Wednesday, April 18, 2012

check this ghost sin

is the dmg and att too low?

using 2x runic claw now|||If that's the AR with Fury, you're fine. For damage, I suggest screen shotting with venom active. The only thing I'd actually worry about is your life. CTA's +Battle Orders should get you at least 3+K.|||yes with fury

here is new s/s with venom and bo on

still need 2x more 35 life + shadow gc to finish her|||Looks nice.|||Thankyou

I still have few skill pionts left

so where you suggest I put the rest?

I'm thinking these 4

Lightning Sentry - i have this skill on my claw. With other gears

i have 10 points here. Put rest points here for more


Claw Block - 60% block at this moment. Put rest points here bump to

65% or more?

Shadow Master - Put rest points here?

Fade - Hit 50dr break point already. Put rest points for more dr?|||The points in LS won't give you enough damage. 4 points in claw block won't get any more block.

You can flip a coin on fade or shadow. After the 50% dr and base point in master, it doesn't matter much with only 4 points.|||Sass sorry about my grammar makes you confused.

i mean im thinking put the rest point in these 4 skills

Lightning Sentry,Claw Block,Shadow Master, Fade

actually i have 11points left.|||Got 50 dr with fade ? Got 60 claw block ?

Got one point blade shield ? Got 1 point dragon claw ?

Answer those questions and i'm pretty sure u can find a good use to those points.|||Quote:

Got 50 dr with fade ? Got 60 claw block ?

Got one point blade shield ? Got 1 point dragon claw ?

Answer those questions and i'm pretty sure u can find a good use to those points.

50dr with fade - yes, ber'd helm and nigma there are 16dr

and now i have 34points in fade.

60 claw block - yes,26points in it so hit the 60%block.

1 blade shield - yes.

1 dragon claw - no, i need to put 1point right here?|||Yes , dragon claw will make your life easier vs bone necro.With this skill you can abuse the minion stack.Teleport on him with shadow master and attack with dragonclaw.The master will be on top of you , meaning all necros spells will hit the minion.Along with bos you will have a good attack speed to bring the necro down pretty fast.

Also , remove the ber from helm and put 8 points into fade.Since u have all those free points the ber is a waste.

With all those left points you can go for 61 claw block (skill lvl 30 ) or a stronger shadow master.

Ghosts have no use for lightning sentry (both to damage and stun).Wake of fire stuns much better.

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