Thursday, April 12, 2012

Help TrapSsin Gear


My equips on my Trap SSin:

Circlet Mana(lvl)/20% FCR/2Ssin/20Str/Magic Damage Reduced/2OS

Trap Claw 2/3/2 on slot 2 jewel 15 ias/15 resist

Trap Claw 2/3/2 slots cleans

Nigma AP Perfect

Bull Kathos 5%

Raven Frost 250/20

Arach Perfect

Shadow Dancer Perfect


Ammy +2ssin/10%FCR/Life/Str/All Resist


CTA 6/6/4

Perfect Spirit Monarch


Ssin Torch 19/19

Anni 20/20/9

All GCs (trap + mods) and scs.

What helm is better ? My circlet or Griffon ? And what runes/jewel to put on my helm ? Shael ? Ber ? Jewel 15 ias/XXX ? Cham + Shael ? Cham + Ber ?

2x FCR Ring (10% FCR + Mods) or BK 5%/SoJ ?

For my second claw, i put 2xjewel 15 res/7fhr ?|||Anyone ????|||Your circlet is very good. Certainly better than Griffon's for this character, as Griffon's' lightning mods do not apply to traps.

This gear is pretty damn good. Important things people will need to know in order to advise you are:

- Whether this character is for PvM or PvP.

- What base type of claws those are.

- What skills you are using (BoS or Fade? Etc.)

- What breakpoints you're looking to hit, and how close you currently are to hitting them.

What to socket on your helm depends on a whole range of things and is difficult to answer. Would you benefit more from dual SoJs and a Cham in your hat? Or Raven, SoJ and the freedom to socket other stuff in your hat? It all depends on where you are at with your FHR/IAS breakpoints, res levels, etc. gieb more info, is what I mean.|||Quote:

Your circlet is very good. Certainly better than Griffon's for this character, as Griffon's' lightning mods do not apply to traps.

Not entirely true. Even thought the lightning mods on griffon doesn't affect your traps, it's still widely used, as it's the only way to hit 102 fcr bp on a c/c sin(excluding 08 valk, wiz gloves).|||Thanks for the input. Sorry for the misinformation.

My point still stands: any advice depends on what breakpoints you're trying to hit.|||Quote:

My point still stands: any advice depends on what breakpoints you're trying to hit.

This is absolutely right, the bp and gear choices differ alot on pvm and pvp chars.

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