Monday, April 16, 2012

Few questions about kicker/trapper

Hi, I've started playing recently, till now I was mainly trading to get some money for gear, and now I want to pimp out my assasin, but don't have much experience actually playing it, so I've got few questions. My assa is a kicker/trapper, with venom, DS, LS maxed, and 24/30 DT, no SW/SM, some one-pointers.

Got few questions about gearchoices:

1. Last Wish vs Stormlash. I know there are pros and cons for both of those, basically those are the differences in the setup I can build for both weapons:


* +2 Ma/+20%IAS/+CB blood gloves.

* CoA with 2xIAS/other mods jools

* One kick more than with Stormlash


* Draculs

* Guillaumes

So the question is, which setup would be better for boss hunting? Will the static in Stormlash make a huge difference in killing speed, or will the aura/additional kick make up for that?

2. How important are additional kicks for kicker? Is it beneficial do stack, for instance, some MA skillers to get additional kick, or isn't that a huge difference compared to the space used? And on the topic of skillers, if not MA, are trap skillers making a visible difference if I don't have all the synergies maxed for DS/LS?

3. Is +%damage jool mod something that I'd want to have? Or is having more res/life/other going to do more good overall?

4. How important is AR? Are the DT bonuses enough for hitting bosses most of the time? If I get a CBF rune would it be beneficial to drop Ravenfrost for other ring (like BK) or is the AR too sweet?|||1) CB in both set ups are roughly the same. However, Might Aura can't make up for CTC static field.

2) It depends on your goal. If it's for bosses, more kicks will be fine. If you go for regular monsters often, you don't want 5-6 kicks since you'll often KB them too far too soon, if they even survive.

If you don't have LS synergized, I wouldn't mess with Trap GCs. SCs have the AR / life you'll need, and if you take her to UT, you'll need space for res.

3) Damage is a last priority.

4) You need AR, but again, it depends on goals. If you do UT, AR definitely. If not, at least hit 7-8K to be consistent with Diablo, Baal and likely some other high def things.|||Quote:

1) CB in both set ups are roughly the same. However, Might Aura can't make up for CTC static field.

2) It depends on your goal. If it's for bosses, more kicks will be fine. If you go for regular monsters often, you don't want 5-6 kicks since you'll often KB them too far too soon, if they even survive.

If you don't have LS synergized, I wouldn't mess with Trap GCs. SCs have the AR / life you'll need, and if you take her to UT, you'll need space for res.

3) Damage is a last priority.

4) You need AR, but again, it depends on goals. If you do UT, AR definitely. If not, at least hit 7-8K to be consistent with Diablo, Baal and likely some other high def things.

Thanks for the replay Sass.

Ad1. Sorry for noob question but what does CTC mean?

Also, I can imagine that static will be awesome till 50% (it works to 50% rigt?). You think that the overall killing speed of say Hell Ball, will be faster because of that with Stormlash than with LW (aura + additional kick would work all the way down, and before that you still have CB). How many times will static procc anyway, more or less?

Ad2. I see, so I won't stop kicking as soon as the mob is dead and with many kicks and low HP mob I'll be kicking the air? I will probably be doing World Stone Keep lvl 2-3 + Baal runs, so I guess I'd be fighting against normal mobs too, but I don't want to respecc just for UT if I decide to try doing it tho. I think i won't increase DT more than 24, and use those point for more LS synergies, which will increase boss dps too.

Ad3. I see, will keep that in mind.

Ad4. I'll keep raven then. As for UT and the definite need of AR, is Metalgrid (taht's the name of the +AR +Def amu, right?) a good substitute for maras?


*Zangetsu|||CTC = Chance to Cast.

Static usually casts ~ once per volley, occasionally having 2-3 in one cast depending on how many kicks you can do. It's very noticeable, especially in tandem with CB. After 50%, it's just CB and damage. The good thing, is that you get to the 50% sooner. Normally, the static is there to complement DS. Not only is what you're kicking at 50%, but so is everything around you. After a couple corpses, DS can start blowing them all up.

With LW, it's one at a time and DS's chain reaction is slower. This is why LW is geared toward UT if anything (on top of freeing the helm for Kira's if needed, among other things). Both work out the same, but you just have to keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses or each set up.

Even with Guillaume's and keeping Kira's only for Meph, the damage protion isn't too different. Might boosts it, but it doesn't make or break the kicker. LW's main good part is the high CB, which makes others flexible. To be honest, DTalon hits so often and so quickly, 50-60% CB can be all you need. Stormlash + gores covers that, and Drac's comes with plenty of OW to prevent healing.

DTalon will finish its volley even if the monster isn't there. It can be interrupted if you go into FHR, but it doesn't act like zeal where it stops if the monster dies or moves. I'm not 100% sure, and I might have to check it, but I have a nagging feeling that if the first kick kills the monster or knocks it back too far, you won't follow through. Might be my memory messing up. :S

And to be honest, I'd pick a metal grid over mara's anyday. Potentially more res, loads of AR, and I lose only a couple skills. I'm not a caster per se, so it won't be missed. ;P|||Thanks a lot Sass! This covered everything I needed

I really tried hard to convince myself that LW is the best option (aside from 'prestige' for a high RW, PB on assa looks just too damn sweet), but Stormlash is just so powerful, making this a very hard choice. It makes me wonder why it took me so long to find anyone selling Stormlash, and why there was such a high number of ppl showing up with Snowclash telling me they never heard of Stormlash before :P

I see it would be great to use them both depending on content, but since I like to stash many things I find, I treat storage space as valuable resource, and changing one weapon will also mean I need to change other stuff too (to keep my breakpoints). So now I have some thinking to do which one to keep..

And I'll try to get Metalgrid asap, didn't remember it has @res too! Last time I played (6 years ago) I was under the impresion that +All skill is all that matters for everyone, but recently I started to see I was quite wrong :P

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