Saturday, April 21, 2012

Help me tear apart another idea - A Doom Kicker

This particular idea caught my mind when I saw a sorc using Holy Freeze with no apparent weapon and got me to thinking... I wonder exactly which runeword she's using, and how effective it would be when combined with kicks (I hope that everyone understands why HF is one of those awesome-to-use-but-irritating-when-they-have-it runewords. If not I'd suggest either whipping up a low level din and playing around with it or respeccing to get it and play around with it). Note - this character will be designed to pvp specs to avoid having to completely redesign the character if I want to pvp with it (also that its a more exacting set of standards), though it may not be effective there at all.

Turns out there's two runewords that give the Holy Freeze aura. Doom (Axes, Polearms, and Hammers), and Ice (Missile weapons). Doom's ability to be wielded one handed and extra abilities made it a hands down decision for me as to what I would center this build around.


5% Chance To Cast Level 18 Volcano On Striking

Level 12 Holy Freeze Aura When Equipped

+2 To All Skills

+45% Increased Attack Speed

+330-370% Enhanced Damage (varies)

-(40-60)% To Enemy Cold Resistance (varies)

20% Deadly Strike

25% Chance of Open Wounds

Prevent Monster Heal

Freezes Target +3

Requirements -20%

Holy Freeze (Level 12)

Radius 11.3 yards

Adds 85-90 cold damage to attacks

15-17 aura damage

Enemies slowed by 50%

Looking into the weapons that it can go into, my choices are limited to a War Spike with -10 wsm and a Berserker axe with 0 wsm. A war spike would require 95 total IAS to hit 7/3 while a 'zerker would require 133 IAS, neither which is readily possible, even with the weapon's existing 45 IAS, with a fade build (which is the only way I build assassins), so I will have to live with 8/3. 7/3 is just not feasible. Once that's decided, I either need 20 IAS to hit 8/3 with a war spike or 30% with a 'zerker axe. I've already got a 5os 'zerker axe lying around so that will probably end up being what I put my Doom in, as well as the fact that it will deal more physical damage, which is great for BS/BF, and is able to strike from even farther away (if Dtalon gets any more rangeadder you'll be able to kick people from halfway across the map!).

So now that the Doom 'zerker axe is decided on, I'm left with a few requirements to hit the basic pvp specs.

30 IAS

64 FCR

86 FHR

My original gear plan for this is as follows;

Andariel's Visage - 2 skills, 20 IAS, as well as a large str bonus make it a very fitting helm in my opinion for this character (saves lots of points when trying to add dancers). If you can get your hands on a 15 IAS/30 fire res jewel however (or even a 15/20), you can hit the 30 IAS BP without needing the next piece of gear. Alt; 2/20 sin circ with +str and 2os with either IAS/res jewels or IAS/str jewels or just 1os + Highlords.

Highlord's Wrath - 1 skill, 20 ias, lots of DS for Blade Shield, as well as lightning res. This is the piece of gear that I thought of using to hit the 30 IAS BP.

MP Enigma - With a torch+anni, I should be able to wear this with no points in str, and it should cover most, if not all of my gear. (Getting 167 str for dancers may still require some base str pts though).

Spirit Monarch - I know I'll take heat for this one, but really its the only way to recover the 30-40% FCR lost to the helm, amulet and either a glove or belt slot being filled (more below) and the FHR being lost from either claws or possibly a circlet. More dex will be required to hit 60-75% chance to block (~220- 280), but more dex means more physical kick damage and AR, so even the drawbacks have benefits. A stormshield really wouldn't work here. *MUST* be 34 or 35 FCR.

Ravenfrost - CBF, +20 dex, + AR, cold absorb. Standard 1/character.

FCR Ring - Preferably with +fire res, lots of +dex and preferably some mana leech. This will allow you to hit the 65%FCR breakpoint with only one more peice of 20%FCR gear.

Here's where I started to run into problems... The main problem so far; no Open Wounds. At all. The weapon itself isnt an option, neither is the sheild or helm, which leaves the gloves, the belt, and the boots as the only source of OW. Only 20% more FCR is needed to max out the 65% goal as well as 31%FHR. My options are as follows;


Trang Oul's Claws/Magefists (FCR Gloves)


Dracoul's Grasp (OW Gloves)


Arachnid Mesh (FCR Belt)


Crafted Blood belt (OW belt, can also be ~24%FHR)


Shadow Dancers (+shadow/dex/FHR boots)


Upped Gore Riders (OW/DS/CB)

In the end I decided that the best balance was Dracs (25%OW), Arachs (skill+slow+FCR), Dancers (skill+dex+FHR), and one 3%FHR SC.

Total; +14 all skills, 70%FCR, 88%FHR, 40%IAS

As for skills, I decided to go with the fairly standard K/T setup;

Dtalon/18total - 4x kicks, base level 4

Fade/20 - with 6 shadow skillers you can actually hit level 42 fade, which maxes out your PDR with enigma.

Mind Blast/2 - One extra point to make your shadow use this skill constantly

Rest of Shadow Disciplines/1 - lots of 1pt wonders here.

Death Sentry/20 - LS synergy (and awesome room clearer for pvm)

Lightning Sentry/20 - your main trap skill

Charged Bolt sentry/20 - LS synergy

Blade Shield/1 - Slices through minion stack, great fun and makes you look awesome. Deadly Strike is an extra bonus for this for quick and easy double damage hits.

Total skill points used; 100. Total traps damage (no gc's) 5k ls.

So, opinions, ideas, changes, modifications, glaring errors, not so glaring errors, advice, etc, welcome. Especially regarding my unusually low (for assassins anyway) chance of OW. *Edit; Also does anyone know exactly how you get your gear to not appear on the other player's screens? I've accidentally done it any number of times (namely armour) but never got how to do it on purpose.|||I would have to vote on a circlet + SS.

By the nature of HF, cast is unaffected, which means casters are still as good as ever. Since you aren't c/c, you'll be doing best vs melee, which block is needed with.

The FHR in spirit can easily be made up. Dancers definitely, and it will be a huge source of FHR. You can get 2-3 jewels with FHR (depends on helm sockets). 3 GCs gets you the other 35%. OR two shaels + jewel + 1x GC.

BTW, Doom has 25% OW. You're set.

With OW fine, I'd get trangs' to make FCR and venom easier.

With fade low due to SS, you can possibly BoS if you'd like (helps to avoid enemies), and at least use the saved skills on venom (which I don't see listed).|||How did I miss that Doom had OW already? I must have been really tired yesterday. *Files under "Glaring Errors"*

I can understand the swap to circlet, but is the reason you recommend SS because of its 25% extra chance to block? As mentioned above I've already hit the PDR cap of 50% with lvl 42 fade (total) and Enigma (8% from Ber). If I was to use BOS rather than fade because of SS's PDR, I could probably hit the IAS breakpoints without having to use any IAS gear/jewels. I'll have to look into redesigning the character with BOS...

Regarding Trang's/Venom, I decided to go for higher traps damage, and Venom was the most logical place to me to squeeze for extra points from to make a slvl 34 LS jump from 3k damage to 5k damage. With 16 shadow skills from gear and 6 shadow GC's, Venom still totals to a workable slvl 23 (~500 poison damage). Trang's would only add 125 poison damage (not counting its glitch), so in comparison to 25% OW, which I thought I was missing from the build, Trang's was the best piece to sacrifice to get a solid chunk of OW into my damage. With Trang's back in the build I can rework the FCR pieces.

Thanks for the build help again Sass!|||IMO you would be having a lot of trouble dealing with most of the PvP classes as this is a weaker version of a hybrid sin.|||Hybrid what sin? Also the skills (other than fade and dtalon) really don't matter, and can easily be changed. I just know from experience that trying to clear PvM is difficult with dtalon, fade, venom, shadow master and mind blast.

Specifics as to how and why would be greatly appreciated here >.>|||Hybrid kick / trap is what he means.

Normally, the trap would probably be the same, but the kick side gets OW (more), (maybe) slow, fast base weapon, etc.|||Quote:

*Edit; Also does anyone know exactly how you get your gear to not appear on the other player's screens? I've accidentally done it any number of times (namely armour) but never got how to do it on purpose.

That happens when you need charms to reach the required strength/dexterity for the gear.|||Last I remember, that much slow, HF in general especially was considered BM. So that alone is why you've never seen a build around it I would suspect.

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