Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pheonix striker questions

Need a little help making my mind up on the sockets for my Phoenix Striker so ill guess ill start by listing my current gear.

My gear so far

2 Assassin skills 30 Faster Run/Walk 20 dex 20 all res circlet(Clean)



Treachery (Switching to CoH)

LoH (switching to 2 MA 20 ias Str gloves when I can find a decent pair)

Arach mesh

Shadow dancers


Raven + BK

Torch + Anni


20 Blades of Ice

20 Claws of Thunder

20 Fists Of Fire

20 Phoenix strike

1 Dragon Claw

1 all prerequisites

1 to all Shadow disiplines except Venom,Fade, mind blast.

Break points Hit

4 Frame - 86 FHR

14 Frame cast - 16

Other stats

60 FR/W

Now I was figuring out what my best sockets would be long term after I finish getting my charms/Gloves ect.

I can either adapt the sockets so that I use Burst of speed as active aura in which case UM runes/15 all resists jewels in all the sockets and use Burst of speed but resists are easily gotten from charms compared to IAS.

Or Adapt to using Fade as main aura in which case I get a lot of damage reduction easy resists and curse length reduction in which case Sheal the primary Burtuc 20 ias gloves and a 15 ias jewel in circlet would put me at ,

6 Frame BoI/CoT/FoF/DC

8 Frame PS

Which are 1 full frame slower than what Burst of speed could give me.

Is the sacrifice in Resists/DR worth it for 1 frame?

Next order of business.;

My mercenary

What aura should I use as Ive pretty much ruled out, Defiance,Prayer,Thorns,Blessed aim as being entirely useless when I factor in Conviction and 5k AR.

So leaves me Might or Holy freeze. Which would be better.

And to skills Im going to have around 10 skills by the time I stop leveling so what would benefit me the most considering I can prebuff all shadow skills to 19. Venom doesn't seem needed considering I am proficient in 3 types of damage and have a good physical back up for those impossible triple immunes after conviction.

The only options seem to be fade for the extra damage reduction and barely extra resists or Shadow master which I dont know if the extra points will be worth it.

Any advice would be appreciated.|||I recommend keeping Treachery.

If you keep it, the IAS on that and on the gloves is 65. You only need 60 to hit a 7 frame PS. It also lets you have Fade and Venom for free (15 DR). The res is roughly the same as a CoH anyway. Both skills boost PS equally. You sacrifice DR and speed to get only the 5 res from CoH.

DClaw will be at 12 Frames (6 per claw). With your suggestion, it'd be at 13.

An IAS jewel in the helm with Treachery would get you an 11 Frame DClaw.

For skills, maybe Claw Mastery for AR and phys (helps leech).|||Switching to CoH would give far more dr/Resists with the ability to use a level 19+ Fade which would stack with CoH.

Thanks for your advice I think I will go with my original armour.

Sheal Primary Bartuc (20 ias) In a rich world (15/15 obviously to save on charms)

Treachery (45 ias)

MA rares (20 ias)

Resists will be a little off maxed....without charm use but ill see if the speed is worth it.|||The problem is, you'd have to put points in Fade (not much with your + skills) to get 19+. With Treachery, you're faster and it's free.

If you Shael the claw, the other claw and the helm can have res Jewels. Using CoH only gives you ~9-10 res (5 from CoH and ~4-5 from a level 19+ Fade vs 15 Fade.)|||Well the only thing id get is a little extra DR so yeah the best option is treachery(also the cheapest) convincing me throughly works alot better although my res is lacking due to unfinished sockets.|||You forget all the other good mods that CoH offers.|||Not really. The MF isn't working with the rest of the gear, he has str already to wear the Dancers, the ED% will only be beneficial with stronger claws, more phys focus (DClaw and Claw Mastery), leech is covered already and the rep life is small.

All at the cost of being faster, having free fade and venom, and you even net more cold res and FHR.|||I'm with Sass on the CoH/Treachery issue. That said, I really like Nat's set for Phoenix Strikers. The DR and resists let you use BoS and the claw has ITD. Perfect.

I don't think shadow dancers are very beneficial to this build. You already have enough FHR from 2x Bartuc's, Shadow skills are not important, so all you get is a chunk of Dext that is ofset by a huge strength investment. I would use tri-resist rares personally, or if not Nat's Boots, Aldur's Advance or even Gores.|||The Strength requirement is quite a non issue with 40 gotten from Claws 10 from gloves 20 from torch 15 from anni. I Need 115 for upped tucs which I think wasn't really needed as even with that leech is virtually non existent even with 5(BK)+9(Bartuc)+8(Helm).

Upped Bartucs Im not very impressed with given that the damage is so small that it doesnt look worth it as for that little bit of damage I have to add in a extra 45 stats in Strength and 15 in Dex. So I figured spend the extra 10 stats on strength an wear Dancers as im not exactly short on life with 1.6k health pre bo.

Non upped - 88-155 - Requires 115/115

Upped - 97 - 182 - Requires 79/79

20(Base) + 35(Torch+Anni) + 5(Maras) + 10(Rare Gloves) = 70

20(Base) + 35 (Torch + Anni) + 5(Maras) + 20(Helm) + 20(raven) = 100

I can spend 10 points total in str and be done with it with less strength intense equipment. Nats boots seem like the best bet with dual resists along with 40 FR/W and who really would put decent tri-resist rares on a Phoenix Striker? Ill take the cheaper option.

With 20 FHR provided by Treachery I would only need to use 2 5 FHR SCs to replace it.

I have 2 Tanks, Cloak of shadows and mind blast so I hardly ever get hit with that much crowd control on my assassin so stat whoring isn't exactly needed.

Dancers only seemed logical with the already high strength after bonuses at 155 which is 12 stats off.|||Your post is making me switch my assassin over to this build haha. But I had a few questions, why the arachs and maras? Would you be better served with say highlords and dungos or something, possibly nosfer coil?

I was also wondering, I'm currently using Nat's helm- what would be a better upgrade? Andys, CoA (obv), Vamp?

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