Thursday, April 19, 2012

How do i raise resists in nightmare?

Im playing single player with a martial artist sin and skeleton mages are doing massive damage.

My gear at this point is :

Superior scissors katar with strength rune word(25% crushing blow)

Sigon helm, shield and gloves.

Goblin toe boots(25% crushing blow)

Rattlecage (25% crushing blow gothic plate)

Eye of flitch(+1 to all skills amulet)

A rare ring with decent + resist to cold, fire and poison.

A crappy magical ring, im trying to gamble for a better rare.

Havent had much luck getting nightmare runes, tried countess runs but was only getting low level runes...

Do i REALLY have to use fade?

Edit : I just found the ward, which is the unique gothic shield with +43 to all resists. That made a lot of difference.|||Get fade. The ward will only get you so for before becoming obsolete; and you'll need the resistance badly in hell; especially in SP. The extra 1% DR is also quiet sweet. I'd get it to about lvl 15 (or even lower depending on the types of sk+ you get.)|||How do other characters survive without max resists from fade if its so essential? Slightly OT i know....|||Quote:

How do other characters survive without max resists from fade if its so essential? Slightly OT i know....

Not having enough @ equals death, ergo irritation ergo boredom & frustration.

I wouldn't call it "so essential", but rather a skill that boosts your survival rate TONS, if you're untwinked. Any character will fall pray to elementals (expect maybe cautious javas & know-what-they're-doing-bowaz) if they don't have enough resistance.

All characters firstly rely on equipment to get some source of resistance.

Then they rely on skills that give inherent @ or, a skill that gives a boost of @ over a duration of time, or something which absorbs elemental damage (cyclone armour, natural resistance and fade)

crowd control + mercenaries = diverts damage; and sometimes nullifies dangerous threats.

Seeing that you are untwinked, and having troubles in nightmare, before the big axe falls down and your resists are lowered even further I'd call fade essential.|||Look for fast claws and use fade....... Greater Talons and runics would be best and put decent Faster Attack Speed Runewords into them or even just shaels if your Elemental.

3 Shaels will give MAX possible speed with 1 claw in runics. Cant get much cheap than 60 ias Claws with base skills that you use. 3 PS 3 CoT and 3 Fade is possible.|||Also, when i play untwinked in SP, i usually put Ort/Ral runes in my helm/armor. In your case I understand you want your sigons combo, but 2-4 Ort/Thul/Ral in some ok socketed armor would serve you better than rattlecage since you already have sources of crushing blow. Furthermore, Perfect diamond in that shield of yours grants +19 resist all. I dont know, maybe you spent(plan to spend your socket reward on something else.

A Lum rune shouldnt be too hard to find at nightmare countess, and 'smoke' runeword is an incredible armor untwinked. Also, if you could find a Lem, 'treachery' in your armor could solve your resist problem (fade triggers) as well as your IAS issues (if you have any).

peace!|||Good point about the socket quest. I added a perfect diamond to The Ward so my resists are pretty decent now.|||Fade is the best way to get resist with sin. Get your anya quest down too.

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