Monday, April 16, 2012

kickssin weapon

a lot of ppl say that this gun is great kickssins choice :



Fanged Knife

One to Hand Damage: (45 to 60) To (174 to 228) (108 to 144 Avg)

Required Level: 68

Required Strength: 42

Required Dexterity: 86

Durability: 36

Base Weapon Speed: [-20]

+200-300% Enhanced Damage (varies)

-50% Target Defense

25% Chance of Crushing Blow

33% Deadly Strike

50% Chance of Open Wounds

Prevent Monster Heal

Slows Target By 20%

(Spawns In 1.10 Patch Only)

what I'd like to know is what mods exactly make this weapon stand out from all others ?

is it CB combined with -50% defense (cause crits dont work with kicks, or do they??)

I have a wasted Beast made in war axe (long story, best left forgotten).

And I think that Beastie can kick *** on my sin.

also, question #2 :

what shield should I use ?

(don't have stormshield yet )|||1: It has some nice mods on it. More of a poor man's weapon. Not very flexible though. Also, beast isn't that amazing for a kicker either.

2: Just any shield mostly that has good block. Whitstan's guard, Moser's, Gerke's(top pick). Santuary, if you have the runes.|||Fleshripper is a PvP weapon in my book. It has slow, OW and a bit of defense cutting. On items, It worked a bit differently than CoS, and was more effective.|||1 more question.

only ways to increase kick dmg (once u get myrmidons and maxed skill of choice) are:

- aura

- elemental from gear

- STR/DEX bonus

- ofc amp (but that's a bit less traditional)

so how do ppl increase their kick dmg, and what LCS numbers are considered to be decent (pure PVM singleplayer wise).

and 1 more question :

Chaos RW (kinda waste of runes for a kicksin), but I'm thinking Disco!

CTC +magic dmg \o/

? |||Kick damage isn't very important. In PvM, it's all about CB. In PvP, it's Venom.

Chaos is one option for the misc elemental, and some even use Rift and its FO.|||well sure it's all about CB in PVM, but hell baal on players 8 still has tons of HP even when on half health.

as for Rift I can't make that one, since I don't use RWM.|||Base damage won't help nearly as much. Elemental damage is very bad, and physical is worse.|||Quote:

well sure it's all about CB in PVM, but hell baal on players 8 still has tons of HP even when on half health.

as for Rift I can't make that one, since I don't use RWM.

It almost sounds like you are thinking about how static field only works down to half health in hell ... CB isn't capped in that way. CB will help you all the way down until your base damage will be sufficient to get the kill, even against hell baal. It's not a one hit one kill approach, but it is reliable.

That said static is better during the part of the life bar where it works, it removes a bigger percentage against bosses then CB and isn't affected by player count. That is one of the reasons you should try to get hold of a stormlash if you can.|||the other advantage of Static is it's rather large Area of Effect to knock the tops off the lifebars of nearby critters, dramatically increasing the effectivness of Death Sentry.

Fleshripper is an AWESOME PvP kick weapon. that -50% target defence is worth a LOT.|||thats the reason is stormlash best pvm weapon





light dmg


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