I've read -if I understand it correctly- that Highlord is better than Mara even on Venom-based and that it allows me to use Shadow Dancers which is helpful. So here's the first question:
1) Is Highlord + Shadow Dancers the best option on a Venom-oriented build?
I've also seen Sass mention Feral Fool's is better than RT while using HL. Here's the second question
2) Is Feral the best claw for Fool's in a Venom-oriented build using HL and Dancers?
And maybe it's a good idea, while I'm using HL, that I'll get faster claws but without "of Quickness" and instead with ED?
3) Does HL + Fool's with ED make sense?
It also looks like Chaos can be pretty slow, and Suwayyah is the best option...
4) Is Chaos Suwayyah the best option?

But I have no idea what's good for a Fury. Greater Talons?
This way this would be my setup, please tell me if it's what you would personally use or maybe you'd change it a little. Please take a look at each and every detail - which armor for Eni would YOU prefer, how to socket a helm, etc
2 / 20 / 2 Circlet (Shael Um)
Eni MP
Chaos Suwayyah
Fury GT
Fool's Feral of Quickness (Um Um)
10 fcr res life dex ring
Shadow Dancers
Edit. I'm totally confused right now. I see in one of the older topics that Mara is recommended for a venom-based. Please just tell me what exact gear would you use for a venom-based ghost who CAN afford pretty decent claws and lifers but CAN'T afford inventory full of 3/20/20's|||Mara's is +2 all and up to 30 all res vs Highlord's +1 all, 20ias, deadly strike, and lite res
Unless you're really hurting on res, highlord's offers more overall damage
As for boots, 30frw/10fhr tri res are probably the best, as you only have so many sources of res. Shadows have their benefit, but aren't necessarily the best choice, venom or not.
Suwayyah's are the best slow claw choice, and as you're wsm bugging, best claw overall for Chaos.
I'd rather have 40%IAS than cruel mod on fool's - as it affects your wsm bug and damage isn't what your fool's claw is for, especially if you have a fury.
a venom based doesn't use a full inventory of 3/20/20s, tho it wouldn't hurt for the bottom row charms unless you need to use it fill other holes.
GT is fine for fury, though you can consider runic as well depending on stats. Runic does offer a bit more physical damage at the cost of stats, so the choice is really up to you.|||U can always cover the missing resists (and stack 'em) using charms
I have an odd ghost build , no damage charms , not even 9 shadows , but many life + single res charms

So, Highlord gives me 20ias, but what's the real world difference with it? Chaos Suwa + Fool's Feral of Quickness (which claws would you look for with Fool's? Feral?) + Fury GT / RT would work with Mara as well, right?|||Biggest bonus from highlords is 30 + deadly strike.Deadly strike deals double damage , but only applies to phisycal damage.Not to mention ias and nice light res.
Ps : i u play on europe ladder and looking for some nice fools , drop me a pm

Wanna sell them in order to buy others.|||Yeah, thank you. But what is the difference between having IAS from HL and not having it? Because AFAIK (and I'm probably wrong) I'd use the same claws no matter which amu I use
PS. Cool! PMed

Lightning res is found on both, and is one of the important ones (the other being cold). If you can get res on SC, or GCs, highlord's gives you the extra boost in physical damage, which is good for elite claws like a Suwayyah. If using weaker claws (Greater Talons usually) and focusing on venom, the + skill is going to help there and the physical damage isn't high anyway.|||For Fool's I'd recommend GT/RT, tho feral is the one alternative I'd consider.
You'd use the same claws, but the difference is in additional IAS needed - more so a factor depending on IAS on fool's.
Just because one focuses on venom doesn't mean one should ignore the value of additional physical damage.
QuickA's charm combination is not common and not recommended by (at least) conventional standards. I'd rather have different elemental damages like shocking small charm of storms if not the fine small charms of vita or shadow lifers and fine small charms of vita... maybe serpent's small charm of vita as fillers as well.
Not to say that stacked res is a bad thing, but its of limited use as they won't apply to a lot of the characters you face.|||If venom with elite claws, it becomes viable as a 50/50 ish focus.|||I want to play with one setup and maaaybe change one claw sometimes (I'll go Chaos + Fool's only or maybe Chaos + Fury and change for Fool's on barbs and pals). Venom-based because of charms (no money for 3/20/20's) but Physical add-on by using Chaos Suwa (cause I don't loose anything by doing it, right?)
So it looks like I'll go with HL. Here's the exact thing I'm thinking about (of course if I'll be able to find it cause those Fool's are sooo hard to get...)
2 / 20 / 2 Circlet (probably Shael Um)
Eni MP
Chaos Suwayyah
Fury Runic
Fool's Feral of Quickness (Um Um)
10 fcr res life dex ring
FHR res boots
... so actually almost nothing changed. Of course after your help I know much more about WHY it's the setup I'd probably use (as for right now). Chaos Suwa for high damage (no drawbacks really, right? Bless WSM), Fury RT (or GT, but maybe it's worth to invest some more in stats to enjoy higher damage boosted with HL?), Fool's Feral (again, big damage and no drawbacks at all because of HL's IAS). Looks wonderful or I'm still missing something?

About inventory and resistances... 9x shadow lifer, anni, torch. And now probably SCs to fill the gaps in resistances and when I do it, just fill up with life/ar, right? But what would you consider a "good overall resistances"? I don't want to change gear, so what would I ideally look for?
75 / 75 / 75 / 75
That's for sure, but what to stack? Light and cold, right (or maybe fire and poison as well, but only a little bit?)? How much would you stack it? When is the time when you would say "OK, enough of light res, I think AR will help me more at this stage"?
EDIT. I just came across an interesting circlet. It's 2 skills 20 fcr 1 soc and with Visio mod. I'm not sure how much it adds to AR but I think it's 1% per level? If that's it, I'll mean +90% to AR in my case. Of course it's less than what Fool's provides, but maybe combined with 100+ AR ring and few 20 AR SCs it will make some sense for NON-gear-changing Sin like me? Then I'll have a lower AR than with Fool's but I'll have a better damage because of Fury...
Probably it's not the best idea in my life and barbs and pals will eat me alive with AR from Visio and about 8x SCs but I want to make sure

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