Saturday, April 14, 2012

PvP Pure Trapsin Idea (Need Opinions and Ideas)

[:1]I have been getting dominated in PvP on all fronts with many variations of have decided to make a 100% pure trapsin. I will try and focus on reducing enemy resistances as much as possible (Conviction) to increase the lightning damage done by my traps. I also want my other gear to highly focus on protection and +Traps skills. I will be using BoS for my trap laying speed and Fade after the traps are down.

I also want to incorporate Blade Shield into the picture because of the high damage on my Infinity Cryptic Axe (Not eth ofc because Blade Shield degrades durability).

So here are some gear ideas

Weapon: Infinity Colossus Voulge (non-eth...simply for the Conviction aura...and maybe usage of the Cyclone Armor).

Helm: Shako (+2 Skills and PDR)

Armor: Chains of Honor (+2 Skills, 65% resist, 8% PDR)

Amulet: Rare +2 Assassin Skills with +Life, +Resistances, +Dex

Rings: 2x Bul'Kathos (for the +Skills and +Life which can come in handy)

Belt: Verdungo's (For additional %DR and Vitality)

I have no idea for gloves or boots.

Could one also consider using Infinity only as a switch for when the enemy comes near me and use two +3 traps claws for the trap laying initially?

I also have CTA so that will give me +1.

I need more ideas so please shoot them at me.|||You don't want Infinity in PvP. You want either Claw / Claw, or weapon / shield. C/C is a primary set-up. You also don't want to be swapping from BoS to Fade. It takes too long, and it's time you need to spend using MB. You'll want the mobility from Enigma, and can pick up the res from elsewhere. That in mind, you'll want 65, and preferably 102 FCR. It helps with tele as well as MB.

Ultimately, the answer isn't the damage you deal. All that mattes is how well you control the opponent and react to him. If you can stun lock effectively, damage won't matter very much.|||So I want 2 claws with IAS and +3 to traps each?

How do I stunlock effectively? Do I need FCR to spam MB? I am not very experienced in PvP.|||PvP Trapper Guide by TienJe

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