Thursday, April 12, 2012

good fun build

[:1]looking to make an assassin i dont have any gear for it so id be starting with nothing really. wats a fun build that wouldnt be too gear dependent atleast early on? preferably something less dependent on traps|||Quote:

looking to make an assassin i dont have any gear for it so id be starting with nothing really. wats a fun build that wouldnt be too gear dependent atleast early on? preferably something less dependent on traps

No builds are really gear dependent in the early game, so play whatever you want. The easiest build is a trapper though, or at least something that uses Death Sentry.|||I think a trapper is pretty fun but for sure needs good equipment just like any other character. You can get away with dual spirits and Treachery in Normal and Nightmare but Hell might be an issue.

I really like the Corpse Explosion and Cloak of Shadows an Assassin can use, I actually like running cows with my trapper... you can clear a pack of about 20 cows with corpse explosion.

If you have perfect gems around you can get the following:

Spirit: Long Sword _ I saw Long Sword because traps need IAS

Spirit: Monarch

Peasant Crown

Treachery: Mage Plate / Archon Plate or a made in a light armor.

+1 Skill amulet like Eye of Etlich or a nice gambled 3 Trap magic amulet

Dwarf Star

Raven Frost ( even junk_ you just need the CBF mod )

Mav Belt ( I'd pick this so you can run faster )

Sanders Boots

Id say thats a good start with good start up items.|||Quote:

I think a trapper is pretty fun but for sure needs good equipment just like any other character.

It doesn't. And "any other character" doesn't need it either.


You can get away with dual spirits and Treachery in Normal and Nightmare but Hell might be an issue.

It's not.|||Please post a video of your trapper taking care of business in a 8 player Baal run or even clearing Chaos.|||Quote:

Please post a video of your trapper taking care of business in a 8 player Baal run or even clearing Chaos.

If you can quote the OP on demanding the character must be able to do 8 player Baal and 8 player Chaos runs.|||Quote:

Please post a video of your trapper taking care of business in a 8 player Baal run or even clearing Chaos.

All the 8 player games these days have a lvl 96+ hammerdin bot "taking care of business" anyway|||Long time lurker here, forgot my old account name :P

Anyways my favourite MA sin build has always been this

1 Dragon Claw

1 Cloak of Shadows

1-? Burst of Speed

0-? Fade

20 Claws of Thunder

20 Phoenix Strike

20 Blades of Ice

(get them in that order)

Then, unlike most builds with 20 points in phoenix strike, you never actually use it, it's just there to boost the damage of CoT and BoI. Use Claws of Thunder as your main attack through normal and nightmare. Once CoT and PS are maxed, start maxing Blades of Ice for use on lightning immunes in hell. Dragon Claw hits twice and you get the bonus damage from the charge-ups on both hits. It's much better than Phoenix Strike as you don't have to worry about counting charges, and it just does way more damage overall.

What you choose to do with the rest of the points depends on your personal preference and gear. If you have a lot of +skills items, you can get away with only one point in each of Burst of speed, claw mastery, claw block, etc.

If you're lacking +skills, you might want to boost them up by a few points each. You can always use a respec later when you get some +skills.

The rest of your points can go into either shadow master, death sentry, or a combination of the two. If you're going to use a shadow master you should aim to get it up to at least level 13 after +skills so it has most of the rare gear. More points will make it more durable.

It's nice to have some claws on switch with +death sentry or +shadow master for casting these skills.

Also you should aim for fast claws over more damaging claws. Most of your damage comes from skills so you want the fastest attack possible.

Act 2 merc is the way to go with this one. You could go for holy freeze if you want to be super safe, but i tend to go for might since you have so much crowd control in cloak of shadows, merc, and shadow master.

The best thing about this build is you have so many different types of damage, you can kill anything. Most of your damage is lightning and cold, but you also do decent physical damage, and if you use death sentry you can also do a ton of fire damage.|||^ Phoenix Striker Assassin but with the Fists of Fire synergy instead of Blades of Ice. Reason? The Fire charge of Phoenix Strike (1st charge, the Meteor) does better damage overall than the 3rd charge (Ice spray thing). It's entirely possible to spam 1 charge Phoenix + normal Attack finisher to rapidly drop meteors on top of an area faster than a Sorceress is capable of.

Blades of Ice and the 3rd charge of Phoenix Strike are still useful even with no synergy investment for the chill and freeze effect if things get dicey. It's just that Fists of Fire will outperform it in terms of straight damage.|||Quote:

Dragon Claw hits twice and you get the bonus damage from the charge-ups on both hits

i think this is bugged, you only receive bonus from main claw attack. i read it somewhere in the guides.

Phoenix strike deals one type elemental but when using dual claw you can charge the "charges" quickly. PS attacks once even on dual claw but elemental attacks are twice on dual claw. also releasing all charges is fun, my MA sin (sth very similar to drallim's) deals 26k dmg when fully charged

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