Thursday, April 12, 2012

My first trapsin

[:1]So I've played the <explative> out of d2, but this ladder I'm playing my first trapsin (with whom I've just finished hell difficulty at level 77). I enjoyed it a lot, but I find myself switching skills like a madman. I just have one simple question:

Why can't I bind mindblast to left click? I use left click for... nothing. Not a damn thing. Actually I have the same problem on my skelemancer. There's just nothing worth casting that can be bound to left click. It is infuriating. I have to rapidly switch skills all the time, there's simply no good reason for it.|||Eh just the way the game was designed, the left click skills seem random at times (ex: cold orb is allowed but blizz isn't).

For pure trapper rather than MA/Trapper I guess shockweb or blade fury (I'm not even sure if they can be mapped to LC as I've never used the skills).


Not a damn thing. Actually I have the same problem on my skelemancer.

heh mine used fireball |||I use these keys on my trapper, all on RMB:


Z - Fireblast

X - Teleport

C - Mind Blast

V - LS


A - CoS

D - DS

F - WoF (for PvP)


Q - BC

W - Shadow Master

E - BO

R - Fade

I just hold down RMB and toggle the skills using the hotkeys, it is much easier that switching LMB and RMB all the time. Usually I have fireblast on LMB though, but rarely use it to cast with.|||I play Kick / Trap, so my left click is used a ton. :P|||If I play Kick/Trap I use the same setup but with Dragon Flight on left click and Dragon Talon on RMB Z Key.|||Fire Blast on left for me on primary weapon (claws), and normal attack on weapon switch. (Upped Kelpie, to keep Baal in his place.)

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