Monday, April 16, 2012

I heard SW is better than SM

Because SW only use your skills on the left and right, correct?

WHere as SM use all skills that you have a point in, right?

But isnt SM better when she casts MB repeatedly?

Ur opinions?|||I prefer SW because they mimic your selected skills, yes. You have more control over them than the SM, and I basically hate and never use MB. It's all about play style, I'm pretty sure that SW costs less to cast but also has lower HP.|||Better only refers to limited in that she won't convert monsters or over ride your traps. That's only going to affect PvM anyway.

For PvP, SM > SW all day.|||Yeah, this is PvM only

So.....SW that is? So she wont override?|||She can cast it if you have it selected, but it's far less likely since she's usually doing melee by the time you need a new trap. It only affects trappers since kickers rarely need more than 2-3 traps out anyway.

Mostly, it's the MBing. She tends to target your monsters, especially at low life.|||Alrightie, so...this is only for PvM, so I assume SM is the way to go?|||If you like the MBing and had considered the SM's doing it a good thing, by all means go for it. It's mostly a style choice in PvM, and if you can live with her, she's a good tool to have.|||Hidden option c - neither. Put the skills somewhere else more useful instead.

PvM I only really use a 1 point SM as an occasional distraction. CoS is enough crowd control for the most part, if I want to Mind Blast I will do it when I want, to the monsters I want, not at random.

PvP is an easy choice - 2/20 points into SM.

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