Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Need help for my kicker

Ok, here is my gear setup atm

Helm: Guillame's


Wep1: bartuc's w/ ber

Wep2: bartuc's w/ ber

Gloves: Drac's

Boots: Shadow Dancer (Max Kicking DMG!)


Ring2: dual leech 6%


I need a lil bit of help on armor and ammy... Also, should I look for 3 socketed claws and put 2-3 ber's and some others? (I forget which gives itd and OW). Of course I am only lv 49 atm running Baal with no problems other than the MoD's cuz my hp is like 591 >.> I kill almost every enemy with one Dtalon on /p8 (287-325 or something close to that) with 6 kicks. I realize CB is the brunt of my dmg (hence the ber's) and I'm not using the gear now It's just what I have in my stash. Is there any ammy's with OW?

Ty for advice/input

~Pailon|||1 Bartucs with ber would serve you better because only the primary weapons Crushing blow will be added to kicks.

I personally prefer W/S kickers since it opens up vastly superior opportunities for damage but you do lose clawblock. How open are you to the possibility of not using claws.

Some such as

Last wish




Lacerator(Amp damage)|||Well, could ow help from the off hand wep? Or ITD?|||Not with kicks.|||Damn, so just skill claws there... Should I get a 3 socketed claw instead of bartuc's for various mods such as... CB OW and ITD? or just stay bartuc's. I found a 3 socketed claw last night so having it is not a problem|||Typically people don't waste bers on bartucs.|||Hence the 3 socket claw suggestion.|||Quote:

I personally prefer W/S kickers since it opens up vastly superior opportunities for damage but you do lose clawblock

While a c/c kicker can be done - its more for the sake of bargain, which is why throwing a Ber in is seen as wasteful. Granted, if you're on NL, Hrs are more plentiful.

I myself did plenty of runs with dual bartucs, but more to see if it was possible, not as a final solution.

The Warrior Monk pretty much covers weapon choices, and even more so in the following posts under it.|||So, there is no "pure" kicker? I mean it's kinda really easy... just use DTalon for non PI's, DFlight for moving, and Dstrike(or firey one forget name cuz I'm in NM) for PI's but hit a non PI first.|||I think you mean Death Sentry which use Corpse Explosion and can kill physical immunes.

The reason there aren't pure kickers are the PIs.

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