i've made a trapsin before
and a kick sin
so now im going to try the hybrid and gear wise im not so sure heres what i had in mind.
ive read some guides most of them conflict with each other and with what i though
Weapon 1: beast( though im not to sure ive heard some people say last wish what do you think?)
Shield: StormShield
on switch
+3 claws
+3 claws
Gloves: Dracs ot\r LoH
Boots: uppd gores of course
Rings: Bk ring, Raven
Belt: this is one im not to sure i was thinking Arach for skills
Ammy: Of course a Maras
Helm: not to sure here either a gull, shako, or CoA?
thanks for any and all help
Oh yeah ive not really got any of this as of yet it shouldnt take long though
i got the gores cause them and the coh are the only 100% things im sure of now.|||Because the build is fairly flexible, there is no truly optimal gear. If I was to build one, I would probably build it like this:
Weapon: Shael Stormlash(8/3 kicks right there, 7/3 with Fade is just unreasonable)
Shield: Pdiamond Storm Shield
Armour: Duress
Hat: Um Shako/Nice circlet
Belt: Arach
Boots: Upped Gores
Amulet: Mara's or a nice rare or whatever
Rings: SOJ/Raven
Gloves: Drac's
Running Fade.
The issue is that this setup really emphasises your kicks, that is simply because I see them as a little more fun than traps. It is probably a less effective build. A trapping variation would probably involve the use of COH or Enigma and some big +skills weapons such as a strength socketed +3 LS GT paired with one of those mystical +5/+6 LS GTs off-hand. Would kill your crushing blow though... Alternately, you could keep Duress there for the big CB it offers.|||For play style - is the trap side typically more effective for general pvm? Kicks mainly for act bosses and immunes?|||I can't speak for anyone else, but a synergy of both kicks and traps is what I use in this build. Personally, I love it when a crowd of mobs surrounds me. I drop Cloak of Shadows, a Death Sentry, and then start kicking. I eventually build up a wave of exploding corpses that I can ride til I run out of mobs, dropping fresh Death Sentries as I go. I recall my first visit to Canyon of the Magi in Hell, I cleared half the zone in a single extended combat (and this was without "uber" gear--upped gore's, G-face, bartuc's, and a spirit shield). I've had similar experiences in The Pit.
Now, certain environments call for a heavier emphasis on traps--Arcane Sanctuary comes to mind, as does the trash in Diablo's Chaos Sanctum--and nothing smells like cheese like trapping the Countess to death from the next room, or the Summoner from outside of his spell range.

For play style - is the trap side typically more effective for general pvm? Kicks mainly for act bosses and immunes?
I prefer to maximize kick damage and ignore trap gear entirely.
This leaves me with incredible single-target damage via kicks, which translates into ultra-fast boss kills; and insta-killing non-boss mobs (which means death sentry can start CE spamming and clearing entire rooms from the get-go).|||Since you are using ss and coh you should go with guillaume's over shako or coa. Honestly I think fade is better for this build. As the the weapon make beast in a pally scepter for the weapon.|||Quote:
For play style - is the trap side typically more effective for general pvm? Kicks mainly for act bosses and immunes?
That really depends on how you play her - if you want to hang back and basically play a trapper that kicks as needed, focus on the traps. If you enjoy the speed of kicking, focus on melee as DS is still a great supporting tool without synergies. For example, my trapper is hurting atm because she lacks the gear I had last season, but if I respec'd her into a hybrid she'd regain some of that versatility she had without requiring all the runewords.|||I use Last Wish because it free's me of being almost forced to use Guillaumes. I like being able to use Shako on a K/T.
The chance to cast fade can get annoying though.
My skill setup is a K/T, but I play like a Pure Kicker because it seems to work much faster. Drop DS as I run up to the mob, Kick one dead in a split second and DS drops the entire pack.
I like having the ability to play like a trapper if there's a dangerous mob, but most of the time I use a more hands (or feet?) on approach with Kicks/DS.
My setup -
Shako (jah)
SS (um)
Crafted Gloves 20ias/10cb with str/life/res
Raven/and a rare ML ring
She can solo any area, and destroys ubers. What more can you ask for.
I guess it depends on what you use her for. Stormlash/Guillaumes is a great setup for regular play, and its a fraction of the cost of a LW. I do a lot of Ubers so the extra % Lifetap and the crushing blow on LW make it a great weapon for that purpose.|||Quote:
I use Last Wish because it free's me of being almost forced to use Guillaumes. I like being able to use Shako on a K/T.
The chance to cast fade can get annoying though.
My skill setup is a K/T, but I play like a Pure Kicker because it seems to work much faster. Drop DS as I run up to the mob, Kick one dead in a split second and DS drops the entire pack.
I like having the ability to play like a trapper if there's a dangerous mob, but most of the time I use a more hands (or feet?) on approach with Kicks/DS.
My setup -
Shako (jah)
SS (um)
Crafted Gloves 20ias/10cb with str/life/res
Raven/and a rare ML ring
She can solo any area, and destroys ubers. What more can you ask for.
I guess it depends on what you use her for. Stormlash/Guillaumes is a great setup for regular play, and its a fraction of the cost of a LW. I do a lot of Ubers so the extra % Lifetap and the crushing blow on LW make it a great weapon for that purpose.
If you really think about it, there is no such thing as a trap/kicker hybrid. Basically you're either pure traps and synergized accordingly, or a kicker with or without trap support. A kicker is more versatile in the fact that she isn't relying on all the expensive runewords to get the job done, something that has had me frustrated with this new ladder season. I used a LastWish on my kicker, but was also able to solo uberland with just two bartucs instead on several occasions. I'm actually contemplating turning my main away from pure traps because its taken forever to get her geared the way I'm used to.|||Trappers don't need expensive runewords. They don't need any actually. Enigma would be the most important, but that's if you prefer tele over BoS + run/walk.
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