Monday, April 16, 2012

Kicksin Question

OK, I read the Guide on kicking in the stickies, and I'd like to confirm a couple of things I read, to make sure I got it right.

I'm thinking of using Baranar's Star on a kicksin, using DTalon as my primary attack. If I understand the sticky correctly, the only modifier on BStar that won't transfer to my kicks is the +200% damage.

But I will get the +50% IAS along with all the elemental damage, right?

If I combine this with Treachery armor, I also get the +45% IAS from that as well, correct? I imagine with +95% IAS, I'm already a good deal of the way there to a 7/3 frame rate on my kicks.|||The 200% ED and 50% ED to Undead won't apply. The rest will.

With Treachery, you do get +95 IAS.|||Oh yeah - forgot about the 50% damage to undead for mace class weapons. Thanks for the reply though - I think I might like a BStar over a claw class weapon in that case. I can get to a skill level 24 DTalon without +skills from a weapon, but I cannot get to a skill level 30 DTalon even with the claw class weapon, and so I'm thinking I may be better off going for something that adds some elemental damage.|||IK maul!

Or Azurewrath or Famine.|||kickers typically don't use claws as end game options since they aren't as useful as regular weapons for mods. Ias should be a concern, but not the main reason for your gear choices.|||I should probably add that while I called this character a kicksin, it's more like a k/t hybrid.


IK maul!

Or Azurewrath or Famine.

I don't have an Azurewrath, and I cannot afford a Famine (the whole, need an Ohm and a Jah thing places it well outside of my price range. I was looking at BStar as kind of a "poor man's" Famine.

While I certainly have an IK maul, I was planning on using a shield, as that's one of the few equipment slots I'll have to dedicate to getting resistances, which makes IK a less than ideal choice for me.


kickers typically don't use claws as end game options since they aren't as useful as regular weapons for mods. Ias should be a concern, but not the main reason for your gear choices.

That's what I've concluded as well. The only thing that you can get on a claw that isn't readily available on other weapon options are +skills. But when looking at DTalon, unless those +skills are going to get you an additional kick (which in my case they won't), the damage increase of going from slvl 24 DTalon to (at best) slvl 27 DTalon seems pretty marginal. It's certainly less than the 300 average damage I'd be getting added to each individual kick with BStar.

I do have one additional question concerning Treachery. I have collected are rather wide array of armors that I can make this armor in (Although I do not believe I have a 3-socket Archon Plate). Since I'm going to need 153 strength to equip BStar, and since that weapon gives me +15 strength, I'm all the way up to 168. (And I would need close to that anyway to equip upped Gore Riders.) So the question is, with strength not being much of a limiting factor, should I just make Treachery in the highest defense armor I can get my hands on? I know I have Balrog Skin, Chaos Armor, and Ornate Plate lying around (and a 3-socket Sacred, but I'm not going that high with strength), or should I stick with light armor for the added movement (like a Dusk Shroud or Wyrmhide)?

The other gear I'm currently considering if you care (which you probably don't, but what the hell...) I'm thinking of going with Tal Rasha's Mask for the life, resistance, and great leech. Credendum for added strengh, dexterity and resistances, a Sanctuary shield (in a hyperion), upped Gore Riders (obviously). I have a great +2 skills circlet with res all, mf, and +19 strength. I have a +1 skills ammy with some other good mods, and I'm currently undecided on the gloves (definitely something with IAS, but I'm not sure what), and the rings. I have a Raven Frost, which I guess is one of them, and I can throw on a SoJ, although I feel there are probably better options. Thinking of going with dual +3 SD claws on switch for prebuffing/summoning Shadow Master.|||Since you are not using BoS I would try to make it in a Light armour to avoid the walk speed penalty as you mentioned. It is noticeable in my opinion. You are walking not running right :P.

Crescent Moon PB is a wicked nice budget weapon as well the static makes your traps kill a lot quicker. Blood glooves would be my first choice for the extra CB given your proposed set up.

+3/+3 claws for prebuff is what I normally do. If you can find a dual leech ring or gloves you can swap out Tal Rasha's Fugly helm for a Guillame's provided it is an option.|||Armor defense doesn't help a sin. Go with whatever armor you like to look at.

Claws can make "Strength", which gives + STR, Leech and CB%. Kickers will be getting more out of CB than elemental damage in late NM and in Hell.|||Ack! I had not even considered Crescent Moon, and I definitely didn't think about the -LR adding to trap damage. I know I have the runes, I don't know if I have a 3-socket phase blade lying around somewhere.

Blood gloves are also a good suggestion, and it would potentially also allow me to get away from TR's helm if I get a lucky roll. The main reason for choosing TR's helm over Guillame's was I didn't see how else I was going to get both life and mana leech. I don't have a dual leech ring, so if one of my rings is a Raven Frost, then I'm only getting mana or life leech out of the second ring slot. TR's offered both, along with some resistance, mana, and life. Life leech is obviously more important - I can probably get away with 3% mana leech and be fine. If I'm running Fade, I can probably do without the extra resistances, go Guillame's might be a better chioce.


Claws can make "Strength", which gives + STR, Leech and CB%. Kickers will be getting more out of CB than elemental damage in late NM and in Hell.

Another worthy suggestion. I don't think I regularly collect 2 open socket claws, but it can't possibly be hard to get a hold of one.|||Crescent Moon's - enemy res will only help the Shock Web trap.

The static is still good, and is why Stormlash is a very popular choice as an end weapon.

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