Saturday, April 14, 2012

High Level Fire Blast PvM Hoto/Spirit Style

[:1]I just ran the numbers on my assassin and it kind of surprised me. I always knew Fire Blast was good, but not this good.

My assassin:

Fire Blast: 5,850-6,826 (9 frame per trap)

Lightning Sentry: 1-10,053 (9 frame per trap, 33 frame initial delay and 30 frame firing speed)

Fire Blast (9 frame trap laying speed) vs Diablo:

5,850-6,826 fire damage

7,897-9,215 fire damage (with conviction)

Fire damage each frame (with conviction): 877-1,023

Average fire damage each frame (with conviction): 950

Lightning Sentry (30 fpa firing speed) vs Diablo:

1-10,053 lightning damage

1-13,671 lightning damage (with conviction)

Lightning damage each frame with (with convition): 1-455

Average lightning damage each frame (with conviction): 227

Average lightning damage of 5 x LS each frame (with conviction): 1,135

I won't have 5 x LS working by the time Baal is spawned. As far as I know Diablo is the only monster you can have 5 x LS up and running against by the time it's spawned. Against all other monsters it will take some time before I got 5 x LS up and running. FB is extremely good. The area of effect isn't bad at all. Of course I set up 5 x LS at Baal before I start FB. I don't use LS if I feel FB will get the job done faster, which it will a lot of the time. I've made a little something for you guys to have a look at (this is average damage without conviction vs 0% resistance monsters).

Agressive Fire Blast Style (my favored style):

Frame 0/1: Starting Teleport (102% = 10 frames)

Frame 11: Starting FB #1

Frame 20: Starting FB #2 (total damage: 6,338)

Frame 29: Starting FB #3 (total damage: 12,676)

Frame 38: Starting FB #4 (total damage: 19,014)

Frame 47: Starting FB #5 (total damage: 25,352)

Frame 56: Starting FB #6 (total damage: 31,690)

Frame 65: Starting FB #7 (total damage: 38,028)

Frame 74: Starting FB #8 (total damage: 44,366)

Passive Lightning Sentry Style:

Frame 0/1: Starting LS #1

Frame 10: Starting LS #2 (LS #1 completed)

Frame 19: Starting LS #3 (LS #2 completed)

Frame 28: Starting LS #4 (LS #3 completed)

Frame 37: Starting LS #5 (LS #4 completed)

Frame 43: LS #1 fires 1st shoot (total damage: 5,027)

Frame 46: (LS #5 completed)

Frame 52: LS #2 fires 1st shoot (total damage: 10,054)

Frame 61: LS #3 fires 1st shoot (total damage: 15,081)

Frame 70: LS #4 fires 1st shoot (total damage: 20,108)

Frame 73: LS #1 fires 2rd shoot (total damage: 25,135)

Frame 79: LS #5 fires 1st shoot (total damage: 30,162)

Fire Blast is indeed a strong skill and more than just a backup skill.|||Definitely, in fact the optimal secondary attack for trapsins, especially with their free socket spots for facets.Much more powerful and flexible than kicks, despite the hype of some unaware or naivistic forum members, to not name names.|||Quote:

Definitely, in fact the optimal secondary attack for trapsins, especially with their free socket spots for facets.Much more powerful and flexible than kicks, despite the hype of some unaware or naivistic forum members, to not name names.

Hmm, I thought facets didn't do anything for your traps?|||For self cast things (Fire Blast and Shock Web), they do. The Sentries aren't affected.|||Quote:

For self cast things (Fire Blast and Shock Web), they do. The Sentries aren't affected.


I wonder whether or not it's any good to have 2 x faceted 5 LS claws in a PvP trappers stash for dueling necs and perhaps other chars also. The loss of 21% FHR could be overcome by also stashing a shael'ed griff.|||i think in pvm 174 fcr set will be more interesting. And you can also try c/c set with 5-6 fb claws with fire rbfs and 9tls - damage rly amazing.|||Well conviction does not break many fire immunes so I would primarly stick with light sentry then work rest points into fire blast for secondary attack. Makes a good combo use ls and fb on boss for best results of kill. Dont forget to mb when you need to.|||Quote:

i think in pvm 174 fcr set will be more interesting. And you can also try c/c set with 5-6 fb claws with fire rbfs and 9tls - damage rly amazing.


Anyways, yes I could imagine fire damage being really nice, but I'm gonna stick with hoto/spirit because I'm not into spending much on my pvm chars. I could imagine such claws being very expensive because who have such fire claws for trade? Anyways, as FB and LS both can't spawn on claws it's probably better to stick with the LS ones.

I'm not sure about the 174 BP. Anyways, dying is something I want to avoid for all cost so I can't really go to 174 as I need that Verdungo to keep me from dying.


Well conviction does not break many fire immunes so I would primarly stick with light sentry then work rest points into fire blast for secondary attack. Makes a good combo use ls and fb on boss for best results of kill. Dont forget to mb when you need to.

I'm not debating the power of LS. I'm just pointing out that FB is indeed a nice skill especially against Diablo. You won't believe how many Assassins I have had in Diablo Party who just made 5 x LS and waited for them to get the kill. In fact I haven't had a single Assassin in Diablo Party who did FB. I've had a few ones do Shock Web, but none who did FB and I've had many Assassins in Diablo Parties. I'm pretty sure that I've had all the lvl 97+ Assassin on EuScL5 in my Diablo Party at some point.

I don't have any points into MB because that's 1 wasted skill point when it comes to PvM. Nor do I have any points into a Shadow as that's even more points wasted in PvM.|||but fb avg damage can be 2x more then ls with fire facets... but y, in practice it doesnt metter - diablo anyway dies from 3-5 sec. it's good in pvp to have fb as main source of dagame...

i think that 5-6 fb claws must be more cheap, than ls... but more rare.

ps. sry for bad english...

pps. but if you really wanna more safe build i think stormshield with max block and pb spirit would be better)... i really hate hoto on trapsins^_^|||No clue why you'd use Lightning Sentry against any boss when Charged Bolt Sentry will kill significantly faster?

Not sure why you're saying you can't get 5x traps out superfast... are you taking care of your IAS?

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