Wednesday, April 18, 2012

pure trapsin gear?

what would be the best pure trapsin gear? i currently have 2 bartuc's cut-throats for weapons, trickster's circlet of the leech, eye of etlich, infernostride, nagelring (16%mf, +58Attk rating), String of ears, dread grip, bitter grasp, and grim cloak. I am currently lvl 42 and working on her now|||2x3-3claws-2sox-1mindblast-1fade... enough ias to hit the fastest frame/then good jewels.



2xSoJs/bks/ -- (10fcr rings?)

Trang Oul Gloves

2assa/20fcr/godly mods

2assa/20fcr/godly mods...

9xtrapsks 45lfs/12fhr



rest into sc's

cta switch.

merc with infinity+ good setup.|||Don't forget a cube if PvM.|||thanks ill take that into consideration|||Quote:

2x3-3claws-2sox-1mindblast-1fade... enough ias to hit the fastest frame/then good jewels.



2xSoJs/bks/ -- (10fcr rings?)

Trang Oul Gloves

2assa/20fcr/godly mods

2assa/20fcr/godly mods...

9xtrapsks 45lfs/12fhr



rest into sc's

cta switch.

merc with infinity+ good setup.

Dont really need 20 fcr on amu, just 15 with that setup. Only thing you're missing is Cant Be Frozen. I guess with 2os circ you could use a Cham in there instead of a Raven to get a bit more damage but I wouldent go that route.

Also +2 Assa / +3 Trap claws instead if its pvp to reach 50 DR a bit easier if prebuffing isnt an option. At least for me it isnt.|||Is this pvm or pvp ?

On pvp you really need to hit 102 fcr and max trap laying speed

This means

Griffons - 25 fcr (sadly its no other choice when going 2 claws)

Crafted amulet 17 fcr

2 x fcr rings

To gloves / magefists

Arachnid|||gonna be almost all pvm, very little to almost no pvp|||Quote:

Griffons - 25 fcr (sadly its no other choice when going 2 claws)

while we talk theoretically, u could get a 1.07 valk wing for non ladder, but i guess it would be the inferior option|||The most difficult pieces to acquire are the claws by a long shot. But if you're pvm, then it's also far from necessary, as there are just certain things a pure trap is not equipped to handle (solo uberland). 65fcr is bearable, but for someone accustomed to a 200fcr sorc (like myself) each fcr breakpoint is significantly noticeable.

You definitely need cbf somewhere, and the easiest choice to fit is a ravenfrost. You also need to decide if you'll be running fade or BoS primarily as that will affect the rest of your choices.

Again, Pvm offers a lot of freedom as a trap can solo the same challenges a well-geared trap can, the only difference being the time taken to accomplish said goal (speed).|||If this is PvM, as long as you have Infinity, you don't need other gear.

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