Monday, April 16, 2012

ww claws question

I just need to know what order I should wear the claws. Either?



fury/chaos (I hear this more than chaos/fury)

But chaos does more dmg than fury. So I was thinking I should wear chaos/fury in that order. What do you people think about how the claws should be worn?|||Fury should be primary imo:

1. more average damage due to 33% deadly strike

2. much better chance to proc open wounds

3. easier to hit with due to -25% target defense and 20% bonus to AR

4. 40ias, easier to reach trap breakpoint

If you want to use chaos as primary, then it has to be made in fast claws..... but the base damage of fast claws is always lower than the slower off-hand claws (if you want to wsm-bug).|||Quote:

Fury should be primary imo:

1. more average damage due to 33% deadly strike

2. much better chance to proc open wounds

3. easier to hit with due to -25% target defense and 20% bonus to AR

4. 40ias, easier to reach trap breakpoint

If you want to use chaos as primary, then it has to be made in fast claws..... but the base damage of fast claws is always lower than the slower off-hand claws (if you want to wsm-bug).

But im planning to make ghost with just ww no ls. So according to the ww sin breakpoints I believe I can hit max ww ias with weilded scissor suwayyah's.

scissor suwayyah:

0 base ias

also strongest sin claw

fury scissor suwayyah:


chaos scissor suwayyah:


I believe each claw needs -13 or lower as the number to max out ww ias right? Again im planning on making a ghost no traps at all.|||I see, that's why I put trap breakpoint last on the list, because IMO the combined effects of deadly strike, more open wounds and better chance to hit on fury will result in more damage than the raw damage on chaos.

You hit whirlwind breakpoints, but it's not a ghost without traps.|||Never use 2 x suwayyah.Your trap laying speed will suffer greatly.In pvp its a very important aspect on every assasin (since all use mindblast and traps to stun).

Best damage output is chaos in a suwayyah (slowest , but also the most damaging claw) wsm bugged with a runic / feral fury ( fast claws ).|||I'll have to agree with these guys and stress the importance of traps. It's the bread and butter of your char control.

At any rate, here's a general rule-of-thumb for claws: any claws with the "Chaos" or "Fury" runewords always hit the 4 frame WW break point. Even the slowest claw (Warfist @ 10) with the lowest of the IAS's (Chaos' 35) hits -25, which beats the -13. Ferals and Runics beat it with no added IAS.|||Too bad we can't make Chaos in War fist

Except on Asia HC|||QuickA and Sass- I am not planning to use traps im planning to make pure ww sin with other skills like mastery,fade, venom, mb, etc. Pure ww so I can add more points into fade and other skills. No traps for this sin. Possible gear setup not not 100% positive:

fury ss/chaos ss

guillis rare ed jewel

fort in heavy armor


x2 stat rings

stat gloves with 2 shadow disciplines


ow belt

Yup a can be frozen slow frw ww'er. Slow frw and can be frozen actually benefits ww at its maximum. I got to give this build a test to figure out its true power and all that.|||This build is going to fail from the start

Wirlwind assasins or ghosts (more popular term) need enigma for movement.Dragon flight is way too slow and unrealible.Not to mention the true power of ghosts is the ammount of stun they can put up.For this you need trap laying speed.

First of all , read tienje guide.

Let me make up a build for you.I have a ghost myself and works great.

Armour : enigma

Helm : 2 assasin 20 fcr + mods circlet

Boots : shadow dancers

Belt : arachnid

Ring 1 : raven (its a must)

Ring 2 : fcr

Amulet : highlords

Gloves : trang

Get a chaos in a suwayyah.Best damage output you can get.After this , try to completly ignore fury as it cannot compare to a high damage fools.

Fury must be in a feral / runic (-20 / -30 ias)

The search for a good fools might be difficult , but in the end it worth it.

The mods you wanna look for

-High ed (250 +)

-some ias

-fools mod (obviously)

-etheral + self repair

-2 sockets

-forget skills as ghost dont need them

With this build you will reach a 65 fcr breakpoint and 48 fhr (30 dancers + shael in helm or charms) and 9 frames trap laying speed (maximum).Ofc , you will wsm bug claws.

Also a great physical damage (high damage claws , highlords).

Building a ghost with just venom (which is the most overrated skill ) is bad.Physical will hit much harder everytime.

Inventory is a bit tricky though.Going for 9 x shadow skillers is just a no-no.Try to get as many max damage / ar / life small charms as u can.Expensive i know , but you wont regret this.

Im opened for any questions as long as u drop your forti build |||Quote:

QuickA and Sass- I am not planning to use traps im planning to make pure ww sin with other skills like mastery,fade, venom, mb, etc. Pure ww so I can add more points into fade and other skills. No traps for this sin. Possible gear setup not not 100% positive:

fury ss/chaos ss

guillis rare ed jewel

fort in heavy armor


x2 stat rings

stat gloves with 2 shadow disciplines


ow belt

Yup a can be frozen slow frw ww'er. Slow frw and can be frozen actually benefits ww at its maximum. I got to give this build a test to figure out its true power and all that.

It takes 3 points to have all the traps you need, assuming you're using Blade Shield. You should have ~5-10 left over after maxing 4 skills. Points aren't hard to come by.

Slow FRW is detrimental to WW. You stay in range longer, and have no way of keeping the opponent in control while you do. You'll be a sitting duck good against only other melee, and Ghosts are already superior to most melee without alterations.

Essentially, it's built like a BvB and has a similar target opponent base. You can't take on any casters in this.

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