Saturday, April 21, 2012

need some suggestions on TS/DT build for PI?


for this ladder i started building my martial arts assassin again (every ladder i do with different variations). this time i want to stick with bartucs with a max/ed jewel in it. (chaos rw was in my mind but decided on bartucs this ladder)

equip will be:

- 198ed bartucs with 40ed/11max (maybe um for OW)

- jade talon 2/2/47 (if need will sock it with @res jewel)

- fortitude armor

- raven frost

- rare mana leech ring / maybe second raven frost

- trang gloves

- belt: undecided but most probably thundergods or some crafted stuff for OW or wilhelm belt for dual leech or trang belt

- upped gores

- guailaumme (if need will sock it with @res jewel/um)

- highlords

- torch + anni + martialarts/life skillers + a few 10maxers + sc s are whatever i require

merc will be act 2 might

- eth gladiators bane

- eth cryptic axe obedience

- andy (ral)

problem: where is my elemental damage? i dont have any good source for it except poison. for switch i decided to use 2 venom prebuff claw (also need it for burstofspeed) so switch is not open either.

venom is the only elemental damage source for now. in this case any Physical and Poison Immune monster is actually immune to my assassin

also my build will finish at lvl93 so spending points on elemental skills is quite hard for me. even 93 is a high level, lvling beyond 93 is nearly impossible.


- small elemental damages like raven frost/highlords/tgods or small charms with elemental damages would be enough?

- trang set with 2 items (already using glove, with belt) give fireball lvl 18 (171-196fire), is it worth it? because except for the set bonus mod i dont need any mod on trang belt. fcr wont be a problem with trang 20fcr and fortitude 25fcr for 42fcr bp

- any small minor tweak i forgot?


consider the issue for first monster kill, afterwards hopefully death sentry will take care of details

and i wish stormlash was a claw.....

|||1) No. If you want a good source of elemental damage, you have to use skills.

2) Unsynergized, it'd be very weak.|||what's your current skill set? for me i have an eth baranar's star/tiamat's rebuke on switch to bf or kick with.

for now, the easiest way to deal PIs in your case is to replace merc's obedience with reaper's toll..|||Quote:

what's your current skill set? for me i have an eth baranar's star/tiamat's rebuke on switch to bf or kick with.

for now, the easiest way to deal PIs in your case is to replace merc's obedience with reaper's toll..

max tiger strike, dragon tail, claw mastery, venom

1pt in all shadow disc.

deathsentry and bladefury

rest goes to preq and weapon block

my first plan was to use reapers but decided on obedience. i am currently leveling her, i have to check if tiamat&gimmershred (have those) works well with blade fury

another question, from a source i remember that fistoffire reduces the physical damage percentage (increases fire percentage) of dragontail by %3 every skill level. couldnot find the source again, is this true?

thanks|||You don't need either venom or mastery maxed. I'd suggest that instead, Death Sentry gets maxed.

Tiamat and similar do add to Blade Fury, but the damage is affected by the 3/4 penalty.

And yes, the synergy is true.|||You also want a different damage source than fire ideally. PI will die with fire damage, but FI monsters won't, and at that point you'll have to kick them to death. If you get lightning/cold damage you solve problems with PI and FI monsters.|||A PI monster takes no damage from DTail.|||True, and fire immunes take no damage from the splash, which is why both are a problem. So the damage to deal with PIs would ideally not be fire based, but lightning, cold or poison, which also help against FI monsters.

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