Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bow sin?

does anyone have some imput on how to make a decnt Bow Sin? im gonna use my widowmaker and get trang gloves and bramble for max poison dmg but wat else should i use?

~W0LFS RE1GN~|||Quote:

but wat else should i use?


Assuming this is for pvp, a nice brush to keep your tombstone clean.

You need enigma as you can't be hit as you're not faded but BoS'ed. And when handling bow, no block from c/c or w/s. For further tips look on assassin page 3.|||You've got 20 in Venom. You can't teleport but you are going to have BoS to help w/ Assassin bp for Ward Bow and running. Since you don't have teleport, the faster you move, the better. Maybe max BoS.

Can't use Martial Arts.

You don't need to spend a whole lot of skills on trap synergies because you should be doing lots of damage through Venom/OW. Your traps are dangerous because they give you a lot of sources to take the last point of life away after you poison them.

I would socket the bow w/ Um and get the ias necessary for the last bp through Highlords. Another good thing about Highlords is 35% LR which fits nicely w/ 30% FR and 100% PR from Bramble and 40% CR from Trang's. However, you've still got a lot of resists to make up.

You do have some fcr from Trang and I'd use arach, a 20fcr Assassin Circlet and get 10 more from an amulet or ring. This puts you over the 65 fcr bp. I would max Mindblast for longer stun and use it to keep distance and lock them in traps.

Go Lightning Traps. You want distance and Lightning has better range. 1 point in WoF because it's such good stun.

I'd use CTA flail and Lidless on switch and might consider switching when placing traps and when using Mindblast because of the 2 extra skills and 20 extra fcr. This might open up the belt or helm slot for some DR.

20 Venom

20 Burst of Speed

20 Mindblast

20 Lightning Sentry

Rest in Death Sentry

1 WoF

1 Shadow Warrior because you do have Thorns so give them an extra target to Thorns themselves on.

I've wanted to make one. I'd like to make it work. This is where I think I would start.|||

Listen to wiz|||Thx for the help with the sin if u make one lemme know im workin on a way to get bak on bnet I just got the droid x so im gonna try to run a line from it to my computer lemme know ur account name and ill add u if it works if we can get decent ones goin that would be some fun pk|||Quote:

listen to wiz


78910.|||Thx for the link sass it was pretty helpful|||Im not sure if this type of sin would work out at all. I prefer trapper with x2 claws and mb.|||lol i dnt wanna make a trapper there to easy jump spam mb with traps :/ gets boring i wanna have a fun unique build

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