Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cheapest possible uber hunter

So I just started to play D2 once again and would want to try ubers for income as a change for the normal meph runs or whatnots, I leveled normal and NM with trapsin and I'd like to change her to kick/trap variant to hell so I wont go out of my mind with Lit immunes.

My question is this, can you build an ubering assasin with just few pgems and runes from NM countess?

My toughts were of imbued myrmidon greaves, maby some cheap unique weapon with crush, guilaume's, dracul's, and I suppose some resists and manaleech from somewhere, I would ofc build this up to farming Hell countess, Nilathak and The summoner first and get bit more income this way.

-Thank you for your answers.|||It can certainly be done.

For the helm, the best bet is Guillaume's Face. A cheap socket is a res jewel (these can come from the cows you mentioned).

Amulet can be any with res (main focus when cheap).

Armor is usually expensive (at least 1 mid - high rune for the useful ones). The choices are lion heart, duress, CoH, fort, Nat's with a Ral Ort Thul to make + all res, or just whatever you're lacking, etc.

Shield should be SS. It helps with res (another jewel socket), DR%, block, etc.

Drac's, low raven (just need the CBF, mana and dex mostly, but don't stress perfection), tgods, gores (preferably upped, but doable plain) all make the "bare" gear set for them.

A mana leech ring (manald even) helps a ton as well.

For weapon, it usually has the CB and speed. I did UT with a Blood Crescent I found in a Trist run Res, speed, leech,'s also dirt cheap.

Charms can be a mix of random + life and + res. Those two will be the lowest, but need to be boosted to tank meph's aura and to survive being hit.

On swap, a low CTA (even +1 bo) and a sigon's shield gives you a much appreciated boost in life. |||Any build can be built farming pgems and runes with trading - the question is how long

I wouldn't expect to uber for sometime, and unlike last season, its not going to be as profitable. At least as far as I've seen. Where last season, an hr bought 3 keysets and unid torches were solid at 2 hrs, it was easy to keep steady income. While I'm no longer on Bnet, when I was on this ladder, 3 keysets went for an ist, and you might find a buyer for unid torches at 3 ists - but with the change of rune values, I don't think its nearly as easy to find unid torch buyers now.

I do recommend going kick/trap though, as it will make things a lot easier as you work towards a merc infinity. You have plenty of options with weapons depending on what you cover with gear.|||Well this is what I figured to try and get, I have no idea if the prices are even close to right(EUscL).

I was thinking I'll go and pop some baskets in NM act3 for pgems and maby if lucky few runes, might as well kill countess few times too.

Bad thing about all this is that I pretty much need the whole gearset to start kicking my way trough hell, as I like to play trough it rather than get boosted, oh well...

Slot Item  Price
Head: Guilaume's 5Pgems
Chest: Treachery Lem
Gloves: Dracul's Pul
Boots: Gore Rider Pul+ko+lem
Ring1: Manald 5Pgems
Ring2: Raven Pul
Amulet: Allress 6pgems(cubed)
Weapon: Black Io
Shield: StormS Pul
Belt: resists I suppose
Total: 90%crushing 16pgems, 6x Pul, 2x Lem, Ko, Io + 2x Um for socketing
|||How about 'Smoke' for the Armour for 50% Resist All? Anyway, the runes should be pretty easy to get from the countess in 1.13.

I would gamble for the mana leech ring and the amulet personally. You never know, you may get something quite nice.|||Yeah smoke would be nice for the resists, but treachery has 45ias, I have no idea what I need for the 7/3 tough, but I'm assuming that its more than 15 with flail

Resists will be a huge problem tough and I suppose I need to add lots of resists charms to compensate, hope they are not too expensive |||I'd pick smoke over treachery. You shouldn't need the 45 IAS. 9/3 and 8/3 are fine breakpoints.|||I'm working on a similar build, but it's the one posted in the sticky guide that throws stars and kicks w/ 1 point death sentry and shadow master.|||Quote:

Well this is what I figured to try and get, I have no idea if the prices are even close to right(EUscL).

I was thinking I'll go and pop some baskets in NM act3 for pgems and maby if lucky few runes, might as well kill countess few times too.

Bad thing about all this is that I pretty much need the whole gearset to start kicking my way trough hell, as I like to play trough it rather than get boosted, oh well...

Slot Item  Price
Head: Guilaume's 5Pgems
Chest: Treachery Lem
Gloves: Dracul's Pul
Boots: Gore Rider Pul+ko+lem
Ring1: Manald 5Pgems
Ring2: Raven Pul
Amulet: Allress 6pgems(cubed)
Weapon: Black Io
Shield: StormS Pul
Belt: resists I suppose
Total: 90%crushing 16pgems, 6x Pul, 2x Lem, Ko, Io + 2x Um for socketing

I believe ss is worth ist in this patch.|||Hmm yeah Ist is way too much for a single item for me, lets try again with Rhyme

I think I'll need to take 20lvl fade for at least some PDR in the place of stormshield, that would leave me with 13lvl shadow master and 18DT 20venom 20DS 1flight at 88lvl.

I found out that I cant do even hell countess yet, cant really fight my way there because of all the lit immunes and running there is way hard with sucky resists so I'm still doing NM countess and some random basket popping in act3

Slot Item  Price
Head: Guilaume's 5Pgems
Chest: Smoke Lum
Gloves: Dracul's Pul
Boots: Gore Rider Pul+ko+lem
Ring1: ML rare Money
Ring2: Resists rare Money
Amulet: Resists rare Money
Weapon: Black Io
Shield: Rhyme Not much
Belt: resists I suppose
Total: 90%crushing 5pgems, 2x Pul, Lem, Lum, Ko, Io + 1x Um for socketing

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