Thursday, April 12, 2012

Need help/Guide for pvp kicksin

[:1]Hello mates, im new here on the assassin section and I need ur help.

After I understand that my pvp foh pal will be against melee I want a character can kick *** of casters (90% of them sorc), So I came here and took a look in the guides.

But man, they are old and not up to date. Can any1 help me with a guide?

I have nice budget (not poor but not super damm rich can buy crazy circlets).

(as u can understand my problem is understanding the gear and skills)

Ty ppl and good day |||From the master himself.|||Ok after reading ur guide i have 2 question.

1st, i have a griffon and its have high lit dmg %, how the lit dmg help kicksin?

2nd, Have u been thinking about using bramble runeword armor? Can reach up to 50% enhanced psn dmg.|||1: No.

2: You need Enigma for the mobility. The damage from Bramble (or Fort) is never enough to lose teleport.|||So why did u recommend about griffons?|||Griffons is the only legit way to get 102% FCR with 2x claws or w/s set-up. The alternative is the '08 duped Valk helm (30% FCR). Griffon is good for fast casting (something he stresses for trappers and kickers to both hit), but it's not used for the lightning damage. The Lightning mods will not affect traps, only the +1 skill will help you.

FCR is very important for your teleporting and MBing. Without Enigma, Griffons and general FCR become useless, and that's not recommended. Speed and mobility are more important.|||Although with burst of speed while using shadow dancers can reach high running speed.

And when reaching near can teleport for sorc with dragon flight.

I mean, my only target are casters, especially sorc, I already have a char to any-melee pvps. Coz by my opinion kicksin can't be a good melee counter.|||You still need Teleport, not running + Dflight. When you run and use DFLight, you can't use weapon block, and it's much slower than just teleporting.|||Ah ok u right, forgot about wepon block, So I have 1 last question.

I have seen that Venom skill is kind of low dmg, (talking about 800 at lvl 40), so with pvp panelty (1/6) and resis its less then 100 real dmg, how does this dmg should kill a char with 3k of life and mana (mana shield)?|||ES is completely ignored. It deals the damage over 10 frames (can be done twice in a second). Even still, Venom isn't to kill, just to whittle down. They'd be left with 1 life anyway. Between Venom, Open Wounds and your kicks, they won't last very long.

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