hit me up in game, maybe it's just the way I'm playing it... I'm usually on quite a bit since I play at work. Account is Stockholm|||I don't play on bnet anymore, though I did for a time this season.

The reason for changing the ammy is unless it provides a nice amount of fcr to hit a breakpoint, +2 all skills and the res from maras will be more useful.

As much as I like sojs, I would dump it for a nice dual leech ring in a heartbeat. Not only does it cover both mana/life steal, but should provide a bonus to stats so you can distribute points elsewhere.

Multiple LS with a DS will work better than all DS because of the way synergies work. Especially since you are rockin an Infinity merc. Won't last long in Uberland, but in general PVM he'll effectively boost your LS damage by breaking high resists and immunes.

The dracs is a must because you need the lifetap if you have any intentions of ubers - keep in mind that means insuring none of your other gear is casting a curse that would override lifetap either.

I normally used both a CoH and an Enigma. Enigma for getting keys and organs, and the CoH for Uberland since you have -125% res to make up for on top of the -100% from Hell. I also kept a kira's in stash depending on if I really wanted to cap res.

A single point in SM is well worth it, as she's a recastable tank - not that she'll tank much, but she's useful in monster placement.

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