Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Making a Pstriker sin

Accumulated wealth to build one for hardcore

I want this to own hell

hit me with items/builds

please!|||or i wudbnt mind a pure bladefury sin that will own hell inside and out and has massive damage.

the point is...


make it happen brahs|||Well, the skill base for a Phoenix striker is:

Phoenix strike: 20 pts

Blades of Ice: 20 pts

Claws of Thunder: 20 pts

shadow tree: 1pt in all skills

After this it's up to you to choose what you want extra. This also depends on gear (mostly if you're going W/S or claws), hc/sc and what you want from the build. Some ideas:

- Death Sentry: Great extra tool vs mobs, nice for area MFing

- Fade: Gives great defensive bonusses (1 pt %PDR every lvl), interesting for HC or untwinked play

- Dragon Claw + Claw block: more damage to single targets, more +skills, nice for boss mf-ing, also a lot faster to get charges

- shadow master: for extra crowd control

So you can literally get whatever you want from this. That's why they call assassins the swiss army knife chars. The base build gives you cold damage for crowd control and lightning damage to kill (depending on how many charges of PS you get).

My personal favourite is the dual claw version, because you get charges faster, meaning you can get more devastating blows. I love to use BoI as extra charges because of the freezing cloud. That means you can get your next set of charges without the monsters blocking, running, putting you into hit recovery,... Which in turn means you can accumulate more charges faster.

On gear:

This one is pretty gear undependant really. Damage, blocking, resistances and %PDR can all come from skills. So if anything, + skills are most important for this build. Think dual bartucs, lore hat, treachery armour,... for a reasonably cheap and effective build.

Don't really know about the real expensive endgame omgiwanttoplayact5hellin3clicksmax gear, as I can't be arsed to spend time looking for gear that would make this build a little more effective while at the same time making a big hole in my wallet.|||is meteor realy that bad?

but yeah gonna max claws and ice and pstrike

whatabout venom? that shud help out a lot|||I don't know why noone likes FoF/Meteor. It may be slow at first, but it's the fastest killer once you get it going. The fire per second makes the sorc's look like a joke. And the sin can spam it as quickly as you can click the mouse to release the charge when you get good at using Pstrike. Imagine 4000+ fire dmg per second, multiplied 10 times. Agaisnt anyone exept Baal that is about as quick as you'll get without being a pure trapper or kicker with 50-100% CB.|||Never tried it really. I like the extra freeze BoI gives as I only play HC. Maybe you could use BoI, FoF and Meteor from phoenix strike to keep the monsters in place for the meteors to fall?|||Quote:

Never tried it really. I like the extra freeze BoI gives as I only play HC. Maybe you could use BoI, FoF and Meteor from phoenix strike to keep the monsters in place for the meteors to fall?

Heck, your merc, yourself, and a shadow will keep em in place. You're not a sorc remember, so the skill is alot easier to use while you are in their face leeching life back. But it doesn't hurt to freeze em first.|||Quote:

I don't know why noone likes FoF/Meteor. It may be slow at first, but it's the fastest killer once you get it going. The fire per second makes the sorc's look like a joke. And the sin can spam it as quickly as you can click the mouse to release the charge when you get good at using Pstrike. Imagine 4000+ fire dmg per second, multiplied 10 times. Agaisnt anyone exept Baal that is about as quick as you'll get without being a pure trapper or kicker with 50-100% CB.

You brought up a good point. Staying in stacked meteors bring down life faster than most of anything in the game. Well not close of being as fast as that powerful lighting cs zon if you know what I mean.|||Ive got stuck on this one, have to make x the subject.

Im getting all confused by the square root

g = 1/ sqrta2 - x2

Hope that makes sense, the square root is around the whole of the a2 - x2 ... which from what i can remember you cant turn into a - x?|||I'm Making a Pheonix Strike Assassin now before the ladder resets...

She is as follows:


Pheonix Strike 20

FOF 20

COT 20

BOI 20

Claw mastery 10

Dragon Claw 10 - Finishing move

Weapon block 1


None into Shadow master (i want the enemys all around me for max group kills)


Nightwings - 2sk - (extra cold dmg - dex) - Socket CHAM

Maras - 2sk - (resists)

Enigma Archon - 2sk - (str frw tele)

Arach - 1sk

soj - 1sk - (upped mana)

bk - 1sk - (life leech)

Martial arts gloves - 3sk Ma - 20ias

shadow dancers - 2sk Sd - (dex fhr frw)

2x eth upped Bartuc 200ed ZOD - 2sk - 4sk Ma - FAST


Cta 6 bo

Spirit monach




7* Ma sks

Random all resist scs

Merc (only tank i need)


Eth Forti

Eth Andys


Str - Enough for Bartucs 105 (eth) after anni and torch etc..

Dex - Enough for Bartucs 105 (eth) after anni and torch and helm and boots etc.

Vita - rest

Energy - 0

Thinking this should kick some Butt! Will definitely be fun thats for sure.

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