Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fury Sin suggestions


I'm planning on making a Fury Assassin, and I have read about SonOfRa's FurySin guide here. However, I made some modifications by myself, which I think may make her better. Here are the plans, and I'd like to ask for suggestions:


Weapon: Grief Zerker. Insane damage, also lvl 15 Venom on striking makes it not necessary to add skill points to Venom any more. Choosing zerker instead of pb is because I don't need to add both str and dex for weapon/armor reqs, saving some 10s stats points to vita.

Shield: Tiamat's. For its added elemental damage.

Helm: Guillaume's Face. For its CB, DS, and OW, also FHR

Armor: Fort Wire Fleece. For the 300ED, which is insane with a Grief weapon. WireFleece, well, it's because it's a self-made one

Gloves: Lava Gout. For its chance to cast Enchant for AR boost.

Boots: Gore Rider. For its CB, DS, and OW.

Belt: Wilhelm's Pride. The only source of dual leech in this build. Also, the partial bonus with Guillaume's Face gives 35 additional life.

Ammy: Angelic. For its AR boost

Rings: Angelic and Raven. For its AR boost and cannot be frozen mod.

Charms: Torch, Anni, etc.

Weapon switch: a teleport axe :wink3:

With these gears, I cannot achieve 95% CB, but 65%, which I think is good enough. My Merc will be using Pride, which further boosts my damage. I won't have AR problem vs. normal monsters, due to the ITD mod on Grief. Also, when dealing with super uniques or bosses, Enchant, Angelic, and Raven can give moderate AR boost, and -25% target defense mod on Grief also helps. I think the AR problem should mostly be gone.


Besides prereqs:

1 in Blade Fury

20 in Fade

1 in Burst of Speed

20 in Shadow Master

20 in Lightning Sentry

20 in Death Sentry

rest in Fire Blast

None in Venom because of the mod on Grief.

My questions are:

1. Should I put my rest skill points in Fire Blast? How much difference does it make to fire a few more shoots with Death Sentry?

2. Will my mana be enough? How dependent will my shadow be to let her cast the Death Sentry traps, rather than myself? Shooting blades itself does not cost much mana, and can be easily leeched back, but if I keep using Cloak or Mind Blast, or casting traps, I guess my mana is pathetic.

3. If I cast Shadow Master, her trap skill lvl is lower than mine (Shadow Master skill lvl / 2 + 1), will she keep overriding my traps, which sounds annoying?

4. Should I hire Nm Def Merc for Holy Freeze aura, or is there better option?

Thanks a lot! |||Some interesting things I've come across


Blade Fury doesn't use up durability of weapons, thus qualifies for ethereal weapons.

Blade Fury works with effects on striking, but not on attack. Therefore, Curses and other effects can be triggered very fast.

Gogo eth grief!

Before I suggest gear, pvm?

Edit: Going to assume you are.

Prefer enigma, just for teleport Lol.

Glove - Laying of hands or trang gloves. More venom damage/350% damage to demons.

Shield - Phoenix? The shield that gives damage.

Fury sins would work in pvp xD Funny build

Another edit: Dracs may work out well too, the ctc lifetap.|||Unfortunately, the +damage from Grief does not work on Blade Fury.

You should have enough mana. You can only use CoS every so many seconds, and most of the time you are using BF anyways.|||Quote:

The 3/4 of your weapon, however, benefit from all damage enchancers, e.g. the Claw Mastery

Has it been tested that +damage does not work? It's not mentioned on arreat summit ><

I would have to assume that they would atleast warn you on the site that +damage does not work.. Similar to how it explained smite|||

It's specific to Grief, not to +damage.|||Did you figure out your resistances? You could be lacking in that department, if so you could always change to a nice metalgid ammy for a nice AR, resistance, def bonus. Also, dont forget demon limb for enchant charges, very nice bonus.|||Quote:

It's specific to Grief, not to +damage.

I tried single player game yesterday. I was using Grief Zerker (max dmg 70-80). So, if +dmg on Grief does not work on Blade Fury, my total dmg will be 80*0.75*(2.5+3)~400 tops, where 2.5 is 1+1.5 from str bonus. I have around 300 max elemental dmg. So, total dmg with out DS is about 400+300*.75~600.

I tried to attack Hell Zombie in Blood Moor, which has about 3k-6k life and 50% dmg resist according to Arreat Summit. I took his like in about 6-7 Blades, with 50% CB and 50% DS. If +dmg on Grief does not work on Blade Fury, this should not be possible. With Zombie's 50% PDR, my max dmg per Blade to him is less than 400. Min dmg is as pathetic as 100.

With Grief, my max dmg is around 800-900 to it (after factoring in PDR).|||Quote:

Did you figure out your resistances? You could be lacking in that department, if so you could always change to a nice metalgid ammy for a nice AR, resistance, def bonus. Also, dont forget demon limb for enchant charges, very nice bonus.

Yeah =) My resist in Hell after finishing Anya quests and using Fade will be capped at 75.|||Quote:

I tried to attack Hell Zombie in Blood Moor, which has about 3k-6k life and 50% dmg resist according to Arreat Summit. I took his like in about 6-7 Blades, with 50% CB and 50% DS. If +dmg on Grief does not work on Blade Fury, this should not be possible. With Zombie's 50% PDR, my max dmg per Blade to him is less than 400. Min dmg is as pathetic as 100.

With Grief, my max dmg is around 800-900 to it (after factoring in PDR).

I do not have a Grief to test with. I'd normally trust Orphan on these things, but if you say it works then use it. :smiley:|||I will do a more accurate test later today. by using only Grief with no CB, DS, or elemental dmg. I will see how much dmg I can do... will post the results here afterwards

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