Monday, April 16, 2012

Best Build Using Natalyas Set?

Ok, I've had some experience using a trapper, with kinda good gear back in ladder 5, but now, can't really afford any of that gear anymore .__.

I want to make an Assassin, but not necessarily a Trapper. Whats the best build for an Assassin using Natalyas set? I've had a quick peek around the stickies but couldn't find a guide @.@

Oh yeah, its just for PvM, just having some fun :]

Thanks in advance for any help! :]|||Dont really know what to answer you since u specified pvm.I guess a trapper that is using dragon flight for moving around.

In pvp throw a chaos in there and get a ww assassin.Its actually pretty strong.

Edit : You can make a ultra cheap trapper that includes unique items.Vipermagi , bartuc claws , shako / peason crown , blabla.

And get much more stronger then nats set.|||every other thread in which people answer this question they usually say phoenix striker.|||Nice + skills, plenty of holes for custom sockets, and free fade while using BoS. Strike and finisher charges are now possible. Otherwise, you'll have a hard time getting DR and res while just using BoS.|||Just out of curiosity.. guy wants pvm..but what if you would want to make use of the set in pvp.. what kind of assassin would it be best suited for?|||I dont think you can do GG with it but you can make a WW'sin its the only viable option for pvp..

I saw a guide somewhere but I cant remember where.

The vantages of it is you dont need to use fade and can go with BoI for realy fast movement speed and attack speed bp wont be hard to get . Also full your sucket 3 armor, 1 claw, 1 helm with poison facets (maybe nef for knockback on claw)

You can try to use Cats Eye and Mavinas belt for even more movement speed and maybe desync and could be funny + stylish ^^

The big problem is that you need +skills to minimize low level ww damage and all your good source of +skills are full with the set .. whatever you could try a Dragon Claw sin but I dont know nothing about those ones.|||Prolly a ww sin with nats claw/chaos w/e claw is best for build.|||Quote:

Prolly a ww sin with nats claw/chaos w/e claw is best for build.

Didn't work well for me. No gores, no G-face so terrible CB overall or none at all.

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