Monday, April 16, 2012

Weird build help

I've never played an assassin before.

I'm going to make an assassin that runs really fast. Sounds stupid, but thats basically it. I know barbarians can go faster using frenzy or Feral Rage (wolfhowl) an Assassin won't have to attack things though

Heres the gear:

Helm: 30% FRW 2os Tiara

Body: 'Enigma' 45% FRW

Weapon: Harmony Bow 40% FRW

Switch: Trap claw, -20/+20 Monarch

Amulet: Cat's Eye 30% FRW

Rings: Raven + FCR

Boots: Natalya's Soul 40% FRW

Gloves: Trangs

Belt: Mavina's 20% FRW (Arachs maybe)

Inventory full of 3% FRW small charms (depending how many I can find/get)

The only set skills I need are 20 into Burst of Speed.

With the remaining ~75 points (level 85) What should I make to give me some sort of killing? Maybe something like Venom and use her for PvP (without the merc) I'll have ~351% FRW without the Merc, and ~390% with her. That should be more than enough to dysnch well. Its also more than enough to outrun any arrow a zon can shoot (not sure about sorc lightning though)

I could keep some nice claws on switch, and use them when I need to attack, or to lay some traps maybe? You guys are the experts |||If this is a wacky PvP build, I'd stick with a trapper.

Also, Sigon's gloves don't give 20 FRW. They give 20 AR, and 20 IAS when used with 1 other Sigon piece (like boots).

Ideally, 65% is a min for FCR. Since this is wacky already, you can get by with 42.

That can easily be done by 2 FCR rings (20 so far), and 20 FCR in the gloves (likely Trangs since you lose Fade's res).

It cuts FRW, but Arach's for belt.

This lets you keep 30 FRW in the helm. If you can, 2 sin there and if magic, it can still have 2 sockets.

For weapon switch, the standard CTA and spirit.

If this is PvM, forget the FCR focus (though the gloves can be Magefist to boost fireblast for immunes).

Either way, merc (not usual in PvP) shouldn't need enigma. She can get 2 skills elsewhere, but they don't boost her Vigor aura.|||If you have that much speed, you're going to leave the act 1 merc in the dust, which will slow you down. Better to weild the Harmony yourself. If you make it in a chu-ko-nu, it has -60 wsm, which with max BoS will get you to the fastest kick breakpoint for any kick, and you wouldn't need to worry about weapon damage, since it would have no effect.

From a quick look at arreat summit, it looks like fury druids couldn't catch you, but a fully charged frenzy barb could.

If you're building it with enigma, you should race yourself and see which is faster, teleporting or running.|||Dual Wielding 'wind' claws gives the same FRW as wielding the bow myself. Good point about leaving the merc, I just hoped I would move fast enough she would pretty much teleport with me lol.

So, I should go with traps?|||Yeah. Melee won't be your strong suit in this gear, but trappers can still be effective.|||So... something like this?

1 Fire Blast

20 Shock Web

20 Charged Bolt Sentry

20 Lightning sentry

1-20 Death sentry

20 Burst of speed

1 Mind Blast

Should I put trap claws on switch, or is it really necessary?|||Is this PvM or PvP?

PvM should swap one of the synergies for maxing DS. Trap claws work here.

That set-up works in PvP. This mode should have the CTA.|||There's a difference between skill FRW (Vigor, BoS) and equipment FRW. Equipment FRW has diminishing returns, so an extra 40% on top of more than 100% that you'll have on your equipment already won't be much, but the Vigor aura will make the same difference no matter what your equipment.

300% equipment FRW will give you the equivalent of 100% skill FRW, and the max BoS and Vigor from Harmony will give 97%.

So if you're preferring run speed to damage, definitely go with holding the harmony yourself.|||In the spoiler is what I first though, I think a kicksin would be better


How about some form of Bow-sin?

Heres the guide.

I would have to cut another synergy for traps, and my poison damage probably wouldn't be much. I also wouldn't have guided arrows, but I can make it work with 'Harmony' instead of Widowmaker. The arrows will be harder to see and it will be more of a run-by shooting anyways lol.

20 Burst of Speed

20 Venom

20 Lightning sentry (~2k damage and stun?)

20 Charged Bolt sentry (synergy)


20 Burst of Speed

20 Venom

20 Shadow Master

20... something else. Mind blast maybe?

The shadow master can cast mind blast and other goodies, and since its computer controlled, should never miss?

Heres the gear:

Helm: 30% FRW 2os Tiara (socketed with 5/5 poison facets)

Body: 'Enigma' 45% FRW (maybe Bramble with enigma in stash)

Weapon: Harmony Bow 40% FRW

Switch: ??

Amulet: Cat's Eye 30% FRW

Rings: Raven + ??

Boots: Natalya's Soul 40% FRW

Gloves: Trangs 25% poison damage

Belt: Mavina's 20% FRW

Would poison damage charms be helpful?


Something else... What about a kicksin??

20 Dtalon

20 Burst of Speed

20 Weapon Block (or no block and these can go somewhere else...)

20 Venom

1+ Dragon flight (Maybe Maxed Dflight and 1+ Venom?)

Is it worth the prereqs up to put 1 into blade shield?

I'll substitue Shadow Dancers for Natalya's boots and 'Wind' Claws for the bow. I'll run a bit slower (-10% from boot change and Diminishing returns from claws) but it should still be easy enough to dysnch, and still fast enough to be crazy fun.

Something like the 10th edit...

Maybe even fortitude on for the extra damage at the loss of 45% FRW though.

Opinions please!

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