Saturday, April 14, 2012

Claws, Kicks, Procs, Bugging, Confusion

[:1]Before anyone says "why r u using such nub gear u nub" or whatever, this post is concerning my LLD (30) kicker.

What I'm trying to do is get 7/3 kicks with Fade, which I need 70% IAS and BTs to achieve. I want dual claws. I want Spirit Shroud/String or Vipermagi/Death's Sash. I also want to have an Amplify Damage proc (just for kicks ), and herein lies my dilemma.

It is my understanding that for Dragon Talon, the IAS/WSM is not an average (like with traps), rather it is based solely on your primary claw. It is my understanding that procs and effects such as OW work ONLY from the primary claw also.

Obviously you can't have Psychic Blade Talons of Swiftness of Amplify Damage. The max IAS I can get from an Amp claw is 40% ("ShaelShael" Psychic Blade Talons of Amplify Damage), which would restrict me to Death's combo, and I'd rather not have to do that.

I've just been doing some testing with two proc BTs (Amp and Fire Bolt), and while I'll never get both procs at once, I will get the procs from my boot side claws, depending on the order in which I equip my weapons. I would presume when this happens, that my boot side claw is being made the primary.

tl;dr: what I'm wondering is, is it possible to somehow bug your claws so that you could achieve 70 IAS from claws *and* an Amp proc?

Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give. And my regards to the Assassin forum.

Edit: Of Swiftness, damnit. Thanks Pyro.|||DTalon uses only one claw if you have only one claw. Otherwise, it's the average as usual. You're spot on for OW and other effects (like IAS).

The only way to have Amp and speed on the claw is via Shaels + other gear. I only did a quick check, but it looks like 30's have access to 15% IAS jewels. If so, 2x in the helm will get you the IAS you need, if you want a certain glove (like a rare with 20 or something).

I personally won't be a huge help here, and it's mainly due to the LLD aspect of it. In the PvP forum, there are LLD experts such as crawlingdeadman who would be able to outline gear limitations better than I can.|||Thanks for your reply, Sass.

For some reason I was under the impression that not just the WSM but the actual weapon speeds after IAS were averaged out. All it took to clarify that was you saying "OW and other effects (like IAS)". Now I understand.

Jewels of Fervor (rlvl 31) are disallowed over in the SP/MP forum where I have been playing LLD, unfortunately. But I just realised, if I could shop an Artisan's BT of Amp, I could "ShaelShaelShael" that for 60 IAS which would allow me to wear Bloodfists/String. Yay!

It looks like Amp, dual Psychics and 7/3 are mutually incompatible without wearing double Death's. If I manage to shop PBToAD I am definitely trying it, though.|||Dang, I should pay more attention to jewel reqs. Like I said, I'm a noob at LLD gear limits :P|||Well some players call level 31 LLD, so it's very likely you've seen Jewels of Fervor suggested in similar scenarios before. And nobody pays attention to little things like the dfference between 30 and 31 unless they're doing things like this. It's an easy mistake to make, I mean. |||I've got another question along the exact same line, and rather than make a new thread I thought it probably a better idea to bump this one. So, my apologies for the double post. If this was the wrong decision, please do say so.

Anyway, regarding the DTalon IAS table, the EIAS required for a 7 frame initial kick is 63, and the IAS required with a lvl 0 BoS (Fade, in other words?) is 68. So which is it? If I'm using Fade and I achieve 65% IAS, will that get me a 7 frame initial kick?

Edit: this is with -20 WSM Blade Talons, of course.|||EIAS isn't the same thing as IAS, so you're short of the breakpoint.

Titanseal's calc gives me this:

0 4/4/4/4/10
13 4/4/4/4/9
16 3/3/3/3/9
32 3/3/3/3/8
68 3/3/3/3/7
|||Ahh. Thanks.

Just did some tests and it looks like you're right. 65 looks slower than 70.

Back to the drawing board then!

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