Monday, April 16, 2012

C/C Assassin Build and Questions.

Hey guys, just got back after being away from Diablo 2 for years. I've always enjoyed playing the Assassin and want to start a new one after being gone for so long.

I want to use a claw/claw build and was going to be based off the "budget PVM Assassin" build posted on this forum years ago. I'm going to follow it basically but had some questions about my build, and wasn't sure if it's still viable in Hell with version 1.13 or what changes need to be made to it.

Overall, I want to be able to solo Hell mode.


Str: 115


Vit: Rest

Enr: 0


Phoenix Strike: Max

Claw Mastery: Max

Burst of Speed: 1

Weapon Block: 10

Fade: 7

Venom: Max

Blade Furry: 1

Shadow Master: Rest


2x Bartucs Claws with Ber Runes


Whatever I can find/buy/trade


Normal Act 2 Defense

My questions are...

1. Is there any reason to continue to put points into Str and Dex? Once I get to my weapon/armor requirements, should I just put all points into Vit? I saw someone say to continue to go 3 Dex 2 Vit, to increase AR, or to stop at 100 vit, is that best?

2. Is Death Sentry worth putting a point into it? (I am ADD)

3. Whats the best armor, gloves, boots and helm, amy/rings for an c/c PVM Assassin?

4. How should I socket them? How should I socket my weapons?

5. Should I try to stack crushing blow?

6. I see Whirlwind Assassin Builds!!! Is that the same as this Barb's ww? How can I make my Assassin do that!? Are they good?

7. Whats the best Merc for a Melee Assassin?

8. How should I equip my merc? Armor, weapons, runes?

Misc. Questions:

What are these organs for I see on some sites?|||Unless you hit with both claws (DClaw Finisher to follow PS), the Ber will only count in the primary.

In that primary claw, you'll want a Shael due to the lack of IAS on Bartuc's. At -30 WSM (dual Bartuc's), you need 60 IAS. A Shael gets you at least 20 of this.

The other 40 can be found on the Treachery runeword, that gives you 45 IAS, +2 sin and free venom (points better spent on a synergy of some kind for PS).

Onto the questions:

1) No point after gear reqs. +Vit is your best bet.

2) Yes. With proper placement, they can act purely as a source of corpse explosion. With a few corpses, it quickly clears a room.

It can be good at only 1 point, or maxed if you have the points left over. Work on that last.

3) It's very hard to say a best since there are a ton of different PvM sins, even C/C.

Overall, Treachery armor is great. It adds speed that c/c needs (especially on elemental skills and DClaw), free skill points via the chance to cast skills, and even res due to the thul rune ;P

Gloves are probably still Drac's, though most likely +MA gloves if they go for the charges like PS.

For boots, probably something with nice res. Normally, pvm sins would use Gores, but usually on a kicker. Elemental ones don't normally have that focus, but it never hurts to have it. They wouldn't need upped gores though (less STR req ).

Helm, much like gores, is usually Guillaume's for CB. Anything + skill related can work for PS. It can be as cheap as a Lore runeword helm, +2 sin or a +3 MA helm. Res and possible stats are great, but skills are a big focus for elemental MA.

Amy / rings can change. Raven is a great source of Cannot Be Frozen, and with dex, mana and AR, it's essentially a staple ring. If AR is a huge issue, you can't go wrong with angelics. Otherwise, a leech ring and maras / metalgrid work very well.

You didn't mention belt, but here can be TGods for + res and sorb, or even dungoes if you need DR.

4) Weapons should get IAS. They're one of the easiest ways to get it. Other than that (like in the secondary where IAS doesn't get added), a jewel with nice stats like res, life, ar, etc works.

That same jewel suggestion works in helms. Anything that helps what you're missing (can't go too wrong with + life and res), will be fine.

5) Not on a PS build. DTalon is more equipped for Cb stack since it's a much faster attack, but PS has enough to go for it. You handle pretty much all elements, so CB would only shine on a boss. With the way they can unleash meteor, even they shouldn't be too bad.

6) That's due to the Chaos runeword. It adds + 1 WW skill. They are very good, but not in PvM. Repairs are too much of a worry for PvM, and they aren't as effective as kickers and PStrikers.

They are an effective PvP build.

7) I'd say A2 Holy Freeze merc with Infinity. The conviction aura helps with AR, and boosts elemental damage due to the cut enemy res.

Even kickers like them due to the defense cut and + elemental for DS.

8) Infinity in a strong poleaxe, some leech helm (Vampire Gaze has DR and leech), and usually a strong armor like Fort.

9) The organs are a set of special quest drops from the Uber "mini bosses". After getting keys from the Countess, Summoner and Nihlathak, you can transmute a set of each to make 1 portal in A5 Hell. It takes you to a random place (3 sets of each opens all 3 places), and that place has a beefed up mini boss. These include Uber Izual, Uber Duriel, and Lilith (Uber Andariel). They drop an organ, which can be cubed in A5 Hell to take you to Tristram to fight the Uber 3 (Diablo, Mehpisto and Baal).

Killing them gets you a Torch (+3 random class skills (3 sin, 3 barb, etc) skills, 10-20 + all stats, and 10-20 +all res).

Uber Tristram is very hard, and usually the kicker is the type of PvM sin equipped to handle it.|||Thank you Sass for the quick and informative reply. Having this help is really motivating me to play even more.

Another question.

Should I be Pstriking every time or doing normal attacks also? The "budget" guide said to use a normal attack to release my charges instead of dragon claw, because dragon claw is slower and misses more. Should I be using dragon claw for a finisher?|||PS will charge to which ever element you want from it. Normal attack will unleash that charge. If that's how you finish the charge, definitely.

DClaw would be good if you have the speed for it. Usually, strong claws and Claw Mastery are why you'd pick this. Often, it uses BoS, but Treachery will over ride that BoS.

Norm attack won't have that issue, so it's fine as a finisher.|||But should I always be charging Pstrike to kill mobs? Are there instances when I would just do normal attacks?|||Probably not. It's going to be a lot weaker than PS is, and you won't have immunity issues.

On some weak monsters, I'm sure it's no problem, but you likely won't clear a mob with norm attack alone. Well, quickly anyway.|||So if I am pstriking most of the time, is my off hand weapon ever being used? I only see an animation of my main hand striking. Would seem pointless to be a dual claw class if I'm not striking with my off hand.

Also, should I be putting my MA skills Cobra Strike/pstrike on Mouse 1 and my Dragon Talon on Mouse 2? Or just put them all on Mouse 2, and keep Mouse 1 as Normal Attack?|||PS maxed alone will only be good as support damage. You'll still have a little trouble with immunities.|||So what would be better than maxing PS? Where else should I put my points?

Also with my merc, if I have a Normal A2 Holy Freeze Merc, with Infinity and Bramble, will he get both Auras from Infinity and Bramble?

I have gloves with +chance on strike to enchant. Does enchant override venom? or can my weapons have both?|||A2 Nightmare Defensive is the Holy Freeze merc. A list can be found here.

I can't fully recall how Thorns works, but I think it extends to the both of you.

Other places to put points (you should have many if you use Treachery armor), putting them into 2 synergies of PS (your choice of elements) are a great place.

There are a lot of one point wonders, but not much that needs to be maxed out side of the main skill and skills synergizing / supporting it.

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