Thursday, April 19, 2012

Question about improvement (trapper)


I have alot of d2 experience. However i have never made a assassin before. This time when i started up again i did not want to go the usual sorc -> mf route and started a assassin.

I just love it! I am hooked!!

I have crap gear right now but still kick butt.

I did some nightmare cow run yesterday and found a ist rune.

My question is: How can i best improve my gear from that 1 ist rune?

(i have some pgems and alot of crap jewels and lower runes ofc)

My current gear is:

2 bactucs

lore helm

stealth armour

random mana/life rings and amu


sigons belt

sanders boots

no charms worth mentioning.

I have the runes for treachery and planning on making it when i find a armour for it.

I have currently level 76 and have started hell.

My skills are:

1 in all one-point-wonders

20 FB 20 LS 20 DS and the rest in CBS.

My end goal is to make a uber hunter.

My other question is:

Should i reset and build a kick/trapper now? or should i continue with a pure trapper abit more until i get better gear/more wealth?

I also want to thank Sass (i think it was Sass). I read a thread yesterday about placing my death sentury behind the other traps to get more CE from them. I practiced it in the cow runs previously mentioned and it works wonders!! thanks Sass!|||When I first started my trapper this ladder I got an ist out of my first NM cow run. It actually ended up getting a full tal set for my sorc since the lack of teleporting was killing me.

Honestly, a k/t is better than a pure trap when you're poor - most of the gear is easier to acquire and assuming that hrs are still worth several ists, don't expect an enigma or coh for a while. Aside from that, the rest of the kicker gear is generally inexpensive, stormlash, ss, gores, dracs and whatever else you throw in.

With the respecs you have a lot of freedom - though there is one thing I don't like about your current spec - 20 fb I only do that on my pure trap since all the lite synergies boost its damage, but it doesn't return the favor and just adds extra shots - not a big deal when you start placing a DS or two away from your main traps.|||Wouldn't respec K/T just yet. It's only necessary for ubers, and you're still a stormlash and drac's gloves short of doing them.

For some cheap extra's you could get magefists instead of frostburns (depending on how your mana is), for the +1 to fire skills for DS and FB. Other possibilities would be getting some sojs and some +skills amu.|||This is only if you are going with a full trapper.

If you are making a full trapper, you dont need the bartucs. The 7%ll is useless. The 20 to str/dex each you shouldnt need. The 60fhr is nice and the +2 to all skills is ok.

Shop at least some basic +3 to traps claws, any other mods are bonus. You should be able to shop 2 of those from Anya within an hour. You could keep the bartucs as your alternate weapon to prebuff your SM/Fade/BOS from the shadow skill tree, but you can also get at least +3 shadow disc prebuff claws.

If you keep the bartucs you are getting +4 to your traps instead of at least +6. The only disadvantage is you will lose 2 points in WB.

For your found IST, congratulations. However I dont think you should be looking to trade it away quite yet.|||Quote:

Wouldn't respec K/T just yet. It's only necessary for ubers, and you're still a stormlash and drac's gloves short of doing them.

For some cheap extra's you could get magefists instead of frostburns (depending on how your mana is), for the +1 to fire skills for DS and FB. Other possibilities would be getting some sojs and some +skills amu.

DS isn't affected by magefists.

The above is exactly why I say go K/T over trap. When Stormlash and dracs are more expensive than sojs.....

The nice thing about K/T is that your dtalon can be a nicer fallback or even your main attack - which is essential considering you won't have the wealth to build an infinity merc. You need an alternative damage source, and fb is not only slower, but you're more likely to run into fire/lite immunes over lite/phy immunes.

As for trap claws, I prefer bartucs until I have really nice trap claws +2 sin skills isn't worth losing per claw unless you get +3 Trap +3LS or +2 Sin +3LS claws - and even then you have to keep in mind they have to be in a good base (greater talon/runic) as attack speed affects trap laying. BoS only goes so far on its own.|||for plain trappers, +3 traps claws *with other mods (especially more +skills and IAS)* are great, but for K/T sins bartucs is hard to beat because of their fast attack speed (-30wsm), two all skills, one MA (for three total) and total 40 stats (for you twinks out there thats 120 life easy) each.

Its not that hard to "go kick", all that changes are your boots (to upped gores), and one point in dtalon.

As for UT, you're probably going to want the "uber three"; guliarmes face, gore riders - upped in this case, and Dracs to start with. From there you can go W/S with a stormlash or whatever you choose, or c/c. My favourite setup for UT is a 2/2/45+ Jade Talon with a shael in your mainhand (gloves), a Bartucs in the offhand (boots), a Metalgrid (sexiest unique amulet by far imo), high res armour (coh or enigma is best), and a Ravenfrost, Tgods and Dwarf Star for absorb's (dear god these three make a life of difference when facing meph and his minions!).

Claw block should reach decent levels even with one skill point, but you should look for 50+, and fade will rack up a nice amount of resist and PDR. The crunch point in a K/T UT build is how many kicks you want. 3-4 is good for pvp or pvm, while more kicks in a series means more hits/second. Usually I run plain kicker with maxed dtalon, fade, claw block and venom so I end up with 5+ kicks.

Assassins need a bunch of rather specific gear to uber well solo (most of it is cheap though), while pally's are rather easy to uber with via smite, zeal and sanctuary. If you can get a friend to run sanctuary while fighting meph, you shouldn't have any problems.|||Quote:

for plain trappers, +3 traps claws *with other mods (especially more +skills and IAS)* are great, but for K/T sins bartucs is hard to beat because of their fast attack speed (-30wsm), two all skills, one MA (for three total) and total 40 stats (for you twinks out there thats 120 life easy) each.

Its not that hard to "go kick", all that changes are your boots (to upped gores), and one point in dtalon.

There's a vastly different change and you highly under rate K/T. Bartucs would be good if they had any CB and IAS. They have + skills you don't need and lack the melee stats you do need.

You put more than 1 into DTalon (it's around 6-12), wear drac's and more defensive armor / shields. The helm and jewelry change from + skill focus to offensive focus.

If you run Jade, you'd have to WSM bug to hit a decent speed.|||According to the german weapon speed calc, you only need 20%ias with a JT and bartucs to hit 9/3. My UT kicker runs fine with JT, bartucs, upped gores and some IAS in PvM. The skill level depends on what you want to kick really. 3-4 kicks for pvp and minion killing, 5-6 for boss hunting and 7+ because you're bored. With +11 all skills, which shouldn't be hard for a trapper, you start with at least three kicks. Any more is up to you and becomes trap damage vs # of kicks.|||K/T don't normally run +11 skills. They become squishy.|||Quote:

K/T don't normally run +11 skills. They become squishy.

Plus skills on a kicker? we don't need no stinkin plus skills =P

Because you're in melee a lot more often, you drop the plus skill gear for survivability - as much as I love the c/c look, of all my sin experience nothing beats a kicker with stormlash - that static field is so wonderful.

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