Also; could someone tell me a few good builds in laymans term for PvP, like just tell me what skills to level up first and second and third and so in order because none of the guides I see tell me what order to do anything in and what order to level skills up in, it makes it hard for me cuz I don't want to make it hard on myself by leveling things that wont benifit me as much as others first. Sorry if this is a bit confusing, I really can't wait to jump into the world of Bnet, but I'm not going to until I figure out how and I can only do that with help of people, thank you. I am really tired and am going to sleep now.

Unless you plan on focusing on LLD (low level dueling), competitive pvp is probably going to be out of your price range for a while. If this is your first bnet character, you'll probably want to tone down your expectations until you build up and get comfortable with the nature of bnet.
Believe me, there's plenty to learn, and that's not even starting with the world of assassins.|||Here's a general outline of fairly quick leveling on Bnet:
Level 1: Go clear the blood moor and get the skill quest. You should be ~ 2-3 + have skills to use to help when you enter...
Tristram. Up until level 15, joining these games makes it easy to level. The game is filled, so more exp and you're all in a group close by (to guarantee you get full exp).
After 15, you get rushed to A2 by having someone kill andariel for you. Once in A2, that same, or someone else, can rush you to the staff pieces and make the staff. You can enter the tombs and level up to 20.
Once level 20, joining cows will get you to 25.
Find someone to rush you to A5 (in NM and Hell, you let them take the forge drops as a "payment" for rushing that difficulty). In A3, stay in the area above the TP near the council. If you move, you die and might not get the quest. When killing diablo, the x shaped corner above his spawning ground will block his attacks and you stay alive.
Killing the ancients levels you again, and you can join baal runs. Continue these until ~40. That's the level needed to enter them in NM.
When you get to killing baal, make the title "Baal Quest" or some way of indicating that you have the quest. Often, someone G-rushing will come in and ask to make a private game.
You see, G-rushing is taking a low level and getting him to hell. He needs to be partied with a person requiring the quest, and a high level to do the rush. Since you have the quest they need, you are important in making them work. If you're lucky enough to have one join, he's likely willing to rush you through NM, and possibly Hell as well.
To get into hell baal runs, you need to be 60. If you aren't at 60, you can join chaos runs until then.
For pvp, it's ideal to hit ~80 and some get to 90, but they have the time and patience.
For builds, I suggest starting on a LS trapper to get used to them in pvp. You say you know the basics of D2, so I'm going to assume you have some experience with sins. If not, they have low enough of a learning curve that you can get used to the char and pvp pretty quickly.|||Quote:
For builds, I suggest starting on a LS trapper to get used to them in pvp. You say you know the basics of D2, so I'm going to assume you have some experience with sins. If not, they have low enough of a learning curve that you can get used to the char and pvp pretty quickly.
I wouldn't say a "low" learning curve. Just ask yourself how many hotkeys you have =P
Trappers are up there, but ghosts are more fun. Especially with zons.|||What should I do first then? should I follow a build on here for PvM? should I make an MF char? should I just make a character and go with it? cuz I only really know fishymancer build and I have that in singleplayer, Id rather not make another. So yeah what should I begin with? PvM?|||Quote:
I wouldn't say a "low" learning curve. Just ask yourself how many hotkeys you have =P
Trappers are up there, but ghosts are more fun. Especially with zons.
Well, a lower than hybrid or ghost then.

For hot keys, I always end up using all 16

If you're asking about starting with PvM, it seems you aren't familiar with the sin in general. That's fine, but PvP isn't a thing to start right away.

For builds, a trapper is roughly the same in PvM as PvP (traps, pvm has less MB focus but still uses it, a minion like merc in pvm and shadow in pvp, etc). They're a good start, so certainly get used to the char. Most importantly, find out if you like the play style or if you prefer melee oriented chars.

@But depending on your experience, I typically start a new ladder with a sorc. Why sorc? Because she can teleport and is easier to gear up until you get what you need for your main character. Once you start using Enigma, not having teleport can become very frustrating on non-sorc characters.
I actually started with my sin first this ladder and she became a mule, and after a while I finally bit the bullet and made a sorc. You can get by on just the trapper if you don't mind just killing everything as you go, but as for me I'm used to boss hunting and doing that on a non-teleporting trapper was just too slow for me. All because I was spoiled by teleport.|||Quote:
Here's a general outline of fairly quick leveling on Bnet:
Level 1: Go clear the blood moor and get the skill quest. You should be ~ 2-3 + have skills to use to help when you enter...
Tristram. Up until level 15, joining these games makes it easy to level. The game is filled, so more exp and you're all in a group close by (to guarantee you get full exp).
After 15, you get rushed to A2 by having someone kill andariel for you. Once in A2, that same, or someone else, can rush you to the staff pieces and make the staff. You can enter the tombs and level up to 20.
Once level 20, joining cows will get you to 25.
Find someone to rush you to A5 (in NM and Hell, you let them take the forge drops as a "payment" for rushing that difficulty). In A3, stay in the area above the TP near the council. If you move, you die and might not get the quest. When killing diablo, the x shaped corner above his spawning ground will block his attacks and you stay alive.
Killing the ancients levels you again, and you can join baal runs. Continue these until ~40. That's the level needed to enter them in NM.
When you get to killing baal, make the title "Baal Quest" or some way of indicating that you have the quest. Often, someone G-rushing will come in and ask to make a private game.
You see, G-rushing is taking a low level and getting him to hell. He needs to be partied with a person requiring the quest, and a high level to do the rush. Since you have the quest they need, you are important in making them work. If you're lucky enough to have one join, he's likely willing to rush you through NM, and possibly Hell as well.
To get into hell baal runs, you need to be 60. If you aren't at 60, you can join chaos runs until then.
For pvp, it's ideal to hit ~80 and some get to 90, but they have the time and patience.
For builds, I suggest starting on a LS trapper to get used to them in pvp. You say you know the basics of D2, so I'm going to assume you have some experience with sins. If not, they have low enough of a learning curve that you can get used to the char and pvp pretty quickly.
Wow thiss is definitely slow. Easy way is to free ride someone's pub normal rush, then leech into N baalq O rush games

I normally don't focus on leveling till hell, but that doesn't mean I don't get headaches grushing. From finding a bumper to getting a decent rush - even with my experience a player it doesn't usually go that smoothly. Short of having a friend (or second account ready and able) to rush you, grushing can be very problematic.
It's better for a newer player to understand how it works then to simply do a then b, as Sass explains, in detail what to expect.
I've waited over an hour for a bumper, and at times I've had that bumper leave too early and not get quest credit only to have to do it over again.
I do what you stated zrk, but its not always easy, and not without headaches. When you actually bother leveling in between norm and nm, you no longer have to rely on someone else being at level bumping you through. It's easier to find a rusher than it is a bumper, because a lot of us do wait till hell chaos to level.
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