Monday, April 16, 2012

Ghost Sin Help! (Sass I'm looking mainly to you!)

I have a Ghost Assassin:


2/20/Dex/Life/Jah Jah Circlet

2/20/Dex/Lite Res/Lo Lo Circlet (Against Lite chars)






FCR/Str/Life/Res Ring



Shadow Dancer's


Mara's (Against Cold Sorcs)



Chaos Suwayhha

Fury Runic

Fool's Runic (cruel/swiftness/fool's/Um'd)


Arachnid Mesh


4xfhr sc's 6 life sc's




I have no trouble verse any character except

1) BvC

2) Trapper

Against these two, Dave (Tienje) suggests Nef'd widowmaker? Though he doesn't specify how to use it.

My ideas:

Hel'd Widowmaker!

1) 102% FCR

Circlet --> Griffon's

Ravenfrost --> FCR/Dex Ring

Highlord's --> 2/17fcr/15Dex Amulet

102%FCR to teleport around faster. With widowmaker, we should use fade to hit 10fpa attack frame.

2) 65% FCR

Shadow Dancer's --> Gore's

Arach --> 24%FHR/10%OW/60 Life Belt

Highlord's --> 2/17fcr/15Dex Amulet

10FCR/Str Ring --> 10FCR/Dex Ring

65% FCR but you get 20% OW and deadly strike and crushing blow and more life.

3) Nef'd Widowmaker

4) UM'd Widomaker

Thoughts on options as well as other options?

Dueling strategies:

Against BvC's:

Burst of Speed. Teleport around. WoF, Mind blast once. Shoot.

Against Traps:

Cube CTA

Burst of Speed (by having lots of lite/fhrs and lite/lifers)

Teleport around. WoF, Mind blast, shooting. If they close in on you to fireblast namelock, switch to claws and whirlwind.

Thoughts on my strategies?



Well, don't feel bad since those two chars should give you the biggest trouble. That they're the only two is a good sign at least. ^^

VS traps: You should use BoS, but not Fire Blast. FB is good for telestomping, but you don't want to do that often, especially stationary.

Mainly, I approach in a semi circular pattern in range to trigger LS, but not to get hit. after a round of them shooting, I'll zip in and make one WW pass hitting the trapper. You may have to back-track tele to get that moment of surprise. Campers may MB their feet, so avoid a direct stomp.

Vs those who are also very mobile, I usually do the same semi circle, but around the traps opposite their direction. Then, Ill cut through and tele WW off away from the bulk of the traps.

Effectively, I just whittle them down and try to not stand still too often. A video by Tienje shows that same outer skirting pretty early in the vid. It even shows why you don't stand still and how to escape ;P It shows a bit using Widow, but mainly it's like a taunt to the trapper to get him to slip up.

I don't use Widow due to it being too difficult to stash and swap all the time, and also since I can just play normally but with a different tactic.

VS BvCs: *gulp*

I've had tons of practice vs these, and I still have a hard time. It's all about timing and angles of attack. Wizadept's video shows how he's able to hit behind the barb without getting hit.

The tricky part is WWing off them intercepting them, but out of range quickly. You'll still hit, but it works almost like what happens to smiters when they smite and you WW. It's not the best explanation I'm sure, but the mechanic itself is confusing. You'll see it when you duel them more.

Try to predict his movements. I've noticed that many barbs see a sin and think it's a quick and easy tele > WW win since we can't hit as hard. If you WW away from their attack (or MB them as they tele), you can hit them before they react and they hit air while you go another direction. That'll probably be the biggest advantage.

Also, don't use BoS. You need the DR% from fade, and I would consider a Ber Ber helm vs these (depending on Fade level since you use a lot of Shadow GCs already). KB is often good on a fool's claw as well, but not necessary. Your Um'd one has OW covered, so feel free to make it a battle of attrition. There's no way you'll straight out damage him anyway. Always keep a Shadow and Cloak active. Every bit helps.

Again, I don't use Widow personally. I do basically what Wiz does in the vid (or try to ). Don't feel bad if you can't get that record vs barbs anyway. They're meant to be hard, and they're hard for him. That same char (venom) killed me 20 times to my one (luck shot). I'll let you see something in that :P

Still, it can happen, but with practice.|||I see. So I've scrapped the widow idea. Several people have suggested that good BvC's and good trappers will charge me while I use a bow and that it's not that useful.

For Trapsins: Why burst of speed?

What about Fort/Gores or Bramble/Gores against BvC's? Those have been suggested. Any one better than the other? If I lose Enigma, I lose Dancer's and I lose 25 dex and 30% fhr so... not sure. Also is the poison boost with thorns better or the fort ed boost better...

Against BvC's should I be using Fool's or Fury? I don't think BvC's have much defense?

Another question. I've been losing to my friend's HDin lately... he synchs all over the place. I've tried stomping him from time to time but every stomp, I eat a hammer. Then I tried random whirlwinds trying to predict his synch but I still fail. Any other hints or tips? I use fool's against him.

Thanks!|||BoS lets you get through traps sooner, and your res should be at 75 even with BoS. VS a trapper, the DR% won't be as helpful, so every shot dodged by speed is one less to worry about.

Fort / Bramble can work vs barbs, but you have to build around it. You've built Dancers into your build, and that's fine. Enigma gives you the ability to maneuver to where you need to anyway without the risk of losing your block.

Definitely use Fool's vs these. They can get upwards of I think 8-10K defense. High def armors and Shout are no joke.

Don't telestomp a hdin. Let them telestomp you. When they do, WW directly south. Hammers go north and spiral down, so you can evade them (Use BoS here too since it's magic damage anyway). Spam the heck out of MB and make him move to you. He has a short range and he knows it. Traps can't stun them as well as a sorc / nec, but they can get tripped up after a stomp or if they are MB'd while charging a lot. Your Shadow will help here too since her Dflight tends to reveal him.

They also tend to land to the south since they know they attack to the north. When you see them below, running up or teleporting (running is quicker) will avoid them long enough to re position and MB. HappyAssassin is a bit aggressive in his vid, but that comes with practice. Eventually, you will see that they're not as bad as they seem when you get them 1v1.

Tip for desync: If you don't see him for a few seconds, expect him near you. If he goes off map, follow with caution so he doesn't build up desync. If he stands still on your mini map, he's casting hammers usually near / on you. If your shadow randomly dies, move!|||vs a good BvC a Ghost is largely screwed.

i've found the "best" way is to use BvB tactics: try and get in as many unopposed hit-checks as you can (eg: whirl them while they aint whirling you).

getting into a side-by-side whirlwind slugfest with a BvC is suicide.|||That's a good suggestion, because I BvB'd before I ever GvG'd (ghosts dueling, was fun ^^). I didn't know the tactics or names, but knew about the surprise whirls.

Max does it like a pro.

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