Saturday, April 21, 2012

TS/DT MA Assassin

Hey guys, now that I can do MF a tad better with my sorc I decided I want a melee char that can solo the game and possible hit any area in hell *maybe even in higher player settings* - on bnet ofc, ladder, and be capable to survive / kill decently fast.

I am considering assassin class because they have loads of great tools, and most MA skills don't have synergies hence gives a flexibility on build. I am consulting wildjinn guide found here, and decided to go with C/S variant.

What I want to ask is:

a) how viable is this build in game with little twinking - meaning I don't want to have to ask for help to complete a quest, run an area or boss etc

b) the author does not mention much or at all about CB / OW / DS / CS on gear. Are those mods desirable / helpfull for such a build?

c) many monsters in hell are fire immune which means the splash from DTalon won't happen a lot of times, will PS with CoT or BoI synergysed be enough to dispose of those packs in a decent manner of time?

d) will the AR% bonus from the main skills / finisher - TS, PS / CoT / BoI, DT be enough to have decent hit in hill without being forced to use specific gear bits / charms to make up for it? I am positive I read in another guide that Dtalon has insane AR bonuses, but nothing about the rest of skills :>

Thanks!|||Hmm..mixed messages. :P

I thought it was about DTail, especially with the link, but mentioning Talon threw me off, especially since Talon is the high AR one. oO

With some tweaking (strong boots mostly.), it can work.

Due to the lack of speed, CB probably won't be big. OW takes too long for this purpose, and DS doesn't work for kicks. Still, the mods on something like Gores would be good though

On top of not splashing Fire Immunes, a PI monster will take zero damage. PS / other elemental charges will take alot of skills to be useful, and won't work in tandem. However, you can convert immunes, kill the rest and use DS to kill the remainder. Due to the points involved, a hybrid would b too weak to make it work.

I think the AR is usually high enough, but definitely see about the raven + some ar charms here and there. I don't think it'd be so low that you'll need angelics or anything like that.|||Mmm, makes sense. Still I was positive that you can charge up both CoT and PS and release them both? Or is that incorrect. And if it does work, will that dmg be enough to clear normal packs in hell? Thanks! :>

About OW / DS / CB etc, I was thinking those mods are applied when you hit with claw as well not only with the kick? And since you have very fast attack speed and you spend 90% of time charging up skills, maybe they will work? At least the way I see it :>|||All 3 can release, but it's the damage that'd probably be low. If you have + skills, it can maybe work out.

When you use a claw to charge with TS, all 3 mods will work. When you kick with DTail, only CB and OW trigger, but DS won't work with kicks.|||For good boots, imbue/craft a few pairs of ethereal myrmidion greaves untill you get a self repair mod. Since it's raw damage you want, you need the boots with the highest nrs.

Other things that add to kick damage:

- Str (gets added in TWICE)

- Dex

- Off-weapon %ED

For your charge-ups, you'll be hitting at 7fps max, which isn't really fast compared to skills like zeal or jab, so expect limited effect from ctc and CB. Typically, you're also targetting the least dangerous monster around for charging up (ie a minion iso the boss), so this will further limit the charge-ups usefullness.

Basically, you need to focus your kick damage, as that will decide your explosion damage, which will damage all monsters nearby. Your chargeups only damage one monster at a time, and for minimal damage as it is, so the biggest overall damage increase will come from upping your kick damage.

So you've got max TS, max DTail and either BoS or fade. This should get you to hell where you'll also need an extra attack for physical or fire immune monsters. Usually CoT or PS, which you can release with either your kick or normal attack. Which leaves you with around 20 skillpoints to play around with. Either more damage for your secondary attack, DS, shadow,...|||Why eth? You don't need the defense.|||For the lesser strenght req. Only boots that I would use 200+str on are upped gores, and they are not that suited for the build. Shadow dancers are nice, but the also have lesser strenght req. Not that it really matters, more strenght is more damage, but it dwarfs compared to the bonusses from tiger strike, so in this setup I'd try to keep str down for life. OTOH, without tiger strike as charge-up, I'd advocate going for the max strengt...

And then it hits me, that it's SUPERIOR with the lessened str req. Sorry for the confusion :s .|||O.o Upped Gores have a str req of 156.

If you're going to go the 200+ with a regular myrmidon, go for the extra 10 since it won't matter enough.

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