Saturday, April 14, 2012

Starting Furysin

[:1]Evening all,

I've been browsing these forums for the last week and digging through old guides, posts, etc. I recently discovered the Furysin Analysis and had a few questions (in addition to general questions) for my situation:

I'm not an established player. I literally just picked up D2 again - the last time I played it was before LoD came out.

A few quick questions/statements:

I'm just started through Nightmare - I'm level 43 at the moment.

1.) I just got Hexfire Shamshir - which is a MASSIVE upgrade in damage over my Gale Barb Claws. I have 9 Points in Claw Mastery (with a +1 skill shield) - I understand the AR from Claw Mastery does NOT apply to BF - so if my character sheet damage is showing a 100 damage up - should I use the Shamshir until I get something better?

2.) I'm been dumping points into Venom for now because it seems like the biggest bang for the buck - does anyone else have another suggestion to max first?

3.) I put a point into DT early on not knowing what to use - should I use my early respec to focus my points more? I'm a bit spread out right now: 10 CM, 4 Shadow Master, 4-5 Venom, 2DS and about 7 into BF. Should I respec and focus points more?

Just some basic stuff but this forum has a ton of information to absorb if you'r new so it's been a challenge! I appreciate what everyone does here - thank you.

These are LAN games with friends - no ladder or anything special, we're just having fun until D3 comes out.|||1) Certainly. It's a nice exceptional, but do keep your eyes peeled for an upgrade. Generally, something with leech (if not on gear) and good damage are the big thing. Also, scoop up anything eth, just in case it's a good one.

2) With a Furysin, I wouldn't bother with venom. Remember, it is reduced by the same penalty, and venom isn't that strong in PvM anyway. I'd recommend maxing BF first, then then DS, and go for the claw mastery by the time you get a decent one (or can runeword one).

3) BF and DS are your core skills now. CM won't help unless you can focus on them, which usually means you need a good one to pass up on the rest of the 1 handers. Shadows and venom are good, but at one point until you get some more.|||I think you should just focus on Blade Fury. After all it's pretty much your weapon and more points is the same as getting a new weapon, and get your shadow to a survivable level. When your shadow can take some hits and give you time to produce corpses, then pump into DS. DS doesn't help much if your forced to dance 30 yards back to avoid attacks.

Focus on Cmastery last, since you need a good claw anyways. Only 4 skills worth investing in. Though Dtalon does work much better agaisnt bosses with CB in mind. That would be recommended as you need good gear oriented on increasing your chance to hit bosses later on to deal with em using BF alone. I would invest in Dtalon for the time being to deal with bosses. BF is VERY AR dependent agaisnt bosses.

The nice thing is that you can get by with the same gear setup as a kicker so it doesn't harm you. Cept you will need the angelic combo most likely.|||Thanks for the feedback.

I was confused when I first started putting in points - and my research and reading of the BF Analysis guide led me to question it here and I am glad I did.

I'm going to use my Nightmare respec and correct my points.

I actually just got Goblin Toe boots from a Normal Baal run, lucky me. :d

Yeah, I read the Uber-Tristram assassin guide for Kick/BF and it seemed pretty interesting as well although I'm not sure I'll ever make it that far. I'll focus on BF first with 3-4 into SM so he can tank a little.

I currently have around 5 invested in Fade, should I reinvest those as well? I really like Fade.|||o.O DS has nothing to do with how far you are from the action. DS will blow them up right in their faces... It's usefulness increases because you're far away. At a large distance, it'll only blow corpses and not shoot lightning. That's helpful since it takes many synergies to make the lightning half way decent.|||Quote:

o.O DS has nothing to do with how far you are from the action. DS will blow them up right in their faces... It's usefulness increases because you're far away. At a large distance, it'll only blow corpses and not shoot lightning. That's helpful since it takes many synergies to make the lightning half way decent.

It doesn't have a 30 yard radius......

Starting out your not going to have it maxed either. Your stuck with like a 6-7 radius blast area that will only help you if you can keep them in the same place. What im saying is that it will do you no good if you have to flee from them all the way down the hall before your torn to shreds while many are still giving chase. That's why you need a good merc and shadow before the rich investment.|||Torn to shreds? Are we talking about the same furysin you said was untouchable?

BTW, 30 yards isn't relevant...|||Once again thanks for the help.

I just got my third Sigon item which will help until more Uniques drop - the Shield is especially nice for the +1 Skill.

I changed my points around - and although I consume more mana (a problem that isn't really a problem, especially as soon as I get a nice leech) it's killing much faster. 1 point if Venom was definitely fine for now - and I have 21 BF now and it hits very hard. I usually just Mind Blast or Cloak > Kill a couple > DS and watch red stuff fly everywhere.

Thanks much!|||Quote:

Torn to shreds? Are we talking about the same furysin you said was untouchable?

BTW, 30 yards isn't relevant...

It's a little different when your below level 40 with poor gear watching your merc and shadow go poof, and not have a limitless mana supply to keep rolling MB and CoS, AND a 30 yard radius is to make a point......

*facepalm*|||DS doesn't need a 30 yard radius...4 is fine, more is better.

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