Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bladefury sin question

I'm just finishing up leveling my new sin, and I have a few questions. I use bladefury/dragon talon/death sentry as my main skills, with fade for help with resistances and venom for extra damage. I'm going for having as much cb/ds as I can while still being able to survive.

Here is my gear:

Helm: Guillaume's face (socketed with a 33%ed/+6str)

Armor: Fortitude Greater hauberk

Belt: Tgods

Gloves: trang's

Boots: Up'd Goreriders

Weapons: eDeath ettin axe, Phoenix/cta and spirit

Amulet: Metalgrids

Rings: dwarfstar/Ravenfrost

Inventory: Torch, anni, 6x shadow skillers, 7x life sc's

Skills: 1 claw mastery, 1 BoS, 3 fade, 20 venom, 14 dtalon, 20 death sentry, 20 blade fury, 6 blade sentinel

1.6-3.6k bladefury damage, 2.6-4.5k with venom

1-1.8k dragon talon, 4 kicks

100% Crushing blow, 71% Deadly strike at level 82

Resistances with lvl 14 fade (+60@res): 56/75/49/49

Question #1: What would be a good shield to replace phoenix? I love the ed, but its ctc firestorm interrupts bladefury and really slows down my killing speed with that skill, plus the redemption aura make death sentry not as useful.

Question #2: Even with fade on (only a few points in it as it seems to loose effectiveness) my resistances are not maxed in hell, and as I am set up to absorb elemental damage higher resists are necessary for my assassin, so what would be the best way to achieve this, resistance charms perhaps?

Question #3: As bladefury relies on your normal attack ar (which is extremely low) would I be better off replacing some shadow gc's with attack rating charms of some sort?

Edit: Another possibility for my ar problem I was thinking of is this:

This could provide some massive attack rating, especially if combined with angelics. But then my resists would take a huge hit from the lack of metalgrid. Yet another problem

and lastly, feel free to make comments/suggestions on any other part of my build you feel i could improve on Thanks alot!|||If you use BF more often than your kicks try a 160ish% ed monarch, or lanceguard shield as a cheap solution for near maxed DS.

Trang's poison boost isn't too helpful, dracs would benefit you much more.

If your not using a BA merc or an ITD weapon you really need angelics, end of story. Not as important though agaisnt bosses since your a kicker. You really shouldn't have resist problems using fade, even without metalgrid.

That's an ok circlet, but a BF/Kicker sin doesn't really need alot of +skills or FRW, and 13% AR bonus is almost useless.|||Quote:

If you use BF more often than your kicks try a 160ish% ed monarch, or lanceguard shield as a cheap solution for near maxed DS.

Trang's poison boost isn't too helpful, dracs would benefit you much more.

If your not using a BA merc or an ITD weapon you really need angelics, end of story. Not as important though agaisnt bosses since your a kicker. You really shouldn't have resist problems using fade, even without metalgrid.

That's an ok circlet, but a BF/Kicker sin doesn't really need alot of +skills or FRW, and 13% AR bonus is almost useless.

Thanks for the reply. Firstly about the circlet, the bonus is 83% not 13%, 1% per level

I like the thought of dracs instead, was actually considering this as trangs really has nothing else going for it except the damage.

I'm definatly thinking of the lance guard, atleast until I can get some crazy ed% jewels. Got an iso thread up for it right now actually.

My main problem is that I really am having resist problems. And loosing the metalgrid would be -35 to what I have. Would maxing fade be a good idea? What does it cap out at? (I'm pretty new to assassins)

Also, does ITD work with bladefury? if it does i could always switch my weapon. Though I'd loose out on a lot of cb and ds. Everything i've been able to think of as a solution just causes more problems |||Quote:

Thanks for the reply. Firstly about the circlet, the bonus is 83% not 13%, 1% per level

I like the thought of dracs instead, was actually considering this as trangs really has nothing else going for it except the damage.

I'm definatly thinking of the lance guard, atleast until I can get some crazy ed% jewels. Got an iso thread up for it right now actually.

My main problem is that I really am having resist problems. And loosing the metalgrid would be -35 to what I have. Would maxing fade be a good idea? What does it cap out at? (I'm pretty new to assassins)

Also, does ITD work with bladefury? if it does i could always switch my weapon. Though I'd loose out on a lot of cb and ds. Everything i've been able to think of as a solution just causes more problems

I read it wrong. 83% would help a bit(still say you would need angelics cause that'll double your AR, the helm won't). Your CB is already mad and putting on lanceguard will put your DS back in place. FRH is important though.

Since you'll really only depend on kicks for tough monsters and bosses, so BoS is just a 1-point wonder when you need it. Your better off with fade, since BF gets no boost from IAS.

Be warned though, Edeath Ettin is a pretty slow kick toy so it'll do you harm agaisnt mobs. Your much better off using BF on everything else and using talon on 1-on-1 fights.

Oh, and BF does work with ITD. It's just like any other missle attack(cept for the IAS).|||Here is a great thread on the blade fury skill. I'm pretty sure there is some discussion in there about solving blade fury's ar issue, and it also has other equipment suggestions.|||I believe blade fury rely's on damage of weapon am I correct? If so I would prefer to use ebotdwp or ebotdtm for the weapon. Prolly the most powerful 2h weapons in the game and will not wear out durability because its indestructable.|||Actually, not so much. Blade Fury's added damage is not penalized by the 3/4 damage. This + off-weapon ED% is what makes it very strong.

Two handed weapons are cut even more than 1 handers, ultimately doing less damage. BotD is not required. Blade Fury does not use durability (Blade Shield will), so even ethereal doesn't require self repairing or indestructibility. It's in much the same way smite and kicks don't use weapon durability.|||Quote:

Actually, not so much. Blade Fury's added damage is not penalized by the 3/4 damage. This + off-weapon ED% is what makes it very strong.

Two handed weapons are cut even more than 1 handers, ultimately doing less damage. BotD is not required. Blade Fury does not use durability (Blade Shield will), so even ethereal doesn't require self repairing or indestructibility. It's in much the same way smite and kicks don't use weapon durability.

Actually smite uses weapon durability not shield durability.|||>> Details....


I was thinking of not using the thing you hit with. ><

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