Saturday, April 21, 2012

Need advice on my lowbudget pvm sin idea


So I was reading the blade fury anal thread (wich should be sticied btw), and I understood that BF added damage can outgrow weapon part of the damage. So I tought "Thats a chance for some low level weapons to shine..."

The best low level weapon that makes the most out of the BF added damage seems to be cleglaws sword with 50% DS. It also has 30%AR wich is rather nice too.

So I decided to see wether I could build an asa around the clegs sword+BF combo. The first thing that came to mind is clegs gloves, it has nics KB + slow, so I looked what the partial set bonus is for those two. It is pretty good, as it gives 1.25 max damage and 10AR / level, wich is on par with an angelic ring/ammy combo.

Addin the cleg shield at this point means 35%cb, wich no other shield can supply me with. This means a sin around full clegs...

My final idea is something like this

gulliaumes face

clegs sword

clegs glove

clegs shield


This gives me 80% cb, 10%ow, 80%ds ,~100max+~1100ar at lvl 80 for basically peanuts. (suits me well, since Im piss-poor)

The remaining slots are armor, belt, rings/ammy. So I ask, what should be a good options for that?

Armor: forti of course, but until I get my hands on a Lo, that is out.

So treachery? What else is good?

Belt: Deaths for cbf, what else is good? maybe a leech belt?

rings/ammy; I was thinking alngelics, with the 30% ar this gives me an extra 2200 ar. Maybe I can switch out a ring for ravenfrost for cbf, Wich is the better option?

Other option is atmas for amp damage, then what rings? Is the ar from glove alone enough to hit in hell?

Im unsure about the shield choice as well, maybe I can get along with a different shield? Lanceguard perhaps?

I calculated that this setup +sin torch +might merc gives me 2000ish blade damage + venom, is that enough for hell?

The merc needs some gear to keep him alive too (on budget), since hes my main source of %ED, if he dies, Im screwed too...

Is this doable, or should I scrap the idea?

Please advise!|||My initial problem with this is that the shield becomes a weak point. TBH, Crushing Blow sucks with ranged weapons, including blade fury, you don't really need the IAS as BF has a set attack speed, and mana leech can be picked up almost anywhere. So the shield basically adds a bunch of mods you don't really need, while something like a Stormshield will up your resses, your PDR, and a few other things. A Spirit Monarch or a Sanctuary runeword (if you can afford it) would be much more to your advantage, with Phoenix probably being the best choice for this character in the long run, there are a variety to chose from here though.

If you're worried about CB, Gores+Guli's will cover it just fine, however, again Guliarmes shouldn't be chosen for its CB as CB is nerfed for ranged attacks. A Shako, Andys, Vamp gaze, or Crown of Thieves would probably end up working just as well.

Gores are a great choice for this build, adding OW and DS, probably only topped by Shadow Dancers.

As for the amulet/rings, I've always used at least one raven for... just about all of its attributes, and two is even better for this build as two of them can increase your AR by anywhere btw 400-500 easily. Another good setup would be a Ravenfrost, Dwarf Star, Tgods and GA; giving you ~90 all res and 20 fire, cold and light absorb (basically making you immune to elemental damage). Highlords, atma's, and Mahim Oak are all good "cheap" amulets, with highlords being my favourite due to its huge DS%, IAS and +skills, while atmas adds a lot more AR and ctc amp damage, which usually conflicts with my personal favorite choice for gloves, Dracs, while Mahim gives +ar, +stats, and +defense. I would avoid angelics because you should never really need 10k AR in pvm (unless you're going uber hunting) and you lose too many other bonuses. If you're that desperate for AR, build a dual bartucs bf sin and jah the primary claw and gul the other.

Belts; Tgods for +str and light sorb, Dracs for lifesteal and PDR, Nostafarus for slow (arachs are a better choice, but if you find these), and dungos completes the list. Trangs belt if you decide not to use a raven.

Armour will ultimately push your character in a final direction. If you go with a GA or upped GA, Raven, Dwarf star, and Tgods, with fade you're basically immune to the elements and physical damage, leaving you safe even in a huge swarm (tank). Treachery may seem like a good idea, but unless you plan on reapplying your higher level fade and venom every few minutes like clockwork, it can sneak up on you and you will find yourself running with a much weaker set of buffs. Duress (runeword) is *somewhat* cheap, but probably the best fit to the character in the long run until you get a fort.

Oh, and decide what to socket your helm and cleglaw's sword with as that's another good customization.

If i skipped anything or missed anything I'll either edit it in later or post again. Hope this helps. (fyi, I wouldn't have used that set to build this, but it will probably turn out rather well in the end.)

Edit; Just realized that I never really summarized.

Guliarmes - Um, Ferver jewel, Hel, or stat jewel


GA - Um, Pul, Hel (especially if you want to up it)

Cleglaw's sword - no idea what to socket it with

Cleglaw's gloves


Dwarf star


Stormshield/Spirit Monarch


which totals to ~100% DS, CBF, 90 all res, 20 fire, light, cold absorb, 50%CB, and a bunch of AR.|||low damage will doom you in hell, if not to death, to painfully slow kills.

BF isn't entirely weapon dependent, but it still plays quite the role. More importantly, in hell, the resistances (including physical) are beefed up. What seems like child's play in NM just won't fly in Hell. There are other low level weapons preferred, and cleglaw's gloves aren't bad, but 2k damage even with venom is a pittance. In NM however, you'll breeze through.

As for AR I can't remember the best number to shoot for - My kicker was well over 10k ar and still missed a bit (granted she solo'd ubers). Ignore defense is a great mod and will work wonders whenever the target (ie boss) isn't immune to it, bypassing the ar check completely.

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