i really cant decide ive been looking at Happys Hybrid and TienJe's Ghost i love both my sin just clicked over to lvl90 just need to decide.
My worry is that as i hybrid will be sorbed like a mofo and my ghost will be trounced by barbs ill be doing pub so what do you all think??

but my main problem is finding one been haveing trouble getting a 3 poison 3ls
the one i've got is a 3 poison 3 ls and 3 mb on both claws im kinda pore now after getting the rest of the gear is it hopeless if i cant find 1 can i soc ias in helm instead?
can i make the builds without feral?|||I think im now leaning towords the ghost because of what you say if i cant bug them ill have a strong ww with better AR witch might be a better option imm post my gear soon|||You can--Runics are perfectly fine.
Hybrids are good in a GM pub (oxymoron, I know). In just a random game, expect absorb.
W/O absorb, a hybrid has a much higher chance against barbs. With it, you're better off with a Ghost, but lose the ability to target multiple people like a Hybrid can.|||my gear
Main equipment:
Helm: (finding a +skill 2soc 20 fcr)
Armor: Enigma Archon Plate +775 Defense - Perfect
Weapon 1: Fury Suwayyah - 3 LS/3 Venom/3 MB
Weapon 2: Chaos Suwayyah - 3 LS/3 Venom/3 MB - 340% ED - Perfect
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope 30 res
Ring 1: Ravenfrost - 20 Dex & 250 AR - Perfect
Ring 2: (finding 10 fcr with extras)
Belt: Arachnid Mesh - 120% ED - Perfect
Gloves: Trang-Oul's Claws
Boots: Shadow Dancer - 2 SD & 25 Dex
Weapon: Call to Arms Flail - Perfect 6 BO
Shield: Spirit Monarch - 35% FCR
Hellfire Torch: Assassin Hellfire 19 res 18 stats
Annihilus: (need to get)
Charms: 9x Assassin Shadow Disciplines Life GC and 10x 20 Life SC (currently getting)
Bramble Switch
Helm: Giant Skull 2x Rainbow Facet Jewel +5/-5 poison death
Armor: Bramble Archon Plate Perfect
Belt: Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Boots:Gore Rider Perfect
In Stash
Demon Limb
15 Resist All / 15% IAS Jewel (for 20fcr helm)
Thundergod's Vigor
Angelic ring
Angelic Amulet
My sin is at lvl 90 and is ready for stat reset i was also wondering if i should use Sandstorm Trek instead of Shadow Dancer like in TienJe's build also is dungos needed or just good to have? feel free to say if im doing something wrong all im looking to make is a good pvp build that can stand with the best i've always been in pvm and this will be my only pvp as i am pretty broke now and like pvp sins advice would be great =)|||@ Sass so you think Ghost would be best with my current gear? i've been leaning towards it.
Is my main problem my claws? and can a Ghost sin peform just as well in pubs cos like you said i can only target 1 person at a time i've been flip floping back and forth between both builds trying to decide i think my main worries are that if i go Hybrid i wonte be able to lay traps quickenough and that as a ghost im going to bet barb stomped and killed by 2v1 ppl.
Sorry about this guys im probably being a nooby pain but im just finding myself feeling clueless as to what to do =/|||2 x duped suwayyah's = win|||Currently, the gear favors a hybrid. Ghosts tend to use Highlord's and a tri-res pair of boots. They don't need treks.
Hybrids benefit from Mara's, and enjoy the +2 Shadow on dancers.
Neither build uses 2x Suwayyah. Like you fear, using them makes you cast traps too slowly. Build with either a Runic or Ferals and WSM like Tienje describes if you want to use a Suwayyah.
If this is your only PvP char, I'd start with the hybrid. LS makes you more versatile, and you can afford to stay back and get the hang of PvP before jumping into face-to-face PvP. Both are heavily skill intensive, and Hybrids are the more user friendly of the two.
Once WW is mastered, a simple respec can get you to be a Ghost--they can perform well with that gear as well. For both, trap speed is everything, so look into swapping that Fury.
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