Saturday, April 21, 2012

Questions about Fireblast and Shockweb

1. Is the max speed of these skills 9 frames (like the other traps)?

2. Does Shockweb do any damage at all to stationnary targets (stunned or affected by CoH)?

3. Does SW throw these if you have them active, or will she go melee?

4. Anyone know how bad the next delay on SW is?

I'm leveling a grenadier assassin, but most info i find about them is PvP, not PvM oriented. In normal FB has been a blast , clears with relative ease. I'm planning max DS (more explosions ), and wondering what lightning skill I'd use to add to the mix. From a build point of view, I'm planning to use Shockweb (cause it fits the grenadier idea), and for synergy to both FB and SW, Charged Bolt Sentry looks best (also as a boss killer).|||1. Yes.

2. Yes, but I think it still has to be on one of the patches.

3. She'll throw them.

4. Not too bad, but too long for pvp.

If tele stomping + foot throwing like FB, it might work.|||This one's not for PvP. I started this as a lightning trapper, maxing FB first as it gives nice bonusses, and I got pretty impressed at the damage of the skill, so I changed my build to a Grenadier, as it seems to need less skillpoints overall to be effective. You can also run and throw potions and have them land at the same time. Run at a pack an ram shift, you'll throw from smaller distances (time between throw and impact goes down as you approach), and all the bombs will come down at the same time (like 2 or 3).

ATM, my build idea is the following:

max FB

max SW

max CBS

10 DS

one in all shadow skills (except venom/BoS/fade)

Which gives me a fully synergised FB and SW (as synergised you can get by lvl 80 anyways), max bolts good damage CBS and max shot DS.

Gear (semi-twinked, I'm going up in life ):

2x 3 traps claws (wsm -30), spirit PB/sigons before that

Treachery (45 IAS for 9 frame traps, fade)

Lore hat

boots, gloves, rings, ammy for filling up resistance holes mainly, stats or more +skills would be nice too. Probably cubed (prismatic ammy recipe, crafting).

merc (A2HF):

Insight pole

Tals mask (the most usefull item I found this patch, together with a pair of bloodfists)

some armour (probably lionheart)|||Quote:

2x 3 traps claws (wsm -30), spirit PB/sigons before that

dont your two +3 trap claws have a lower rlvl than a phase blade spirit? not to mention the dex requirement. guess it depends on the base claw...|||Spirit is clvl 25, +3 traps is higher (at least on greater talons, and I need a -30 WSM weapon for 9 frame traps). I'll probably respec around lvl 40 anyway (got 1 or 2 skillpoints in the wrong place allready), so str and dex requirements are not that important.|||phase blade is 54 a 3trap GT would be 45.|||Indeed, pre lvl 45 the IAS will be from BoS, after that from treachery (one of the reasons I need a respec anyway). So I'm making the full swap from W/S with max block to C/C around that lvl, just to keep it simple.


Baal running ATM (lvl 35), and it's pretty easy going acually. Minions are a breeze, as you can get some CBS and DS around and SW on the spawn ground before they spawn, making any minion but lister himself go into hitrecovery quite often. That keeps them tightly packed for my bombs. Baal goes down fast to a couple wellplaced CBS with bombs in between.

Skills atm:

10 FB


9 SW

2 Bos

2 DS

+ some prereqs

need some suggestions on TS/DT build for PI?


for this ladder i started building my martial arts assassin again (every ladder i do with different variations). this time i want to stick with bartucs with a max/ed jewel in it. (chaos rw was in my mind but decided on bartucs this ladder)

equip will be:

- 198ed bartucs with 40ed/11max (maybe um for OW)

- jade talon 2/2/47 (if need will sock it with @res jewel)

- fortitude armor

- raven frost

- rare mana leech ring / maybe second raven frost

- trang gloves

- belt: undecided but most probably thundergods or some crafted stuff for OW or wilhelm belt for dual leech or trang belt

- upped gores

- guailaumme (if need will sock it with @res jewel/um)

- highlords

- torch + anni + martialarts/life skillers + a few 10maxers + sc s are whatever i require

merc will be act 2 might

- eth gladiators bane

- eth cryptic axe obedience

- andy (ral)

problem: where is my elemental damage? i dont have any good source for it except poison. for switch i decided to use 2 venom prebuff claw (also need it for burstofspeed) so switch is not open either.

venom is the only elemental damage source for now. in this case any Physical and Poison Immune monster is actually immune to my assassin

also my build will finish at lvl93 so spending points on elemental skills is quite hard for me. even 93 is a high level, lvling beyond 93 is nearly impossible.


- small elemental damages like raven frost/highlords/tgods or small charms with elemental damages would be enough?

- trang set with 2 items (already using glove, with belt) give fireball lvl 18 (171-196fire), is it worth it? because except for the set bonus mod i dont need any mod on trang belt. fcr wont be a problem with trang 20fcr and fortitude 25fcr for 42fcr bp

- any small minor tweak i forgot?


consider the issue for first monster kill, afterwards hopefully death sentry will take care of details

and i wish stormlash was a claw.....

|||1) No. If you want a good source of elemental damage, you have to use skills.

2) Unsynergized, it'd be very weak.|||what's your current skill set? for me i have an eth baranar's star/tiamat's rebuke on switch to bf or kick with.

for now, the easiest way to deal PIs in your case is to replace merc's obedience with reaper's toll..|||Quote:

what's your current skill set? for me i have an eth baranar's star/tiamat's rebuke on switch to bf or kick with.

for now, the easiest way to deal PIs in your case is to replace merc's obedience with reaper's toll..

max tiger strike, dragon tail, claw mastery, venom

1pt in all shadow disc.

deathsentry and bladefury

rest goes to preq and weapon block

my first plan was to use reapers but decided on obedience. i am currently leveling her, i have to check if tiamat&gimmershred (have those) works well with blade fury

another question, from a source i remember that fistoffire reduces the physical damage percentage (increases fire percentage) of dragontail by %3 every skill level. couldnot find the source again, is this true?

thanks|||You don't need either venom or mastery maxed. I'd suggest that instead, Death Sentry gets maxed.

Tiamat and similar do add to Blade Fury, but the damage is affected by the 3/4 penalty.

And yes, the synergy is true.|||You also want a different damage source than fire ideally. PI will die with fire damage, but FI monsters won't, and at that point you'll have to kick them to death. If you get lightning/cold damage you solve problems with PI and FI monsters.|||A PI monster takes no damage from DTail.|||True, and fire immunes take no damage from the splash, which is why both are a problem. So the damage to deal with PIs would ideally not be fire based, but lightning, cold or poison, which also help against FI monsters.

TS/DT MA Assassin

Hey guys, now that I can do MF a tad better with my sorc I decided I want a melee char that can solo the game and possible hit any area in hell *maybe even in higher player settings* - on bnet ofc, ladder, and be capable to survive / kill decently fast.

I am considering assassin class because they have loads of great tools, and most MA skills don't have synergies hence gives a flexibility on build. I am consulting wildjinn guide found here, and decided to go with C/S variant.

What I want to ask is:

a) how viable is this build in game with little twinking - meaning I don't want to have to ask for help to complete a quest, run an area or boss etc

b) the author does not mention much or at all about CB / OW / DS / CS on gear. Are those mods desirable / helpfull for such a build?

c) many monsters in hell are fire immune which means the splash from DTalon won't happen a lot of times, will PS with CoT or BoI synergysed be enough to dispose of those packs in a decent manner of time?

d) will the AR% bonus from the main skills / finisher - TS, PS / CoT / BoI, DT be enough to have decent hit in hill without being forced to use specific gear bits / charms to make up for it? I am positive I read in another guide that Dtalon has insane AR bonuses, but nothing about the rest of skills :>

Thanks!|||Hmm..mixed messages. :P

I thought it was about DTail, especially with the link, but mentioning Talon threw me off, especially since Talon is the high AR one. oO

With some tweaking (strong boots mostly.), it can work.

Due to the lack of speed, CB probably won't be big. OW takes too long for this purpose, and DS doesn't work for kicks. Still, the mods on something like Gores would be good though

On top of not splashing Fire Immunes, a PI monster will take zero damage. PS / other elemental charges will take alot of skills to be useful, and won't work in tandem. However, you can convert immunes, kill the rest and use DS to kill the remainder. Due to the points involved, a hybrid would b too weak to make it work.

I think the AR is usually high enough, but definitely see about the raven + some ar charms here and there. I don't think it'd be so low that you'll need angelics or anything like that.|||Mmm, makes sense. Still I was positive that you can charge up both CoT and PS and release them both? Or is that incorrect. And if it does work, will that dmg be enough to clear normal packs in hell? Thanks! :>

About OW / DS / CB etc, I was thinking those mods are applied when you hit with claw as well not only with the kick? And since you have very fast attack speed and you spend 90% of time charging up skills, maybe they will work? At least the way I see it :>|||All 3 can release, but it's the damage that'd probably be low. If you have + skills, it can maybe work out.

When you use a claw to charge with TS, all 3 mods will work. When you kick with DTail, only CB and OW trigger, but DS won't work with kicks.|||For good boots, imbue/craft a few pairs of ethereal myrmidion greaves untill you get a self repair mod. Since it's raw damage you want, you need the boots with the highest nrs.

Other things that add to kick damage:

- Str (gets added in TWICE)

- Dex

- Off-weapon %ED

For your charge-ups, you'll be hitting at 7fps max, which isn't really fast compared to skills like zeal or jab, so expect limited effect from ctc and CB. Typically, you're also targetting the least dangerous monster around for charging up (ie a minion iso the boss), so this will further limit the charge-ups usefullness.

Basically, you need to focus your kick damage, as that will decide your explosion damage, which will damage all monsters nearby. Your chargeups only damage one monster at a time, and for minimal damage as it is, so the biggest overall damage increase will come from upping your kick damage.

So you've got max TS, max DTail and either BoS or fade. This should get you to hell where you'll also need an extra attack for physical or fire immune monsters. Usually CoT or PS, which you can release with either your kick or normal attack. Which leaves you with around 20 skillpoints to play around with. Either more damage for your secondary attack, DS, shadow,...|||Why eth? You don't need the defense.|||For the lesser strenght req. Only boots that I would use 200+str on are upped gores, and they are not that suited for the build. Shadow dancers are nice, but the also have lesser strenght req. Not that it really matters, more strenght is more damage, but it dwarfs compared to the bonusses from tiger strike, so in this setup I'd try to keep str down for life. OTOH, without tiger strike as charge-up, I'd advocate going for the max strengt...

And then it hits me, that it's SUPERIOR with the lessened str req. Sorry for the confusion :s .|||O.o Upped Gores have a str req of 156.

If you're going to go the 200+ with a regular myrmidon, go for the extra 10 since it won't matter enough.

Hybrid vs Ghost WW

How much damage difference is there between the WW of Ghost and a Hybrid sin?

And if the damage difference is pretty big, how is a Ghost-oriented hybrid? ( 20 points in claw mastery and giving up 1 synergy of the traps )|||The biggest difference is in traps.

The Ghost's WoF / Ls won't get very high, but the Hybrid usually gets 3-5K ish, depending mostly on GCs and gear.

The difference in WW isn't very big, but is noticeable.

The Ghost has more AR, damage, and venom than a Hybrid will. This could easily be a 1-2K difference in damage (composed of physical and venom differences).

A hybrid can go with maxing mastery, but usually needs very good gear. The biggest benefit for them would be the DS%, which can add a pretty big bonus for physical oriented hybrids. These are expensive to make since they rely on good claws.

Claw Mastery can be done, but other options are better if giving up a synergy. Venom adds more damage more easily, and MB can be used if you do any team play or end up chasing very often.

kicking ias/speed confirmation please

So I am building a kicker (was really fun last season), and I just wanted to double check my ias so that I have the right sockets in my gear.



Guillames (socket not sure?)

Stormlash (shael prolly)


upd gores


raven/some mana leech ring


stormshield (um'd prolly)

(and probably anni/torch)

So I think I am going to socket a shael in my Stormlash. The weapon is -10, +30 ias on weapon, +20ias shael = -60

I believe that this gives me kicks at 8/3 without BoS

With just the shael stormlash, I think i need to use burst of speed (but would rather fade), which even with a level 1 BoS (w/ +skills ~7) should put me at 7/3.

I am mainly trying to figure out a socket for my helm(and shield maybe). Since I plan to uber, I wanna stack res as much as possible, but I would love it if I could get a 7/3 without sacrificing res (fade). For example, if I socketed a 15ias/15@ in both my shield and helm.. is that enough? Just a 15/15 in the helm? etc.

My question is, how much more ias do I need to get 7/3 without BoS? (I did search, and my brain isnt reading ias table today for some reason, and not sure how up to date the info was that I found)


So I think I am going to socket a shael in my Stormlash. The weapon is -10, +30 ias on weapon, +20ias shael = -60

I believe that this gives me kicks at 8/3 without BoS

With just the shael stormlash, I think i need to use burst of speed (but would rather fade), which even with a level 1 BoS (w/ +skills ~7) should put me at 7/3.

IAS doesn't work the way you described. Use the ias tables in the sticky to find needed IAS for 7/3 kicks for any weapon.

Without BoS you'd need 95% IAS (30 (stormlash) + 20 (sheal in stormlash) + 45 from gear).

Without extra IAS on gear, you need lvl 1 BoS if you shael the stormlash, or lvl 3 BoS without the shael.

So basically, you'd need shael in your stormlash, and 3 IAS jewels (shield, helm and armour) to get 7/3 kicks without swapping any gear.|||Quote:

So I think I am going to socket a shael in my Stormlash. The weapon is -10, +30 ias on weapon, +20ias shael = -60

The only time you'll use IAS and WSM like that is for Whirlwind.

With DTalon, WSM stays the same, no matter what IAS you have.

That said, I'd recommend staying at 8/3. The difference isn't big enough to try and get the 95 IAS.|||Quote:

The only time you'll use IAS and WSM like that is for Whirlwind.

With DTalon, WSM stays the same, no matter what IAS you have.

That said, I'd recommend staying at 8/3. The difference isn't big enough to try and get the 95 IAS.

Haha, well a barb is my main right now... using WW so that's probably added to my confusion. Sheesh, I just can't wrap my head around math today. Sigh

Thanks guys.. I guess I will probably stay at 8/3 and if I wanna do the 7/3 then BoS it is.

New to assasins

Been thinking about making an assasin, though don't know which build to go for.

There seems to be alot of acronyms I am not known with.

Whats the "best" build? Fast killing speed, survivability etc.

Items is not an issue |||Trapper is probabaly the best choice. It's very cheap, but it can get pricey (as all characters can) when you get to the endgame gear. Very safe, effective. And it kills packs of monsters better than any other Assassin builds.

Kickers are the most fun, can be a little dangerous. Can also clear packs of monsters, but a little slower than a Trapper is capable of. The Kicker shines against single monsters. Specifically bosses. A kicker can drop a boss in a matter of seconds, trappers are slower boss killers.

Kickers rely on Crushing Blow and fast kicks to drop a monsters health based on %'s and not total damage. So it stays effective throughout the entire game.

Trappers rely on +skills towards the end of the game, but a lot of this you can get from shopping +trap skills claws, and gambling trap circlets/ammys.

I have personally played both builds untwinked through Hell. In Hardcore no less, so once you get the tactics down and know where to pick your spots, they are both very viable.

This guide by Ilkori

Is like the Kicker bible. It explains pure kickers, Kick/Trap hybrids (my personal favorite) and all things in between. It's a great read.|||Not to hijack the thread but I am new to assassins as well. What about the claw builds? Are these skills non-viable: Tiger / Cobra / Phoenix strikes and the elemental stuff (Fists of fire, Blades of Ice, Claws of Thunder)?

I like the idea of the 3 hit combo but only if it is reasonably viable for hell.|||Quote:

Not to hijack the thread but I am new to assassins as well. What about the claw builds? Are these skills non-viable: Tiger / Cobra / Phoenix strikes and the elemental stuff (Fists of fire, Blades of Ice, Claws of Thunder)?

I like the idea of the 3 hit combo but only if it is reasonably viable for hell.

I always suggest Kickers and Trappers for the sole reason that later on they go on to "bigger and better things." Kickers, are right up there with Summoners/Smiters in their effectiveness at dealing with Ubers.

Trappers, especially if you get an Infinity/Enigma later in the game, are great for MF'ing areas and bosses.

The only claw sins I ever play, are untwinked for the fun of actually playing through the game. Even when extremely decked out I find their uses limited. This might be my personal opinion, but I've never seen a Claw using assassin clearing Hell Chaos or Baal efficiently.

You may be able to get it done, but nowhere near as quickly as the other builds. But if it's just the fun of playing through the game that you are after, they are definitely viable.

I also think it's a little more gear dependant than the other builds. You will need a nice claw like a Bartucs or better. The other builds can be completely built around gambled/shopped items, cheap runwords and easy to find set items (Guillaumes). A kicker though, will need a good pair of boots. If you can get Gore riders you are set for the entire game. You can find cheap alternatives like rares with good kick damage that will work though.

I find Kick much more fun than claws though. Try your claw build, with the new respec feature if you don't like it you can always change your build later on depending on what gear you find for her.|||my $0.02:

build an ilkori'sin (aka: a kick/trap hybrid).

most effective pvm slaughter machine evarrr!!11!!

you don't need funky gear to make it work either, here are some gear suggestions:

hat: guillaumes face

ammy: something with +skills and resistances (maras is awesome, rare +2'sin/minor res is fine)

armour: Treachery, Lionheart, Skin Of The Vipermagi, Duress are all hell viable.

belt: string of ears, verdungos, bladebuckle, nos coil, some nice rare with fhr, res, stats, life.

weapon: anything decently fast with some crushing blow. Black Flail is a proven performer, best possible is a Stormlash.

rings: one ravenfrost and who really cares for the other one. some mana leech is useful.

glove: Dracs are the preffered glove, look for leech, life, stats etc on others (bloodfists are an awesome standby)

shield: Whistans, Gerkes, Sanctuary (Ko+Ko+Mal runeword), Stormshield, Mosers......

boots: up'd gore riders are the preferred boot, 2x up'd Goblin Toes are also serviceable.


enough in d-talon for a 3 or 4 kick volley.

1pt dragon-flight, Shadow Master and Venom

max: lit sentry, death sentry, charged bolt sentry

spares: Shockweb.


str: enough for gear

dex: enough for max block with the shield of your choice

vit: as much as possible

energy: base.|||Previously I'd have said Kicker but now Ghost. Really fun and fast to play and even without Death Sentry she slays. Also, if you get tired to PvM there's always a chance to PvP with her.|||Ghosts in PvM aren't nearly as reliable as a K/T.|||Quote:

my $0.02

Thanks for your posts Meph and Sass, I'm going to respec my MA sin to a K/T hybrid. 2 questions though:

I have a pair of Ethereal shadow dancers (perfect dex roll). Would these be comparable to upped gores?

Does kicking use durability? If I'm going to end up breaking my shadow dancers, I'll just up my pair of gore riders that my paladin runs around in.|||Kicking won't use durability, but getting hit will as normal, so just be careful if you use them.|||the gores offer a little crushing blow which is their main attraction. the OW is superfluous with Dracs.

2x up'd Goblin toes are a pretty nifty PvM kick boot.

imho: 'dancers are PvP boots. gores outdamages them over time.

What to socket in Nat set.

I know this has probably been asked before but what do you think I should socket in my Nats set. She is a phoenix strike sin. I do not need any more ias and my resists in hell are 32 fire and 60 and above on the other ones. Thanks for any input. DJ|||Sounds like you need res. Um / Jewels should fix that.|||Definitely max out your resists before anything else. Are you having issues with leech? If not, I imagine facets or magic find will help you out.

Lightning trapper question

Hi, will Infinity help on lightning immunes? People say it's a solution, does that mean I need to equip it on char instead of merc? Thanks.|||Yes it will help, but use it on a merc.|||Quote:

Hi, will Infinity help on lightning immunes? People say it's a solution, does that mean I need to equip it on char instead of merc? Thanks.

Yes. Infinity breaks some, but not all, Lightning Immunities.

It doesn't matter who wears it, so let your Merc use it.|||Ok cool thanks, on d2 wiki it says Note that the decrease in enemies' Lightning Resistance will NOT increase the sorceress damage if it's on your merc.

So I guess that just means it won't increase any extra damage but that it will work against LI

Kinda expensive runes for starters, any tips how to beat them except DS. Might merc?|||Quote:

Ok cool thanks, on d2 wiki it says Note that the decrease in enemies' Lightning Resistance will NOT increase the sorceress damage if it's on your merc.

So I guess that just means it won't increase any extra damage but that it will work against LI

Kinda expensive runes for starters, any tips how to beat them except DS. Might merc?

I assume they are talking about this mod -

-(45-55)% To Enemy Lightning Resistance (varies)

Which does not work unless it's in your hands. Which doesn't matter, because Traps are considered a minion of yours, and get no benefit from -lit resist gear. They are not considered an actual spell you are casting.

Trying to give you an analogy...trap laying speed is based on Ias and not FCR. The game sees traps as an an attack rather than a spell.

For a sorc this mod would only be in affect if you were holding it, but for an Assassin it means nothing either way. The Conviction is what's important to Trappers, and it's fine to let your merc use it.

Keep that in mind though, do not waste any -Lit res Facets on your assassin.

As for the Immunes, Insight polearm is very nice and cheap. It has good damage depending on what you make it in, and it also gives you Meditation aura which will help keep your mana full. Great for any caster, and the runes are extremely cheap.

A good Merc can make your life a lot easier. Some other tricks are Mindblast to get the LI's to turn on each other and Death Sentry.

I definitely recommend the Infinity though, it's not necessary, but it will make your life a lot easier when you finally get your hands on one.|||I am absolutely astonished that nobody mentioned fire blast yet. By sacrificing a bit of lightning damage, you get a good fire damage attack that helps with lightning immunes, and can be fired at the same time even while your traps are working.|||Quote:

I am absolutely astonished that nobody mentioned fire blast yet. By sacrificing a bit of lightning damage, you get a good fire damage attack that helps with lightning immunes, and can be fired at the same time even while your traps are working.

It wasn't mentioned because the OP has Infitnity. With that, FB is no longer required and stronger LS can be acheived.|||Quote:

It wasn't mentioned because the OP has Infitnity. With that, FB is no longer required and stronger LS can be acheived.

Maybe i'm reading it wrong but the OP complained that infinity was expensive so I don't think he/she has one yet.

That said i'm gonna put in a second vote for Fire Blast. FB quickly gets you a few corpses for DS to goto work. It shares synergies with your Lightning Sentry too so those synergies are double useful. And if you are going with a heavy DS build it adds shots to DS. I love me some FB.|||Quote:

It wasn't mentioned because the OP has Infitnity. With that, FB is no longer required and stronger LS can be acheived.

I was under the impression that he doesn't have infinity. Even with infinity, I suspect FB might still be more efficient vs immunes.|||I've never found FB really that useful. If you have the amount of +skills needed to make it decent enough, than you really shouldn't be all that far away from an infinity.

At level 20 FB, with +5 skills (assuming budget setup) and the synergies of LS, DS, CBS maxxed, you're getting 1200 damage. Not to mention gimping your LS to around 5-2500 which will be pretty weak for late in Hell.

(assuming you are around level 70 working your way thru Hell.)

Just get your merc a good polearm for Obediance or an Insight, that should help you early on.

Hardcore Lightning Trapasin

I have enjoyed a Lightning Trapasin on single player all the way up to level 82 now. Sooooo, I decided to make one on hardcore on I am saving myself from some of the mistakes that I made in single player that led to me using up all my respecs(save the one you can theoretically get from the essences that drop from the act bosses). The guide I read off of originally was great, but now having gone through the process one time, I am better prepared as to what to sink my skill pts into. The question is, is there any difference in the build for hardcore than there is for non hardcore. For instance, should I have more pts in Shadow Master and Weapon Block, do I really need to spend pts in Martial Arts for stuff like dragon flight, etc, or is it roughly the same as non hardcore? My char is only level 21 now in hardcore. I am assuming maxing out Lightning Sentry, then Charged Bolt Sentry and then Death Sentry are still the ways to go. I guess what I am looking for is any advice that may be different about this type of sin in hardcore versus non hardcore.|||Well there's definitely a difference. You'll be focusing on mainly using the utility skills like CoS, fade, and MB.

You don't need to invest in a shadow, nor weapon block, but it's good to have a shadow up and at least some + skill gear to help the block. The hard points saved are needed for the trap tree as it is, so save them with the gear.

From the sound of it, this is an untwinked thing, so melee will definitely be a bad choice. Dflight brings you into a mob / right on a monster, so not good in HC unless you can definitely tank. Without good gear, that'd be a no

Basically, you'll want to hang back, keep shadow and merc fighting the monsters and using CoS to blind / MB to stun and convert for safety with DS clearing mobs.

If you use the norm respec, you can stay with the LS, DS and CBS in NM. Once you hit hell, you'll need an immune killer, and FB is an easy, effective choice.|||Yah, not having many choices early on, I sunk a few pts into fire blast until the lightning traps were usable. I put one point in claw mastery and one in cloak of shadows and weapon block, but certainly no more. I have been working on the lightning synergies for the off levels. In one level I will have the 2 skill pts I need to get both Mind Blast and Lightning Sentry. Oh, obviously I already have Fade . The real difference will be less pts in claw mastery and shadow master then, basically. This provides for more points to sink into the lightning synergies. In single player, I only had one in shock web trap, but here I placed a few more than that, when it didnt' interfere with other necessary spells. It is amazing how much simpler the character is to make when making it the 2nd time, even if you are working off a guide the first time lol.

Pure Shadow build?

I've been looking at the various Assassin guides, and I've noticed that there are very few pure Shadow builds, focusing on Claw Mastery, Weapon Block, Shadow Warrior/Master. Is this build not effective? Or not effective in Hell? None of the builds seem to mention Shadow hardly at all. I find it quite fun, but I'm not even to NM yet.|||=/ The problem with Claw Mastery and WB focus is that they're both passive. You'd have to have a main claw attack to make it work.

Those options are usually WWsin (pvp), or PS/DClaw sin. Add in venom, and you can get a somewhat effective, but slow killing bowsin workable.

Warrior / Master are both just extra help, but not usually something to build on.

The Shadow skills are primarily 1 point utility skills while the MA / Trap tree are the damage dealing trees.|||Wow. Thanks. Is it unusual that a skill tree is so neglected? I guess the Curse tree is just a utility tree with Necros.

Thanks!|||Basically. It's the same with passive and magic for zons, mastery for barbs, and the auras on a paladin.|||I hope the 10 pts I have dumped into Claw Mastery isn't a waste. I've been cruising pretty fast into Act 2, but who knows? I might hit a wall, if not Duriel. |||not exactly true, you can make a mojomancer (curse based) and a passive zon. i dont know about a pure shadow sin personally though.|||It's possible to work with them, especially since venom is a damaging passive-ish thing, but very difficult.|||You'll need to get a lot of %ED from gear to make this work I guess. Fortitude armour comes into mind, war travellers add some damage, there's a cap with 20%ED on it iirc(though it offers no other benefits, so it's probably not worth it). For claws, again you're looking for high damage, so upped bartucs, fury or chaos claws, some other unique claws...

Basically, it's possible if you've got good gear and high damage weapons. Wouldn't try it without those really. Maybe you should look for an attack from the MA tree to give your assassin an active damage skill... If you want to focus mostly on shadow skills, the different kick skills com into mind, since they don't need (have) synergies to work. Using your boots for damage also means Claw mastery becomes worthless, so you'd be looking at your build, just with dragon talon or dragon tail in stead of Claw mastery.|||you could put some points into DClaw just so you have an attack skill|||Didn't think about this before, but don't expect much from a shadow when you have no MA/traps skills. They cast those at a lvl that depends on your own lvl in these skills, so any attacks from your shadow will be pretty low-damage...

need opinions on my P-striker gear

So i decided to make a martial arts assassin focusing on phoenix strike and so far so good in hell, but i feel like i'm not doing enough damage to the monsters and my AR is pretty low to hit bosses about 70% chance.

i've been reading one of the guides but not sure what i'm doing wrong (maybe?)

oh and i'm going duel claws.

here's my gear:

-full nat's set, armor socketd with 2x um's, last slot still open

-weapons: nat's claw on main, bartucs on off-hand

-jewelry: mara's, raven, dwarf star

-belt: t-gods

-gloves: some random +2 martial arts, 20ias

-charms: low torch, low anni, and 3x plain martial arts gc's

skill set up:

20- fists of fire

20- claws of thunder

20-phoenix strike

and putting the rest into blades of ice (maybe i shouldn't?)

i can kill stuff with little to no problem, but i feel like i'm not doing enough damage or something, is there anything i should substitute in my gear?

also, should nat's claw be on my main or off-hand?

as for the AR problem, i hit monsters just fine but when it comes to bosses i have some trouble hitting them. most of the time i just hold down the mouse and hoping i get a hit off and set off charges

would maxing out claw master help with this?

and lastly, would getting an infinity merc help boost my damage?

thanks for reading, hopefully it wasn't too confusing |||Infinity will do wonders for this build. It solves your AR issues too. Nats is a nice cheap setup for this build, but there are far better choices.

Your gloves are fine, but rares with good mods would be better.

Maras is perfect.

Keep a Rfrost, and make the other a dual leech ring or at least something with mana leech, unless you got rare MA gloves that got mana leech.

Go with Shako, Coa if your rich.

Coh, or Fort, which actually works nice that'll greatly boost your physical dmg and thus make leeching better.

Gores are good enough for boots. Though CB is only handy for bosses, you might want to stick with treks for now to handle FHR problems. Massive meteor spam from phoenix strike agaisnt bosses(exept Baal since he won't stay still) will cream them at a good enough rate.

2x bartuc(ethereal or up'd ones are even better).

Belts, Tgods is nice(but only useful for just souls), string of ears is really good, it helps your life rise back up faster along with some reduction towards magic attacks.

If you can't obtain coa, you'll need something that'll peak your FHR to 86%, dual bartucs will already get you to 60%, but you'll NOT want to flinch once with her cause it can really disrupt your charge build-up/release. 2x 5% FHR small charms along with treks will solve that.

Skills, the more balanced, the better. I'd recommend maxing BoI too, then after all of that, just pump it into claw mastery, or claw block if that's low. This build doesn't need death sentry once your merc is carrying infinity as most enemies you release your charges on will be insta-gibbed. Don't bother with shadow master, it'll be too fragile, and you can just mind blast monsters yourself when needed.

Merc choice: Might if you think you can handle quite a few blows, Holy Freeze if you want to be on the safe side. I work just fine with Holy Freeze.|||Try to get a pair of 3/20 ma gloves.|||Quote:

Try to get a pair of 3/20 ma gloves.

If you like spending 5 hours a day trying, everyday.....|||Rare gloves are better than 3/20, so his gloves now are fine.|||thanks for the replies everyone, you've all been helpful

@ghoulz: thanks for your input on my gear, you've helped me a lot this past day i've been gathering all the gear you have suggested and fine tuning my p-striker and i must say, i have noticed a BIG improvement in my killing speed

i've never made a martial arts sin using p-strike before so i didn't know what gear to use and just went with nat's since the guide i read highly suggested it :o i must say i like your set-up way better

although i do have lots of trouble with decrepify though i get screwed over really bad when that is casted on me, especially in baals throne room when listers show up i get decrepify and they proceed to mop the floor with my body, any way to counter this? i thought fade prevents you from gettin cursed, is this not true?|||Fade only reduces how long it lasts. There is no way to prevent it from being able to be cast on you.|||Minions of Destruction can be a challenge sometimes for her. Your best option is to get Baal to curse your merc instead of you(by keeping him closer to baal).

As they appear, get them into a nice pile and mind blast them to buy you enough time to start charging up before they start knocking you around. Then cross your fingers and try to pull off a freezing explosion on most of them and keeping them that way while tanking Lister. It won't help much, but 1 point in shadow master(along with +skills) should give you some extra time.

The rest of them aren't bad. The balrogs are weak and you can freeze them all in no time(decrypted or not). The council members can just be obliterated with meteor/FoF. Cast cloak of shadows on the undead mob, then just fry the big ones with meteor spam.

PvP dragon claw sin?

Like most melee sin builds the emphasis would be on open wounds and venom damage, not pure physical because the sin MA skills don't run high on that. Skill layout would be as such:

Max Dragon Claw (attack rating and some physical damage)

Max claw mastery (dragon claw damage synergy and more attack rating)

Max Venom (duh)

Probably about 15 points into Weapon Block (picture frenzy barb, but with block)

10 points in Fade (this is your main source of damage reduction and also gives handy resists and reduced curse duration)

1 point in every other shadow skill

1 point in dragon flight and prereqs for utility

1 point in wake of fire for stunlock

Gear depends a lot on whether you want to hit the 5.5 frame breakpoint or the 5 frame (fastest) breakpoint for dragon claw. With two runic talons 5.5 frames is 75% total ias and 5 frames is 125 ias, a big difference, so I'll list the options for both breakpoints:

5.5 frame set-up:

Weapons: Fury runic/greater talons on main hand

Malice, a second fury or a 3 poison facet claw (all runic/greater talons) on your offhand

Helm: Andy's faceted with an ias jewel or you can go with nos for your belt and bloodfists for your gloves and socket your andy's with something else

Armor: Bramble or Enigma if you want the teleport.

Belt: Dungos or Nos, maybe Trang's if you want to use two angelics

Boots: Shadow dancers, preferably +2, or gores for the open wounds

Gloves: Trang's or Bloodfists

Rings/Ammy: I like angelic ammy/angelic ring/ravenfrost, but you might also go metalgrid/raven/raven.

5 frame breakpoint:

Same claws

Andy's must have an ias jewel

Nos belt is a must

20 ias gloves of some kind

Shadow dancers or gores



Or you can go with Treachery and make all of that other gear a lot more flexible because of the 45% ias it provides. But I'd rather not. You also want torch/anni and an inventory full of shadow grand charms and attack rating small charms.

Anywho, like I said it's a bit like a frenzy barb in its use of dual weapons, but unlike frenzy (and the reason frenzy doesn't work pvp) it has a nice (hopefully) 60% block from weapon block while attacking. Input would be nice. Let me know if anyone tries this out.|||Unfortunately, we've yet to determine which is correct, the 125 from the German Calc, or the 377 from the IAS Tables. The numbers I'm using are from the IAS Tables.

In either case, it's BoS you want, not Fade. Faded will make you use too much IAS gear, and it weakens the build.

You'll definitely want Enigma, or you won't be catching much.

The gear focuses too much on IAS. A Fury main claw (or fools quickness, same IAS) + Highlords + IAS Jewel would be enough for a level 10 BoS. At level 16, you don't even need the IAS Jewel.

Gear wise, it really wouldn't be much different than a Ghost, except no Chaos ( depends).

The skill works (ghosts use it all the time), but maxing would basically be like that play style, but with dclaw focus.|||Well, assuming the german calc is correct, I was hoping to use fade because, without stormshield I don't have a whole lot of damage reduction. Though I suppose if I were to use dungo's, a ber'd shako and enigma I'd have a solid 41%. And I'd like to avoid using highlord's so I can use angelics or metalgrid if possible. I don't like to miss.|||Unfortunately, no DR will save you if you fight melee. You'll have to use completely different tactics, because DClaw can't stand up to them.

It will work vs casters, but you don't need DR vs them.

And you really don't want to use angelics. Your FCR (especially if considering dungos), will be low.|||I make most of my builds to fight melee. I'm not a huge caster person, especially using a melee attack to fight casters. It involves so much worming of fast cast into otherwise melee gear, and I'm lazy. So yeah, I was mostly planning on using this to fight melee characters, or to just run after casters and smack them with my claws. Not so much teleing.|||Then that changes the focus entirely.

I've tried a purely melee DClaw sin before, and nothing could stand up to Fury Druids, Conc Barbs and especially a Zealer.

Still, she was physical based, not venom based, though there's not likely to be much of a difference. I was in a pvp realm that wouldn't permit venom on a melee build, but phys definitely doesn't hit hard enough, yet you get hit too hard.

With venom, it'd work if they have almost no res, but I'd be surprised if they didn't comment on venom. They already dislike Grief because of the venom and -res.

But with melee focus, you definitely won't be able to run up to casters to hit them unless this is a public game and they're all near the entrance. Tele just out paces you, and you wouldn't have block.|||Well wielded claw sins have less block than a 75% block character. So im not sure if it would work vs melee too well but caster should not be a problem if you use bos to speed up against sorc's.|||bad skill/item setup.

dclaw works better on a ghost setup. if you want pure dclaw you can max dclaw with less fade/weaponblock. 20 mindblast is still mandatory as on *any* shadow discipline type melee attack character.

fools/chaos or fools/rare would be the claws of choice. not fury/malice lol.

a regular physical damage ghost setup (read tienje's guide for an example) with 1 point dclaw will greatly outperform the gear/skill choices you have listed here.|||I don't see it working so great, maybe agaisnt a caster that's gotten into a stun-lock. WW only works well because it's a mobile attack that makes it harder to run away from once they're in your face and harder for you to attack them in return.

Cloak of Shadows helps dealing with High D on a WW sin?

I just finished my Hybrid ww/trap assy, and ive noticed that the high defense of smiters, barbs, etc. are hard to beat...

So CoS supposedly lowers the enemy defense by a %... is this penalized too much in Pvp to make it unusable? does it even make a difference?|||Quote:

I just finished my Hybrid ww/trap assy, and ive noticed that the high defense of smiters, barbs, etc. are hard to beat...

So CoS supposedly lowers the enemy defense by a %... is this penalized too much in Pvp to make it unusable? does it even make a difference?

cloak of shadows is good in pvp against characters *without* %defense boosts. really hurts druids/zons/necros/sorcs/assassins, because there is no pvp penalty. however vs smiters and barbs, the -def% stacks with their ~600% defense, so even capped cloak with -95% would leave that +600% as +505%

so it does help a tad bit but not that much vs pallies and barbs.

its not worth pumping for your build, level 1 with +skills is fine, it is worth making use of in pvp. just not vs pallies and barbs so much. although turning cloak on isn't a bad idea as long as you're safe doing so.

also to note, cloak has a very nice effect vs revive necros, (revives stop attacking while cloaked, even at melee) make sure to always cloak them.|||You're better off using Angelics/Fools claw.|||No to angelics, but yes to Fools.

A few questions about uber kicksin

I have a couple of questions relating to a kicksin made for ubers. I'm sure some of these have been answered in the warrior monk thread and some may have been answered in the opening post but I just didn't know if opinion has changed since and didn't want to sift throug the 65 pages of information.

1) If I use stormlash what are the different kick breakpoints and how much ias will I need?

2) Do kicksins generally max block or just keep dex at base and max vit and do they generally use a stormshield or phoenix (I've played a kicksin before and never really figured out if phoenix slowed down kicks or not).

3) With the drop in chance to proc on torches is it viable to use a torch or are the procs still annoying enough to not use it?

4) Do any kicksin's max fade or am I better off not using as much ias gear and just using BoS all the time?

5) in general what is the resist % most assassins go for (how far over cap?)

6) is there any point where its not really useful to continue boosting crushing blow?

I think that's it for now, sorry again if these questions have been answered before.

Thanks|||1) It automatically hits 9/3. It needs 95 IAS (or level 3 BoS) to hit 7/3.

2) Max block using SS. Phoenix doesn't slow per se, but it causes cast delay.

3) It's still possible. I'm sure a cramped screen will be an issue, but not nearly like it was.

4) If doing Ubers, you can max it since you should have enough points anyway. Personally, I swap to BoS only for general PvM or if I need to run around for a while.

5) I think it's 300 to account for Meph's Aura, and aside from that, just cap. When gearing for Meph, BoS usually can still be at max res for general play.

6) 50% is an effective min, and additional helps, but not a ton. I'd say the diminishing might be 60-75%, but that's just a guess.|||Thanks Sass. Is it worth it to use Stormlash, Guillamanes, and Gore Riders? And assuming it is, what would you socket the stormlash and guill with.

I'm guessing it probably isn't worth wasting 95 ias to bump the initial kick 2 frames, or am I wrong?

Thanks|||Not only is it worth it, it's easily the best combo you can have

And yes, 95 IAS is just ridiculous.

A Shael will put you at 8/3, but 7/3 is just not worth it or using BoS.

Both 9 and 8 work, so if you use the socket for Ar, some jewel, or something like that, you'll be fine. Sockets like these just fill in the gravy mods (+ar especially).|||Personally I use a 15ias, 30 light resist jewel. Helps for resists on meph. I only pull out fade for meph to help counter the conviction. I also had to stack some light resist charms (as ss mostly covered my cold res). I also only put enough points in fade for level 15 with +skills, to get me to max DR w/ss. The resist diminishing returns get bad after that too.

Tgods and one raven help as well, as most of meph's damage is cold/light. Torches are fine to use in my experience.|||I think I remember hearing that you only get DR for hard points in fade so wouldn't you need 15 points without skills to hit 50% dr?|||Quote:

I think I remember hearing that you only get DR for hard points in fade so wouldn't you need 15 points without skills to hit 50% dr?

As far as I know, any +skills add dr, not only hard points.|||Quote:

Personally I use a 15ias, 30 light resist jewel. Helps for resists on meph. I only pull out fade for meph to help counter the conviction. I also had to stack some light resist charms (as ss mostly covered my cold res). I also only put enough points in fade for level 15 with +skills, to get me to max DR w/ss. The resist diminishing returns get bad after that too.

Tgods and one raven help as well, as most of meph's damage is cold/light. Torches are fine to use in my experience.

A 15 IAS Jewel won't change the break point. You might as well use that mod for something else unless you plan on using a second jewel with it.|||Quote:

A 15 IAS Jewel won't change the break point. You might as well use that mod for something else unless you plan on using a second jewel with it.

Yeah, I have a 15ias/14 res all jewel in my guillaume's.

can't decide on weapon for furysin :(

so, i just respec'd to a bladefury assassin, i have all her gear set up and i have a few weapons to choose from.

-non-eth stone crusher 306ed

-non-eth stormlash 296ed

-schaefers hammer 112ed

-azurewrath 260~ed

i was thinking of using schaefers hammer because it has the max damage and AR bonus. my second option was stone crusher because of the crushing blow and -100 defense per hit which is really nice.

what other weapons would you guys suggest? i've been reading the bladefury analysis-by ceramic weasel, there were a lot of weapons listed but not sure which to pick

although i really do want to get my hands on that rare claw he posted xD i doubt i'll find one like that anyways

also, if i wanted to use a claw instead, would fury or chaos be better?

thanks for reading |||id pick stormlash for the same reason as I would pick it for a kicker. speed/cb/static/ele dmg/ed

not sure if there's something about fury sins that make it non godly, tho.|||From the analysis, he does mention an Eth Fury Suwayyah as one of the optimal choices.|||hmm i see, yea i was thinking of stormlash earlier, i don't know if it's just me, but i seem to cast tornado and static more often than i amp damage procs on atma's amulet.

that's the reason i didn't go with stormlash, it could be just me though :x

can amp damage and nado or static & amp damage cast at the same time?

hmm, would a non-eth fury do just fine as well w/o +3 bf staff mod on it? i have a spare 3 socket suwayyah in my chest but it's just a plain one

also, this is kinda of my topic, but this is regarding my bladefury damage. i was wondering, is the character screen "lying" to me? because i'm doing 2.3k~ damage with bladefury and it seems kinda low, compared to ceramic weasel's 10k

also my AR doesn't display on bladefury, is this a bug?

my gear:

-schaefer's hammer


-guil's helm w/ um

-steelrends glove


-3 socket shield with 3x 40ed jewels socketed

-nosferatu's belt

-ravenfrost & duel leech ring with some strength


-torch, anni, 5x trap gc's

-act 2 might merc|||You'll want an ethereal weapon instead. Your only nerfing yourself.

Death(need alot of AR though), Famine, Last Wish, Phoenix possibly are good choices. I'd aim for a nice ethereal rare claw with 300+dmg though. The author of the BF thread does note that claw mastery helps BF using a claw, and it really does.

As for claws. Fury is much more mod friendly than chaos for BF.

You'll probably have a poor hit rate towards bosses still, -defense per hit really helps agaisnt bosses. I got on angelics and I still can't hit bosses worth the crap unless I put on soul drainers.

And don't forget, BF is a missle attack so CB is almost useless with BF. You don't see CB bowazon builds afterall.|||Quote:

You'll want an ethereal weapon instead. Your only nerfing yourself.

Death(need alot of AR though), Famine, Last Wish, Phoenix possibly are good choices. I'd aim for a nice ethereal rare claw with 300+dmg though. The author of the BF thread does note that claw mastery helps BF using a claw, and it really does.

As for claws. Fury is much more mod friendly than chaos for BF.

You'll probably have a poor hit rate towards bosses still, -defense per hit really helps agaisnt bosses. I got on angelics and I still can't hit bosses worth the crap unless I put on soul drainers.

And don't forget, BF is a missle attack so CB is almost useless with BF. You don't see CB bowazon builds afterall.

thanks for the input hmm ok i see what you mean by the eth weapons, better to use because no durability is lost and they're stronger.

well i did make a fury last night in a suwayyah with +3 bladefury, +3 shadow master, and +3 light sentry but sadly it's non-eth

but to my surprise this weapon kicks so much butt, my killing speed is wayyy faster than shaefers or stonecrusher, this boggles me because fury is like 120-160 damage while the other 2 are in the 300's and fury outperforms those hammers, even an eth stonecrusher. well this is just my speculation :o

is it due to the 33% deadly strike? combined with gores and guil's helm, which gives me 66% deadly strike. or is it because of the ITD, that my shurikens are actually hitting every time on normal monsters that they're taking the full damage :o

nonetheless, fury is my new favorite weapon now i really underestimated it, my goal is to find an eth suwayyah. if the suwayyah were eth but didn't have the +3 bladefury staff mod, would it still be as powerful?

as for the gloves, idk if i want to give up steelrends xD the +str and the +ed is so awesome T-T iirc i think it only gave me about an additional +50 to max and min damage, not sure...

i guess i could maybe sacrafice it for some crafted knockback gloves with stats? i don't have any knockback on me atm, although i wish i did though.|||With fury(runeword) it's easy to reach 100% Deadly Strike, which is probably why you kill so much faster, and ITD doesn't hurt. But I do believe because it's a claw(if you have mastery maxed). My Edeathz does over 180 more dmg compared to my rare claw I have, but they pretty much deal the same amount of damage, even though death has over 40% deadly strike.

I been using the combination of cleglaw's claw and nosferatu's for KB and 35% slow. Pretty nice. Put on Blackhorns mask and you got 50% which just crushes monsters like frenzytaurs and Baal's final minions. BF sins can be awsome playing defense and offense at once.

Quick question about IAS on my kicksin

I'm currently using a Heaven's Light[2] as my weapon until I can find something better.

The only IAS I have are from my Heaven's Light and Treachery(20+45 IAS). I am not factoring in BOS simply because I cannot lose the resists in Hell atm

If I read the IAS tables correctly I believe even if I place 2 shaels in the weapon, I won't be able to hit the 7/3 bp for dtalon, and that the sockets would be better socketed with something else|||That's true. You hit 9/3 now, and a single Shael brings you to 8/3.|||Thanks. Now I just need to figure out what i want to put in the other socket

Ghost Q's.

Hi all,

I'm new to the forums here, and I'd like to say what amazing guides there are here. One of which is the stickied WW Ghost guide. The thing was enormously informative, however I'm having a little trouble figuring out one thing in particular...

There are over 1000 replies to that sticky and I really don't feel like goin through them all. The part I'm confused about it the order of claws.

I made an assassin by the name of Myblood, levelled her to 70 (I'm still going) and haven't spent a single talent point, and have put all points into vitality as of now. Everything is Perfect Topaz enchanted for my MF set . I was lucky to come across some Trang gloves, and that's the only piece of gear I can see myself holding on too.

I want to make Myblood a WW Ghost, venom oriented. I understand everything in the guide except the claws and AWSM bugging in this particular circumstance.

Someone please explain, pub, which claws I want. Just tell me straight out, and why.


Primary Claw (above gloves):




Secondary (above boots):


Runic Talons


I don't understand why chaos is in main hand... Could someone please explain in detail.

Thankyou in advance =)|||The Chaos Suwayyah is over the gloves to alter how the assassin holds her claws.

After swapping, you can see the Suwayyah in the right hand, but after bugging, the runic is in the left and acts as the primary claw (so we can get the Fools mod on it to work).

But, this isn't normally where the primary claw is, so it bugs the calculation.

Mods to look for in the claws are + venom, MB, LS (not so much a ghost thing, but when looking at claws, these are tradeable).

A guide on what to look for in a Fools claw. It mentions staffmods on claws and which are ideal. Keep in mind, that's more hybrid oriented, and ghosts can use skills like blade shield, use the LS on the claw to save points for fade / a master, etc.|||Quote:

The Chaos Suwayyah is over the gloves to alter how the assassin holds her claws.

After swapping, you can see the Suwayyah in the right hand, but after bugging, the runic is in the left and acts as the primary claw (so we can get the Fools mod on it to work).

But, this isn't normally where the primary claw is, so it bugs the calculation.

Mods to look for in the claws are + venom, MB, LS (not so much a ghost thing, but when looking at claws, these are tradeable).

A guide on what to look for in a Fools claw. It mentions staffmods on claws and which are ideal. Keep in mind, that's more hybrid oriented, and ghosts can use skills like blade shield, use the LS on the claw to save points for fade / a master, etc.

Thankyou so much! You couldn't have explained it any clearer, thankyou. One last thing- Fools? Do I not want a 3 Socketed Superior Suwayyah with the 3 runes that make up chaos, and the same for sup. Runic talons for fury?|||Fury is great for casters, but Fools is a mod on weapons that gives you way more AR. Claws like that are usually kept in reserve so you can hit the high defense opponents like a paladin.|||Thanks.

Ok, so I got it down. I'm looking for a Suwayyah, 3 sockets, Mods to venom, ls, or whatever- and then a runic, 3 sockets, mods to venom, ls, or whatever for the fury. I also want a nice, hopefully socketted, fools mod + other mods for anti pally or bvb. Am I right? Could you link a nice one for me, so I know what I'm looking for? (fools claw)

Why not use scissors suwayyah for chaos? It can't be much more dex than you'd have with all the gear. Lose 50hp, able to equip scissors suwayyah (vita loss, dex increase).|||The guide shows some samples, but even a plain magic one with 40 IAS and fools works. Larzuk gives them 2 sockets, so 2x Um makes up for the loss in OW.

Scissors Suwayyah have the same damage as a regular Suwayyah, but higher requirements. If you meet them with no problem and no extra points, it'd be fine, but usually aim for a Suwayyah so you have more life.

phoenix striker - what to socket


I have a phoenix striker and Im not sure what should I socket in her claws.

Im also not sure how much IAS does she have/need and if I should change her gear.

The current setup:

bartuc claw

jade talon


chains of honor


+2 matrial/20ias/mana leeech gloves

bul khatos ring

raven frost ring

credendum belt

gore riders

apart from that skillers, torch, low anni, 1 cold dmg small charm, and some resits small charms (still dont have enough small charms)

The question is what should I socket into the bartuc and the jade talon.

the attack is phoenix strike obviously, finisher is dragon claw.

I cant figure out how does the German speed calculator work, so Im not sure if I need any shales.

Another candidates are:

um - 25% open wounds

eth - -25% defense (read that some people use it)

ber - 20% crushing blow

ohm - 50%ed, or some 40% jewel, or maybe some jewel with 15ias and ed? (do I even need ias?)

does the 20% deadly strike from LO work with claws? Is it even worth it?

Currently I was thinking about UM + BER maybe, or UM + Shael (not sure how much ias do I need, I can use burst of speed for 51 more ias, although most of the time I use fade)|||How to use the German Calc.

As someone who barely plays 'Sins, you probably should take my advice with a grain of salt, but here goes:

How much IAS you'll need depends on whether you're using BoS or Fade.

If you don't need the IAS, then:

1. 25% OW is stupid in PvM. Don't bother with OW in PvM.

2. Eth is a not bad choice. If you have 7k+ AR, you probably don't need it that much.

3. Ber is not a bad choice, but make sure it's worth it to you.

4. Ohm/Lo --> are you relying on physical damage as a PS Striker? If you're mostly doing elemental damage, completely useless. And yes, Lo runes will work with the physical damage you deal.

I would do IAS if it helps you reach faster speeds, if not then a resistance jewel if you need it, otherwise CB/AR.|||wow thank you for the screenshot, now I understand this

apparently with 1 shael I can get 1 more fps, I dont need any shaels if I will use burst of speed.. so perhaps shael+ um, or um+ber if I get that spare ber somewhere|||It really all depends on what your struggling at most.

Slow with bosses, Ber. Infinity takes care of that problem though.

Crap AR, well it's mostly your fault if that's the case.

Not fast enough to..... well just use burst of speed for that. Bartucs are already pretty fast despite no IAS when you have BoS. Besides you really can't get a whole lot faster since Phoenix Strike's FPA is capped pretty low.

Greater Talons/Runic Talons have a -30 base speed, and you'll reach the max FPA limit with a level 7+ BoS, so Shael is useless. Since a Phoenix Striker is a +skill build, getting BoS over that is a synch/w.e.

I hunted for a pair of ethereal ones to stick a Zod in myself. Combine it with Fort and your packing a nice punch while your gathering power.

And like what ....BBQ... said, OWs is useless for PVM(other than bleeding ubers).

Critique my K/T please

I just recently started playing again, and I wanted some opinions on my gear to see if any upgrades were available or just general opinions on anything.

Helm: Guillame's Face

Amulet: 20 res Mara's

Weapon: Stormlash with a Shael Rune

Armor: Chains of Honor Great Hauberk

Shield: Stormshield

Gloves: Dracul's Grasp

Belt: Verdungo's but I realized I'm over DR cap with this, so I plan to use Tgod's

Boots: Upgraded Gore Riders

Ring: Raven Frost

Ring: Manald Heal

0 Venom

1 Shadow Master

Rest is cookie cutter with excess points dumped into LS synergy

I believe my resists with BOS are around 40 for fire and poison, and I am capped at 75 for lightning and cold in hell.

I am leaving most of my gear unsocketed atm until I finish my setup and decide on what would be the best sockets

I had a really tough time deciding on which armor to use, because I won't be able to hit 7/3 with COH and stormlash, but I really like the +2 skills and massive resistances. I could see Duress being a viable alternative and it would allow me to hit the 7/3 frame

I would like to remove the Shael Rune and socket the Stormlash with something else(maybe a ber eventaully to get more CB), but I'm unsure of how to figure out if I'm at 9/3 or 8/3 because the ias tables only calculate for 7/3?

What charms would you recommend? I've heard lightning damage small charms are great, as well as trap skill grand charms.

Also what armor and helm would you recommend for a Mercenary? Infinity is the obvious best choice for a weapon but we'll work on that:P

I basically want the ability to PvM any part of the game as best as possible

Again I welcome any critique or opinions from people that are more experienced with this variant class to help me build the best char possible

Thanks|||The gear's pretty solid.

For sockets in helm or shield, probably res/ias. It'll help vs conviction packs, lower res and almost gets you to 7/3 on kicks.

To actually hit 7/3, you'll need a Shael in the stormlash, 2x IAS jewels and either highlords amulet or a different armor so you can socket another IAS jewel.

IMO, it's too much hassle to get the last frame. You're good with 8/3.

To find the speed, you would need to convert your IAS to what the game uses--EIAS.

EIAS --> IAS conversion formula:
EIAS = (120*IAS)/(120+IAS)

Once we have that figure, we add in how WSM interacts with it. We'd take the value from the Arreat Summit (-10 for a scourge), multiply it by -1 and add it to the EIAS.

The IAS from BoS isn't regular item IAS, but is direct EIAS, and is added to it.

An example:

Stormlash no Shael


24 (add in the 10 from the WSM) + 10 = 34 EIAS.

The second post of the IAS Tables has the list of EIAS.


Dragon Talon Initial Kick EIAS Table:

-30 18
-27 17
-23 16
-18 15
-13 14
-7 13
0 12
9 11
19 10
31 9
45 8
63 7

Dragon Talon Follow-Up Kick EIAS Table:

-30 6
-19 5
0 4
34 3

Plain, it hits 9/3.

With a Shael, the IAS is 50, so use the above and we get 45 EIAS, which is 8/3.

To get 7/3, a -10 WSM weapon needs 95 IAS. Stormlash covers 30% by itself, and Shael is another 20, but you need 45 IAS. It's just not worth the 1 extra frame.

Armor and Helm...I'd say fort + vampire gaze. Plenty of damage, dr, leech and defense.

And this build is capable of doing all areas. With a little more res focus, it can do UT as well.|||Thanks, your ias explanation really helped a lot.

I guess I can unsocket the shael and stick a ias/res jewel in my helm since 5% of the shael's ias is wasted. Guess Um in the Stormshield for more resists? What would be a good socket for the Stormlash at that point. Ber would be great, but that's a little impractical atm.

Would an ethereal shaftstop be better than the fortitude for the DR on the merc? or do the pros of fortitude just outweigh the DR?|||You don't need more CB. Jah or Eth would work well.

You can use shaftstop. The merc's armor usually doesn't matter much. I just used those two items since they're common.|||Levi's has always worked for me for merc armour. Even better if its eth. (15-25%dr and 40-50 str) While the helm depends on what you want it to do. If you depend on him for physical damage, then a Guliarmes would probably be the best while an Andys or Vamp gaze would increase his survivability. On that note, a good idea to free up your weapon socket, get your hands on an Andys, which gives you 20% ias (as well as 2 all skills and a bunch of strength).|||i don't believe levi can spawn ethereal cause it has the indestructible mod

and yeah, i thought about andy's helm, but the -fr bothered me, and guillame's is just too sexy|||Thats why almost every andys you see has a ral in it, though you can add an um or something else and make up with a few 10% fire res/20 life sc's. Guliarmes is indeed damn sexy, but lacks the IAS and skills, as well as the max poison res that I love about andys.|||Andy's also misses CB, which you need a Ber to make up for it. You don't need the speed, and it's mostly CB vs + skill.|||a socket quest on g-face is not a waste... nice kicker, i like mine to have venom though.|||Yeah, I will prolly end up picking 1 point in Venom next level and let +skills boost it.

I don't really think maxing it is optimal though since repeated kicks dont stack the damage

Kick/Shuri/Blade Build?

I notice some other builds and wondering has anyone ever tried combining these build?

Dragon kick/enough for 6 kicks

Blade Shield/10 is enough

Shuriken/I only put 10

Dragon Flight/Just enough to pack a quick kick

Burst of Speed/10

Majority of this build is gear related.

Storm Shield

Last Wish

Raven Frost


Guiliam Helm

Dracul's gloves

I forgot what amulet, will edit.

With all these items, I had 95 percent crushing blow.

So the initial dragon flight followed by dragon kick helps finishing off monsters pretty quick.

I read that the blade shield adds to the crushing blow. So thats kicks and blades at the same time.

For range attack, I use the blades fury, even tho it doesn't damage as much, I rely heavily on the crushing blows to knock em down.

What really helps is the life tap on strike from my weapon and gloves.

Each attack I do gives a chance to perform life tap.

I'm still researching more. But because I notice that most of the bonus from a SIN is received from weapons, including the heavy damage, I figure why not try both kicks and use the blade shield at same time.

I'm only a month into the game. Very new but I'm having fun using my assassin. Is there anything you guys think I should do to change this build?|||Quote:

I notice some other builds and wondering has anyone ever tried combining these build?

Yes they have, or at least I have to some extent. More below.

Couple of things... Firstly, unless you're going to be using Blade Fury (shuriken) as your main attack skill (which seems unlikely as you're hitting slvl 30 dtalon for six kicks), putting points in it is a waste. All you get from putting points in it is a little more base damage. Most of the damage for this will be from weapon damage, so focus on that instead (Last Wish is an ideal weapon actually). Max it or don't, depending on if you're going to use it all the time or not. Blade shield is similar in that its a waste to put more than one point in it, +skills will put it up to a high enough level to last for a while. All wasting more points will do is increase its casting cost and make it 5s longer/level, which isn't that much in the long run. These skills are called One Point Wonders for a reason.

Dflight is another one of these skills. More points doesn't make it go any faster, it has a 1s total cast time (or somewhere near there) and a huge after delay. As for the BOS, have you checked your ias tables/calculator and made sure you have the right level with all the rest of your gear? Or as an alternative, have you considered using Fade to cover the seeming hole in your resistances? The absorb (sorb) from your rings is nice, but better with maxed res's. *edit* actually, last wish has a ctc fade on being struck, so put 1pt in bos, 1pt in fade, and move onto venom.

Next; Boots. What are they? Dancers, Rare myrmidon greaves or upped gores? Boots are a kickers lifeline. They *MUST* be myrmidon greaves for physical damage as kickers really don't deal any. If they're dancers, then that's fine, if rares, then it depends on their stats, if they're gores, ditch the Guliarmes unless you NEED the extra 15% Deadly Strike. On that note, CB sucks with BF (shuriken) as its nerfed for ranged attacks, and you really don't need more than 50~60% with dtalon as you'll pump out huge #'s of hits/second, which chews through regular monsters with ease, though not so much in larger games.

Blade Shield; One point wonder for sure. Hit checks 1/s for 1/4 weapon damage + elemental, and OW. Does not proc/activate CB anymore. It got removed for several reasons, most obviously being that with venom activated and a high % CB, you could literally jump into the center of a huge pile of enemies and watch them fall to death around you.

Dragon Flight; Really only used to "cross" a group of enemies to target a caster or to jump into the middle of a pack. Its long cast time and aftercast delay make it one of those skills PvM assassins typically can't do without, but of no real use. One point wonder.

Last Wish + Dracs; one or the other. You really dont need ctc lifetap from two places, and you can do a lot more useful things with that glove slot, namely Trang Oul's Claws or nice IAS/CB gloves, or my favourite; 2ma (save more skill points)/20ias/dex/mana steal gloves. If you're in a position where you NEED life tap to pop with that high of a chance, you should probably be mind blasting, using cloak of shadows, and trying to dflight to a lone monster on the outside of the pack (or just plain old running away).


I'm still researching more. But because I notice that most of the bonus from a SIN is received from weapons, including the heavy damage, I figure why not try both kicks and use the blade shield at same time.

Not quite sure what you mean by this, but from my understanding, Last Wish/most assassin weapons will add plenty of damage to BS and to some extent kicks. What drives most people away from blade shield is its 5 point cost if you're not using any other traps (and 4pt cost if you're using lightning traps).



Storm Shield - Since you're probably running the fade that procs from Last Wish, you don't really need this for PvM, so I would recommend a Spirit Monarch for the +skills, fcr and fhr.

Last Wish - I have no idea how you got your hands on this after only playing for a month, so I'm going to assume (incorrectly or correctly) that you bought it. Easily the best and most versatile piece of gear you will probably get your hands on for melee classes. Hopefully its in a PB (phase blade).

Raven Frost - I love these.

Dwarfstar - Your ring choices are great for fighting anything with elemental attacks, though I'd recommend finding a source of Lightning Absorb to round out your gear, to the point of swapping this for a wisp. Black Soul's, which you'll meet in worldstone, are most character's absolute worst enemy, destroying people with max light res (75) like it was nothing. 15-20% light sorb makes them your best friends. usually.

Guliarmes Helm - Drop this and get your hands on an Andariel's Visage (andys + highlords + ias gloves means that you have enough ias to hit the maximum kick speed with your last with PB), Shako, or a nice sin circ unless you need/want the extra 15% DS (works wonders for blade fury) as that final bit of extra CB really doesn't matter in PvM unless you're looking to move to Uber Tristram.

Dracul's gloves - You really don't need two sources of ctc Life Tap. Swap for IAS gloves (extra points for fire res and mana steal, combine with andys and highlords, however you only need 20%ias to hit the 8/3/3 break rather than 50% to get to the 7/3/3 break point, so pick where you get that 20% from if you dont want to move up to maximum attack speed.) or Trangs gloves for FCR as well as a huge boost to poison damage.

Highlords - I recomend this if you want to use Blade fury for its large added %DS, which doubles the damage dealt. The bonus IAS and +skills are a lot more useful for Dtalon or other traps.

Shadow Dancers - by far the best boots available for assassins.

Armour - I'll leave this to you. Some of my favourites include Fort, Upped GA, Leviathans, Bramble and Enigma.

Belt - Your choice here varies as well. Some prefer the DR/Life from Verdungo's, while Nostafaru's is another choice for some more IAS (10%), while Arachs is by far the most common. Thundergod's is a good place to get that last bit of absorb I mentioned earlier, as well as some max Light res and str/vit. There are also a lot of good rare belts out there. Take a look.

-your original gear is underlined, my addons or suggestions in bold.


I'm only a month into the game. Very new but I'm having fun using my assassin. Is there anything you guys think I should do to change this build?

Other than the above, which will mostly change how the character toughs out various situations, the main place where you need work is with your skills. Think of them as a form or model on which to base your character. If you skills suck, your character suffers.




Dragon kick/enough for 6 kicks

Blade Shield/10 is enough

Shuriken/I only put 10

Dragon Flight/Just enough to pack a quick kick

Burst of Speed/10

Dtalon at slvl 30 gives six kicks, so you need at least +10 MA/all skills in your gear/skiller GC's. Shouldn't be too hard with a torch and some of the above gear. If you get more than +10 you can put less points in Dtalon (get just 30 pts with all your gear on).

Blade Shield/1 is enough. +skills should boost its duration long enough that it will last for a minute or two. Just recast it whenever you notice its gone.

Shuriken/1 is enough unless you want to go for a full BF build.

Dragon Flight/1 should be all you need for "a quick kick"

BOS/1 - fade will proc from Last Wish rather often, and in my opinion is a better "aura" with 1%pdr/level, res, and reduced curse duration (hilarious).

Skills you seem to have forgotten;

Venom/at least one. At slvl 30 or so, with trangs claws on, you can easily top 1.2k poison damage/0.4s. Thats a ton of damage on Dtalon, BF and BS. This is also the typical MA sin's answer to Phys Immunes.

Shadow Master/1 -Another one point wonder. She'll follow you around, using mind blast, a variety of charge skills, or just taking packs of monsters.

Mind Blast/2 -Actually a 2pt wonder, this skill is probably your best friend against large groups of monsters that will threaten to drive you under, by oddly enough, making you new friends! At least for a while. The extra point is very useful in that it makes the Shadow Master use it a lot more.

Death Sentry/1 -I call this one "Necro in a box". Placed away from the monsters/bodies, this encourages them to explode corpses more often for some reason, will detonate corpses in a similar manner to a Necromancer's Corpse Explosion with devastating results. Very useful for clearing rooms and is well worth any points you put in it.

To summarize; a kicker/bf/bs hybrid will be most effective using high base level kicks, and one point in bf/bs and increasing their skill level with various gear.|||Sounds good. Thanks for the advice. I'll respec my sin once I have a token.

I got last wish from a friend of mine. He's been playing the game for awhile and had a few geared out character. he was the one that introduce me to the game.

Once I get all the gear I need, I'll totally try this out. Thanks for the quick responce and list of items I need to help with my character!|||I did the following recommendations;

Helm: I didn't have an Andy's Visage, I have to wait for my buddy to get off work to hook me up with one. So I put on a Kira's that he gave me. That really help with my resist.

Boots: I switch it out to the shadow Dancers. (WOW my kicks are beastly)

Gloves: I had two extra trang O's. So I put that on.

Rings: I'm still using the other two cuz I don't have a wisp and I doubt my buddy have it. However, going up against the Black Souls if many I use that mind blast and singles I'm dflight and dkicking them to death with life tap. So I get buy on occasions.

Armor: I'm using the Arkaine Valor Balrog Skin. (A lot of my friends are recommending Fortitude. So I'm just searching for the runes for now)

Shield: I'm still using the stormshield until my other buddy comes online. He might let me borrow his Spirit Shield until I find me a 40s Monarch. I have the runes for it.

Belt: Tgods (I forgot to put it earlier)

Amulet: I forgot to put that I had a highlord amulet equiped.


Mind blast=2




Shadow Master= I got trigger happy but I didnt' max it out. Just made sure it had a good amount to be a meat shield.

I should have had the skills up because I got mix up with Venom and Death Sentry, so I max out DS instead of Venom.

But so far, I'm really happy with the results. My resist has improve with the kira's. My kicks are a lot stronger with the shadow dancers. Mind blast really help me out in tough situations and I'm still life tapping as usual regardless of having dracs. Appreciate the advice Arikados!

I'm pretty much just looking for skill charms now for my SIN.|||If you have tgods, that covers your light sorb, so you dont need a wisp, which means that you're pretty much immune to any elemental damage but poison (with maxed res's). For a spirit shield, you can take any old regular monarch and socket it with the reward from Lazaruk's quest for four sockets.

Glad I could help.|||Quote:

Dtalon at slvl 30 gives six kicks, so you need at least +10 MA/all skills in your gear/skiller GC's. Shouldn't be too hard with a torch and some of the above gear. If you get more than +10 you can put less points in Dtalon (get just 30 pts with all your gear on).

You don't need a level 30 DTalon since you don't want 6 kicks. The only time you'll use them are vs act bosses. Vs other monsters, you'll be kicking the air way too much.

3-4 kicks is fine.


I'm still researching more. But because I notice that most of the bonus from a SIN is received from weapons, including the heavy damage, I figure why not try both kicks and use the blade shield at same time.

Actually, most of her damage is from her boots, not weapon. The weapon adds some mods that are useful (IAS, CB, etc), but its damage is irrelevant to kick damage.

As a one point skill, anything will work for blade fury, especially since CB will do the damage for you.

Only when you focus on blade fury will the weapon begin to matter, and that uses a claw rather than LW.

Blade Shield doesn't get strong enough to focus on it, but you can make BF work.


Blade Shield; One point wonder for sure. Hit checks 1/s for 1/4 weapon damage + elemental, and OW.

Blade Shield does not trigger OW.


Storm Shield - Since you're probably running the fade that procs from Last Wish, you don't really need this for PvM, so I would recommend a Spirit Monarch for the +skills, fcr and fhr.

If he's only using LW's fade, he has only 11 DR%. You don't need + skills, FCR or FHR, but you do need DR% and higher block.

SS is fine.


Last Wish - I have no idea how you got your hands on this after only playing for a month, so I'm going to assume (incorrectly or correctly) that you bought it. Easily the best and most versatile piece of gear you will probably get your hands on for melee classes. Hopefully its in a PB (phase blade).

It's definitely not the best, but he got it for free with not much else, so it'd be okay.


Guliarmes Helm - Drop this and get your hands on an Andariel's Visage (andys + highlords + ias gloves means that you have enough ias to hit the maximum kick speed with your last with PB), Shako, or a nice sin circ unless you need/want the extra 15% DS (works wonders for blade fury) as that final bit of extra CB really doesn't matter in PvM unless you're looking to move to Uber Tristram.

You don't need all that gear.

Only 20% IAS (from the Highlords I also recommend) gets you to 8/3, which is fine for kicks.

If he's doing ranged CB, he'll be needing the Guillaume's.

Similarly, you can keep the Drac's. Trang won't add enough since you have very little venom. With rare gloves, you don't need the IAS or skill.


Venom/at least one. At slvl 30 or so, with trangs claws on, you can easily top 1.2k poison damage/0.4s. Thats a ton of damage on Dtalon, BF and BS. This is also the typical MA sin's answer to Phys Immunes.

But, not enough in pvm. Most of the PI's that you have to worry about are also Poison Immune.


Death Sentry/1 -I call this one "Necro in a box". Placed away from the monsters/bodies, this encourages them to explode corpses more often for some reason, will detonate corpses in a similar manner to a Necromancer's Corpse Explosion with devastating results. Very useful for clearing rooms and is well worth any points you put in it.

I would recommend maxing it for the added range. This is the PI killer more so than venom.|||Quote:

3-4 kicks is fine.

I keep forgetting this for some reason... Probably because most of my kickers end up going to UT to spend most of their time.


As a one point skill, anything will work for blade fury, especially since CB will do the damage for you.

I wouldn't have thought that CB would have been particularly effective because of the ranged CB penalties. I'll have to try it on my kicker.


Only when you focus on blade fury will the weapon begin to matter, and that uses a claw rather than LW.

Which claws would you use? The UT/BF guide stickied suggests using LW for BF because of ITD, Might, and huge amounts of CB (as well as other things).


Blade Shield does not trigger OW.

I thought it triggered OW but not DS... I'll have to find that guide in the compodium about what BS triggers again.


If he's only using LW's fade, he has only 11 DR%. You don't need + skills, FCR or FHR, but you do need DR% and higher block.

SS is fine.

Yeah, in hindsight I have to agree... Stormshield would definitely work better with low level fade.


It's definitely not the best, but he got it for free with not much else, so it'd be okay.

Sorry, it should probably read "one of the best and most versatile swords" to be a little more accurate. If I had one of these I have a half dozen characters I could use it on in a heartbeat, so its one of those items which I can always find use for.


Only 20% IAS (from the Highlords I also recommend) gets you to 8/3, which is fine for kicks.

If he's doing ranged CB, he'll be needing the Guillaume's.

My line of thought was that if he was using BOS to hit maximum attack speed, that he'd want the option to go for maximum attack speed while he was using fade. I still think using the Guliarmes to jump from 60-75%CB to 95% is a waste of the helm slot though, as that last 30% CB would really only take the number of shuriken to take eight 1/8 chunks off of their life from ~10 or 12 to ~9, which in my mind really doesn't make much of a difference.


Similarly, you can keep the Drac's. Trang won't add enough since you have very little venom. With rare gloves, you don't need the IAS or skill.

But the reason we use dracs is already covered by Last Wish, and OW is less important in PvM than in PvP, unless you're trying to keep a boss from regenerating health. Agreed on trangs in this case, slvl 10 venom only gains 50 poison damage from trangs. Imo, if you're going to use rare gloves, at least get the +2MA to save you some skill points from Dtalon to use elsewhere, and most of those gloves that are for sale will likely have IAS. So while its not *needed*, It frees up some options with skill points, and allows you to swap out the Highlords for something else and not lose the base IAS to hit 8/3. Non-MA/IAS rare/crafted gloves should probably have stats, res, mana steal, and if you're lucky you might be able to get your hands on a set of CB gloves.


Most of the PI's that you have to worry about are also Poison Immune.

Thats certainly true as most PI's tend to be undead and therefore poison resistant if not poison immune as well, but I cant recall ever running into packs of phys/poison immune monsters on a regular basis while MFing, running or doing UT. My usual answer to poison immunes though is a wand with Lower Res charges on swap, which usually drops their resistances enough that you can deal some damage, or even better, and my personal favourite; a wand with decrep charges or a Reapers Toll to remove the physical part of their resistance.


I would recommend maxing it for the added range. This is the PI killer more so than venom.

I find DS too hard to control to kill individual PI's effectively, a high level LS does that better, but if they're mixed together with something non-physical immune, I do find that DS clears a room rather effectively once you get the first body down.|||So far, Things are looking good. I'm not dying as much. Going up against any single boss like diablo or baal, I'm able to withstand them with the help of my shadow master and merc.

Going up against large groups, I lay out death sentry and shooting mind blast, then unloading shurikens while my merc and shadow master take them out. As the group dies down to like 3 to 4, I'll Dflight and Dkick. If it gets too crowdy I'll dtail.

Btw, I equip my merc with the Guilium, insight and duriels armor. (I got the insight from a friend that stop playing D2).

I've been told to eventually put an Infinity, so I'm just waiting till I get the runes for it. But for now is that good enough for the Merc?|||You seem to be killing well enough, so it's good |||Why did they have to go and ruin the Blender assassin? That build was so much fun.