So here is my gear (I'm a trapper/kicker hybrid
dusk enigma
azurewrath+umed ss
hoto+spirit on switch
That is the gear that I am pretty sure I want to stick with for now as for the gloves/boots/belt I'm still not completely sure
shadow dancers
So I don't use Burst of speed at all, I'm pretty well dependent on fade for decent resists
So right now I don't have the 7/2/2/2/2 breakpoint, I calculated it out that with a phase blade you need at least 55 ias to reach it without bos and I have 30 (azurewrath ias)
as of now I plan to put a 15% ias jewel in my shako and a shael in my azurewrath that would give me 65% ias which is good
another alternative I've been considering is ik gloves+belt which would give me 25%ias this seems like a pretty elegant solution but dracs and tgods are just too good in my opinion
I already have the ias jewel and I picked it up for pretty cheap because sometime in the future I might want to get a last wish. which doesn't have an ias on it. If I do get the last wish here's what I would do to hit the bp
shako 15% ias jewel
highlords 20% ias
either 20% ias gloves or ik gloves+belt
also I would wear my upped goblin toes with this setup maybe if I get a crafted ias bloodfist I can hit 7/2/2/2/2 bp with near 100% cb with only giving up +1 to all skills.
So I guess the point of this is to discuss alternatives for hitting the 7/2 bp and clarifying that I got my math right before I insert these into my sockets. That is you need 55% ias with a phase blade without and BoS to hit the 7/2 bp?
(120x55)/(120+55)=37.7+30(phase blade)|||There is no 7/2 break point. The fastest is 7/3 and with phase blade, that needs 46 IAS.
Your gear doesn't focus on CB, which is a big part of being a kicker. Gear like Guillaume's and Stormlash both provide excellent Cb support (and static).
One thing to keep in mind is that speed isn't always what it's cracked up to be. The secondary kick's speed is what ends up mattering most. When they're at 3, you're good. The initial kick can be 1 or two frames off and not be a problem.|||This is directly from JRichard's "kicking basics":
Dragon Talon
This attack has a base attack speed of 12 frames and a maximum attack speed of 7 frames with all weapon setups. Dragon Talon also includes multiple subsequent kicks, which have a base attack speed of 4 frames and a maximum attack speed of 2 frames.
When using the calculator at, you'll have to select manual as the weapon class and enter 12 in for the base. This calculator doesn't list the speed of Dtalon's follow-up kicks. The breakpoints for those are: 0 to 24 EIAS puts them at 4 frames. 25 to 66 EIAS makes for 3 frame follow up kicks. 67+ EIAS will get you 2 frame follow up kicks.
This attack does not take the WSM penalty of 25.
Only the IAS on your dominant weapon will affect your attack speed. IAS on the off-hand claw will not affect attack speed
I use a combination of physical and elemental damage the 250-500 cold and 250-500 magic damage on the azurewrath, I decided that crushing blow was too much of a headache and this works fine, probably works even better than crushing blow for non boss mobs. I am somewhat interested in saving up for a last wish though so I could get cb for bosses. But as it stands my lightning sentry does almost 7k so with these 2 attacks I take down bosses with average speed. I can pretty much kill anything pvm in the game maybe not ubers or clone d but for a general pvm build I'm pretty happy with it so far.|||The link doesn't work and you're using very old and wrong information.
From the same person you refer to (link):
Next, I want to explain why it is not possible to get a 2 tick kick out of Dtalon. This has been debated over and over since patch 1.10 came out and far more people began using Dtalon. The majority of people playing Dtalon assassins on bnet still believe they can get 2 tick kicks out of Dtalon. So, let's look at this. First of all, I'll just run through the first part of a Dtalon attack with the maximum increment value you can get. Remember, the value of the (base+EIAS) part of the increment equation is capped at 175. This means we can find the fastest speed Dtalon is capable of if we just figure the increment with 175 put in place of this part of the equation.
Increment_value = AnimationSpeed * (base + EIAS) / 100 = 256*175/100=448
So, 448 is the highest value we can get for the increment with Dtalon. We won't get this animation to play any faster than this. Let's run through the first kick of a Dtalon attack with this as our increment.
Game tick 1
counter is incremented, counter = 448
is counter >=3328? No
Aframe 01 is shown
is counter >=1024? No
Game tick 2
counter is incremented, counter = 896
is counter >=3328? No
Aframe 03 is shown
is counter >=1024? No
Game tick 3
counter is incremented, counter = 1344
is counter >=3328? No
Aframe 05 is shown
is counter >=1024? YES
more actions needed?
Stop here. As you can see, even at the highest increment value you can have, it took 3 ticks to get to the point where the counter is rolled back and the next kick is started. Given the cap on the (base + EIAS) portion of the equation, it's impossible to attain 2 tick kicks. So how did it get so widely reported that it was possible to attain 2 tick kicks? I've given that answer already, it's just been spread out across everything I've posted so far.|||Thank you so much for correcting me.
This means a stormlash without any modifications can hit the 3 frame ias. So no need for the ridiculous last wish, (seriously you would think with jah mal jah sur jah ber that this thing would be the Cadillac of weapons)
I'm getting one, I will have to see if I can kill lighting physical immunes with it though, I might even put a ber in it. Glad I didn't use my 15 ias jewel yet.
Well I guess it's good I made this thread then.|||Quote:
(seriously you would think with jah mal jah sur jah ber that this thing would be the Cadillac of weapons)
It is. Seriously over-rated by people who haven't tried other more practical alternatives

It is. Seriously over-rated by people who haven't tried other more practical alternatives

Oh I used to use it extensively, but that was the season 5, and it wasn't even my favorite weapon.
The nice thing about a kicker is that you actually have choices with your weapon.|||Last wish pb is only good for uber smiter imo.|||It's complete overkill for an uber smiter, the point of an uber smiter is to generate wealth by getting selling torches to people, so why spend 5+hrs on an item that you don't need.
I reckon it is only good for a hammerdin to be able to do ubers by only changing one piece of gear, due to limited stash size (maybe chucking a kiras on would help).
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