Thursday, April 12, 2012

new to assassin trap builds

[:1]hey guys im new to making assassins, ive never done one before ever,

im planning to put skills in like this:

20 Death sentry

20 Lightning sentry

20 fire blast

20 shadow master

then 1 in all pre's and fade

all rest in other synergys (i believe the other synergy is charged bolt sentry?)

i will have my shadow summoned, lay traps and spray blade fury all over the screen, will this work in hell???

now for questions:

my skill selection correct?

am i wasting points in certain skills i dont need to?

item selection for toughness?

item selection for mf?

or a balance of both? i know some characters that are pure mf suck...

and last of all what merc to use?

if you guys can help me with my first assassin i would be most grateful

Yours,,, Twibz|||1) It's fairly correct, see 2.

2) You normally don't max shadow master when you go fire blast as your LI killer. Against the more deadly opponents you can always fall back onto mind blast and cloak of shadows (these are must haves), so a lower investment is fine. Instead focus your points on more trap synergy, both your fire blast and sentries can make use of the extra damage.

3) Check the guides. Normally you focus on +skills and res while untwinked, letting bust of speed take care of your IAS. You've got excellent crowd control and can attack from long-mid range, so you don't need much toughness other then surviving the elemental projectiles that may hit you now and then.

4) I wouldn't worry about it until a later stage, focus on questing first and worry about mf later once you've got some experience with the build.

5) Insight would be recommended, makes mana a non factor, but trappers aren't *that* mana intensive unless you spam traps ... like I prefer to do. I usually go with prayer as his inherited aura (normal act 2 - combat), almost completely removes the need of pots. However holy freeze (nightmare act 2 - defensive) is surely better if you can settle with drinking a health pot now and then.|||thanks for that info man one of the most thorough replies ive ever had

would you suggest bartucs as a low level claw option? or go with spirit, i had a low roll in a cs so im using that|||I generally don't wish to switch from bust of speed to fade unless resistance issues really force me to. The increased runspeed BoS gives is in my opinion one of the main aspects that make trappers (and most other assassins) so enjoyable to play untwinked, and with BoS activated both weapons should have no problem reaching the final trap laying breakpoint.

While comparing just the stats I'd say spirit wins for a pure trapper. However that's only putting the weapons against each other in a 1v1. Do you have more then one bartuc so you could equip two of them? Also what shields do you think you could get to complement your spirit?|||at the moment i have a mosers shield and the only other form of +skills is a lore i have in a bone helm, and a +1 traps amulet

i dont actually have a bartucs but ive seen them going cheap recently, and is it true that it is IAS that increase trap laying speed? not fcr?

sorry for the assassin noob questions but i am one of them it is true :/|||It's indeed IAS|||Mossers is a good shield for its defensive mods. However, as a trapper you should in my opinion focus on offense since you don't get struck very often. You could make a splendor, or trade yourself another bartucs, either works fine.

I'd personally go with making the splendor (or trade for a lidless). The mana on spirit combined with an insight merc really makes spamming traps easier ...|||Hi

I wouldnt bother with bartucs. Plus 3 trap claws are pretty easy to shop by nm. If I were gonna recommend trading for anything it would be a shako and a lem to make treachery.

This nice thing about trappers is they pretty touch even with cheap/easy to find gear. Plus 3 trap claws, plus 3 trap ammy can be shopped//gambled if your patient enough. And if you cant get your hands on a shako then lore, peasant crown or just blue//yellow circlets can all work.

I plus 1 on going with a spirit shield in off hand. Just remember that youre gonna need 156 str to equip one. I usually stat my trappers with 156 str, 55 dex (unless I know for sure whatever claw they will use will need less but if I havent gotten it yet then 55 dex will more than likely cover any useful blue plus 3 claws you will find.) and the rest in life.

Whats also nice about trappers is they are so flexible. Shako ptopzaes, skulders ptoptazed, 2xnagel, goldwrap and war trav or blue mf boots with fade and you got a decent little mf char who can still kill pretty quickly.

Or go shako um'ed, 2x resist rings, treachery, boots//belt to cover resists and go with BoS and you got a char who can run nilly pretty much with her eyes closed. In fact that is the job of my trapper this ladder--collecting nilly keys.

I also agree prayer merc with insight is best way to go for a trapper.

Also when shopping trap claws dont 4get to also get a cpl of plus 3 shadow claws to keep on switch.

And yes ias works on claws not fcr. That said between treachery and fact that most claws are pretty fast on their own (plus you can shael em if needed) I always found that pretty fast enough for trap laying that I dont mind going fade if needed)

The only time i really really feel like I *need* BoS is if Im using a HotO instead of a plus 3 claws. But with HotO and spirit and other gear resists should be easy to max so going BoS is no problem. (Not that HotO is necessary-- plus 3 blue will do just fine. HotO is more like a luxury if you have a spare 1 ur not otherwise using rather than a necessity)

Kaytie|||20 in a shadow master is a waste. at most 1 point there and i still prefer a warrior sometimes. SM has an annoying preference for constant mind blasting.

put those pts in shock web and cb sentry, fire blast is the last to max. 1 point in mind blast is worth it too.

as for merc he should have an infinity.insight only if you can't afford infy.|||Quote:

2) You normally don't max shadow master when you go fire blast as your LI killer. Against the more deadly opponents you can always fall back onto mind blast and cloak of shadows (these are must haves)

Once you have managed to get some satisfying gear you can respec to lose Mind Blast (you don't really wanna convert monsters - you wanna kill them asaply) and your Shadow. They really aren't needed and basically just a waste of points that could make your Fire Blast much stronger. Cloak of Shadows is supreme defense. I was in a Baalrun once where the host died in a big pack of aura souls on the way and the first who got to the corpse also died. I did a CoS and stomped them with Fire Blast - I felt so macho afterwards

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