Monday, April 16, 2012

PS Natalya's Assa

Been thinking of building one. Have searched the forum but came up empty- Is there a guide for her? I mean:

What should I socket with?

What should I take as Ammy, gloves etc?

How much IAS/FHR should I have?|||Due to the strong claw and weak boot, she's often a PSer.

Amulet can usually be Highlords for IAS, damage and the + skills, which PS focuses on. Gloves are usually 2 MA IAS gloves.

Sockets fill in what you need like life and res. With the set bonus, BoS is effective so not too hurting for IAS (still helps, depending on primary claw). If worrying about FHR, the armor is perfect for that. ~48 is good, 86 is better but not as needed.|||This should help:

Xenja - Phoenix Striker|||Generally On nat Pheonix Strikers I always use a set-up along the lines of.

Nats claw (Primary) socketed with Sheal

Bartucs (Secondary)

Elemental charge-ups/Dragon claw - 6.5 FPA

Phoenix Strike - 8 FPA

This gives a more than respectable attack speed for use with Fade but generally since Nats is heavy in the resists department I use Burst of speed which at level 5 allows.

Elemental charge-ups/Dragon claw - 5 FPA (Max)

Phoenix Strike - 7 FPA (Max)

Now the reasoning behind my choice of socket has always been to loosen the IAS requirements from other sockets for more useful sockets that may involve life/res/FHR.

Now I generally always end up using the individual elemental charge-ups against regular targets and use phoenix strikes first charge against bosses. CoT + FoF is the better build to be honest with Blades of Ice being using at base level with gear purely for the freeze.

My build is usually.,0,0,0,1,0,0,0

Reason for death sentry is purely for corpse explosion to mop up after a body or two has dropped.

I've left points out basically because it depends on end gear, With options being ...

Shadow master - level 17 after skill boosts.

BoI - Purist I guess and my option for a fully powered phoenix Striker.

Fade - Nats is largely full of sockets and decent resists so the option isn't as good as the others.

Claw mastery - Not entirely pointless but with Nats claw ITD its not as good as other options.

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