Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Budget(ish) uber-kicker

[:1]I already built a smiter this ladder for ubers, but I'm kind of bored with it, so I've started up a kicker. I'm trying to keep the total gear value under ~1HR.


20 Dragon Talon

1 Dragon flight

10 Shadow Master (17 with switch gear)

8 Fade (15 with switch gear, caps DR with stormshield)

20 Death Sentry

20 Lightning Sentry

Rest in Fire Blast

Current gear:

Kingslayer Phase Blade

Stormshield (60 cold res, 25 light res)

Dracul's Grasp

Up'd Gore Riders

Thundergod's Vigor

Up'd Um'd Kira's Guardian (84 res all)

Ebugged Prudence (27 res all)

Mara's Kaleidoscope (26 res all)

Bull Kathos' Wedding Band

Manald Heal (swap for 2nd BK when I get one)

Call to Arms (switch)

Spirit Monarch (switch)


Torch 12/18 (see below)

5% FHR (to hit 48 bp)

5 res all

45 res fire

23 res light


Total res all: 190

res fire: 235

res cold: 250

res light: 238

hell + level 20 conviction + level 15 fade:

res fire: 70

res cold: 85 (cap to 75)

res light: 73

Gear Thoughts:

I have 48% crushing, which is fine. I don't have any IAS off weapon. Kingslayer phase is 8/3/3/3/3, 20% IAS would hit 7/3/3/3/3 but I don't see a reasonable way to pick up 20% IAS without giving up something more important. (CoH + highlords is an obvious way but CoH is out of budget)

I need another 5 fire resist and 12 light resist. I think the best way to get that is to reshuffle charms from some other chars, shouldn't be hard, I've got a lot of random resist charms around. I could also re-roll the prudence, 27 is pretty low, if I could get it above 32 then I'd just need one light resist small charm.

I don't want to use a torch, but I need it until I get the second BK (or an anni, but I think that would put me over budget), otherwise I won't have level 24 dragon talon

I haven't socketed the stormshield yet. There's 4 options I'm considering:

1) Eld would save me 17 dex at level 90 (not going higher than that)

2) Hel would save me 23 strength, but I couldn't use spirit as my switch, I guess I'd use splendor, that means I'd need another point in shadow master and fade. Actually if I stopped using spirit as my switch I suppose I'd save 33 strength, because I could rely on the 10 strength from kingslayer too. I suppose this choice has bonus points for a jewel with -15% requirements and something else nice on it. I bet it wouldn't be very expensive to get one with decent elemental damage or attack rating on it. Resist/freedom would obviously be great but probably out of price range.

3) Um, and save myself the trouble of fixing resists with charms. I also might need the um if I drop the torch and can't find enough resists from other charms to make it up.

4) Ith would be nice, I don't have any damage to mana, but I also don't mind carrying a line of blue pots in my belt. I suppose if this was the choice I'd put the ith in the kira's and um the stormshield.

I'm leaning towards the Eld, but I haven't 100% made my mind up on that, I'm not sure how much I care about the extra +1 skills from spirit on switch, because obviously 33 points moved to vit is a lot better than 17.

Anyway scooby suggested I post a thread about my kicker, so here it is. I don't really have any burning questions, but if you want to weigh in on anything (like what to socket in stormshield) please do.|||Seeing as you only need added reses for meh Ort could be better than Um in your helm. There's also no point upping Kira's as it gives you about 10 extra defense (Kira's has + def not %eDef).

I use ith in my stormshield and still need to drink manapots vs baal, everyone else I can leech off fine with a 3% ring. Other things for the SS would be:

15 IAS jewel, Hel*, Sol, Io, Perfect Gems for resesistances.


Hel would save me 23 strength, but I couldn't use spirit as my switch,

If you Hel it you ethier use splendor or sigons and save 23 str as you said, or you use an eth spirit monarch (assuming your switch is noncombatant), and the Hel overall saves you 10 Str. Finding a JoF with a decent ad is quite easy too (as long as it isn't res all) One with some dex on it for example .

Duress instead of purdance? As much as I like prudance, duress gives you CB, FHR, OW, Reses (15@ with added cold), elementtal damage (applies to kicks, ignore the LCS), and the highest in it is um.

Or trechery, you just have to proc fade first, that gives you the IAS too, and saves you skill points in fade.


Rest in Fire Blast

You only need DS to shoot 8 or so times, but the rest into venom. Somepeople also like to max out CoS, even though that removes lifetap.


Manald Heal (swap for 2nd BK when I get one)

eep don't, you need some mana leech on the character. What I did for rings was go nuts crafting until I got dual leech rings with any half decent things (+ stats or Lres usually), they don't need to be *godly*, heck I know mine suck.|||Quote:

Seeing as you only need added reses for meh Ort could be better than Um in your helm. There's also no point upping Kira's as it gives you about 10 extra defense (Kira's has + def not %eDef).

Yeah I wouldn't have bothered uping it myself, but it was up'd and um'd when I got it.


I use ith in my stormshield and still need to drink manapots vs baal, everyone else I can leech off fine with a 3% ring.

You aren't leeching with your 3% ring off the ubers. They have 0% drain effectiveness. The ith must be giving you enough mana not to need it. DT doesn't cost much.


Other things for the SS would be:

15 IAS jewel, Hel*, Sol, Io, Perfect Gems for resesistances.

15% IAS won't get me a breakpoint. If I could find enough resists to do hat and shield I'd hit another bp, but going 8/3/3/3/3 to 7/3/3/3/3 isn't a big deal anyway. Sol is meh, integer reduction is kind of irrelevant against ubers since they hit so hard. Don't need pgems since I don't need resists (just fixed my charms, all maxed against meph now)

As for Io, why would I want 10 vit when I can get 17 vit by socketing eld and respecing my stat points?


Duress instead of purdance? As much as I like prudance, duress gives you CB, FHR, OW, Reses (15@ with added cold), elementtal damage (applies to kicks, ignore the LCS), and the highest in it is um.

I've thought about duress, but stormshield has more cold resist than I need, and it would short me on res all (I'd have to um stormshield). It isn't a bad option, but the ebug prudence provides so much defense, I'm not sure I want to give that up to go from 48% crushing to 63% crushing.


Or trechery, you just have to proc fade first, that gives you the IAS too, and saves you skill points in fade.

Yeah this shorts me on resist all again though, and puts my defense very low. Granted you don't really need super high defense, but it is nice. Certainly an option, but I just don't think the difference between 8/3/3/3/3 and 7/3/3/3/3 is a big deal.


You only need DS to shoot 8 or so times, but the rest into venom. Somepeople also like to max out CoS, even though that removes lifetap.

Venom doesn't really do much to the ubers, it would be nice for clearing trash, but meh. I'd rather have the extra shots on DS.


eep don't, you need some mana leech on the character. What I did for rings was go nuts crafting until I got dual leech rings with any half decent things (+ stats or Lres usually), they don't need to be *godly*, heck I know mine suck.

I really don't need mana leech. Ubers are zero drain effectiveness, and when I'm fighting regular mobs I'll have my insight merc with me.

More importantly, I need the BK ring to hit level 24 Dragon Talon without a torch. I hate using a torch on my uber chars.|||Quote:

As for Io, why would I want 10 vit when I can get 17 vit by socketing eld and respecing my stat points?

I forgot about eld.


I really don't need mana leech. Ubers are zero drain effectiveness,

Not all of them have 0. Baal has 20% drain effect, Diablo has 15, only meph has 0.


Certainly an option, but I just don't think the difference between 8/3/3/3/3 and 7/3/3/3/3 is a big deal.

Yeah it doesn't I use 7/3 instead of 8/3 for baal but thats about it.


Venom doesn't really do much to the ubers, it would be nice for clearing trash, but meh. I'd rather have the extra shots on DS.

I use venom to help counteract their regeneration too, but I forgot KS has 50% OW on it. (I use LW w/o Dracs so my OW is at 10% from gores).|||Quote:

I use venom to help counteract their regeneration too, but I forgot KS has 50% OW on it. (I use LW w/o Dracs so my OW is at 10% from gores).

I actually have a 100pdsc in my inventory just cause it happened to drop, but yeah, I have a lot of OW. Kingslayer, gores, draculs = 85% OW.

As for mana leech, again I just don't see a need. I don't mind taking a line of blue potions to ubers with me. That said if I get an anni to make my 24 dragon talon without dual BK, I'll use a dual leech rare ring I found while leveling.

I do understand your reaction though, if not for my insight merc I would definitely need mana leech for general purpose PvM.

I've actually been giving thought to trying to make my merc survive ubers. I have an ethereal kiras, I wonder how he'd do with um'd kira's + smoke + insight and bumming off my lifetap procs. I'm guessing I'd probably have to feed him rejuvs like crazy, but I think I'll try it anyway.|||Ah my merc uses tombreveaer instead of insight.

My merc has: Kiras - Ort, Ebug Prudance, Tombreaver, Shael, Shael, amn

he survives tristram as long as venomlords don't dogpile him.

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