Thursday, April 12, 2012

PVM DC/DS Assa query

[:1]Basically Making this build:


-Natalyas Set

-Resistance Amu/Ring/Dwarf star

-Verdungos Belt

-Either Bartucs or Uniq Battle Cestus (Not sure if the +skills of bartucs are worth it with this build?)

Im lvl 83 atm just looking for a fun build that is tough and does good single target damage with decent CC


20 Dragon Claw

20 Claw Mastery

20 Venom

5 Burst of Speed

3 Fire Blast

1 pt in Dragon Flight/Mind Blast/Death Sentry

Pre Reqs

However with this it leaves me with about 30 points to put somewere (once max level) on maxiceks build he seems to put them into Death Sentry which seems a bit pointless just for a bit of extra lightning damage?

So my only options seem to be:

-Max shadow master, but this means putting a point into weapon block - which when reading the above link build is a big nono

-Max Blade fury (however it appears the extra points add about 100 damage o.O for extra mana cost and the same 3/4 weapon damage)

-Max Fire blast or Death Sentry for the extra CE procs/light damage

-Max Cloak of shadows for the +/- armor

-Putting more points into burst of speed/fade

Im personally leaning towards the maxing cloak of shadows as it appears to be the most useful seeing as this build is melee damage?

Also What sort of Dex would be appropriate for this build? obviously enough to use the claws, but does Dragon Claw always hit? or will i need to pump a bit into dex for the AR?

anyways would appreciate anyones opinions, thanks.

-Abe|||Putting the points into Death Sentry gives you a bigger CE radius, not just lightning damage. You definately want to do this.

Maxxing Cloak of Shadows can mean the effect is too long. You kill all the monsters under CoS, move to a new group and cannot cast because the last timer is still running.

Pumping Dext for AR is never a good idea. You will have loads of AR from the CM and DC bonusses anyway, read the link to ORen_Ishii in the guide too. I had 8.8K AR with only dext invested for claws.|||Ah cool didnt know it gave it more radius thanks mate

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