Saturday, April 14, 2012

102 fcr Ghost

[:1]Ok. I've been reading about Ghosts and I didn't hear it only once, but multiple times, from various sources - that 102 fcr Ghosts aren't really viable. To be honest I don't really see what is it that you are loosing...

Swaps would include 2/20 circlet and HLW for 1.07 Valk (Cham'd), 2/15+ fcr ammy, and raven for rare fcr ring. So you are loosing one skill total since you will get one more from ammy, DS from HLW (dunno how it impacts your total dmg output, but I imgaine it isn't that huge if you use Fury claw) and one total skill for BO. From raven you loose CBF so valk needs to be Cham'd and attack rating. Well that last one can be a bit concering if fighting barbs or pallys, but for general anti caster game i wouldn't imagine it being problem. Also valk gives 30fhr leaving more flexibilty with other gear and more potential life. Also 30 IAS allows you to wear hard hitting claws and it can still protect vs Arachnid's 10% slow.

So can someone reveal secret to me? What is it that lacks on 102 fcr build that 65 fcr builds have? What makes such difference?|||For the helm, you lose damage and + stats. For the amulets (mara's and highlord's), you still lose damage. The valk Cham'd isn't good enough to replace the Raven. FHR is almost totally gotten from boots anyway.

Basically, 65 is mass damage, 102 is one frame faster at this cost.|||If you have trouble catching casters with 65fcr, use a 102fcr switch. I use both setups, just need to swap amulet, one ring, claws and helm. I do lose heaps of damage, plus with my 102fcr setup my cruel fool's is the secondary claw, so my first ww hit check has a ****ty chance to hit with just ~4k AR chaos. Vs most casters 4k is ok since they have crappy defense.|||o.O Why would claws change?|||It's not that i have troubles catching casters. heck I didn't even built Ghost up to now. I've played 65fcr hybrid and 102 c/c trapper, and differnece in fcr really helps.

I believe that you are experienced with Ghosts, but I just don't see any dmg loss other then DS from HLW in case of physical build. I just don't see why would I lose any dmg with caster ammy vs Mara's. What I would loose is some minor dmg due to lower lvl of WW and other offensive spells (or at least I see it as minor dmg), but honestly I don't see much difference on paper. Raven is nice for added AR, but for casters I don't see it as problem really. Even if I should need it, Fool's claw is always option.|||Your helmet also boosts it, as well as having stats. The 1 frame isn't worth the loss in stats (life, res, etc) or damage (highlord's is mostly a physical thing anyway, and is indeed significant).|||I find all that to be very odd, to be honest. Trappers are almost always encouraged to get 102 fcr in almost all setups. Or more for that matter. Trappers also have to sacrifice skills and such for reaching that elusive 102 fcr with C/C setup, and strategy of both Ghost or Trapper is to get lock on enemy and they depend on stunning capabilities. While trapper doesn't loose as much as Ghost, it still have to sacrifice skills and others, especially if they don't have access to 1.07 Valk.

I dunno. It all seems kinda weird to me but I'll try both setups and see what fits me more. (even tho I'm pretty biased about 102 fcr breakpoint from my previous experience)|||Melee is more stat oriented. You sacrifice them for 102. 102 can indeed get kills, but it's much less effective than 65.|||Note: Both frozzzen and I play Single Player where items from earlier versions are easier to come by. No Anni / Torch though...

I have a Ghost capable of both setups, with a Chamed 1.07 Valk Wing. I don't have hax claws *cough*frozzzen*cough* so I am an OW/Venom Ghost. I should also say I haven't actually played the 102FCR setup yet though.

- I get +15 to Shadow disciplines with 102FCR, +17 with 65FCR, not including +4 pre buff from Beta CtA on switch.

- I can pre-buff with faceted shadow claws and circlet for a +9 pre-buff, + bonuses from the facets. I hate pre-buffing though.

- Stat wise I need to invest an extra 20 points into Dext as I don't have a Ravenfrost ot uber FCR ring with loads of dext.

- I can get 86FHR if required in the 102FCR setup.

- Getting enough resists is difficult in the 102FCR setup as the helm offers nothing.

Is it worth it? Well it only costs you a few points in dext, as you probably already have the FCR gear from the trapper. It is no problem to keep the 102FCR gear in the stash in case you need it. Do you need it? Not sure as I haven't tried it. I think it could be interesting for 200FCR fire sorcs though.|||Quote:

o.O Why would claws change?

My eth rep cruel fool's feral claws doesn't have base IAS so I wsm-bug it with chaos suwayyah, in 65fcr setup I got the IAS from highlord's and 30ias in circlet (42 IAS needed). Switching to 102fcr I lose 9fpa trap laying speed with that claw, so I change it to fury runics and if I need more AR, I'm forced to use cruel fool's war fist as off-hand and chaos runic as main hand. I don't have 08 valk to supply IAS in 102fcr setup

Although when I think back, in matches where I preferred 102fcr over 65fcr (bone necs mostly), fade is not necessary. Using BoS would allow me to keep the rare feral as main hand w/o losing trap laying speed. Plus FRW is really helpful.

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